Vel, kobolt er par størrelsesordener mer vanlig enn platina:
The main ores of cobalt are cobaltite, erythrite, glaucodot and skutterudite (see above), but most cobalt is obtained by reducing the cobalt by-products of nickel and copper mining and smelting.[43][44]
In 2005, the copper deposits in the Katanga Province (former Shaba province) of the Democratic Republic of the Congo were the top producer of cobalt with almost 40% world share, reports the British Geological Survey.[45] By 2015, DRC supplied 60% of the world production of 32,000 tons at prices of $20,000 to $26,000 per ton, including artisanal mining which supplied 10 to 25%.[46] The political situation in the Congo influences the price of cobalt significantly.[47]
Mao, pr dags dato finnes det få kobolt-gruver, det er rett og slett et biprodukt fra kobber- og nikkelgruver.
Prisen kan kanskje gå opp på kort sikt pga spekulasjon, men at det er for lite kobolt er bare tull.
edit: kilde: