Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Next Games Oyj (NXTGMS)

Ja, absolutt. Ser forøvrig at han satt på 3M aksjer fra før, såe… ja. Mer som kurspleie?


Det viser litt hvor tøft dette spill-mobilmarkedet faktisk er. God nok IP + AR + ok antall downloads er ikke nødvendigvis lik suksess. Over 1 mill downloads bare på google play.

Og ikke minst kostnadene du må påta deg for å penetrere markedet. Latterlige summer som går ut i markedsføring.

over 7MEUR i marketing første måned. Er jo helt hinsides.
Edit: litt fratrekk grunnet ios android cut.
Edit: eller er sikkert over 8MEUR. CFO sa at det ligger marketing både i gross margin og op ex alt etter type markedsføring.


Begynner å bli litt det samme på steam da de tok bort steam greenlight, 100 lav kvalitets spill slippes ut hver dag. Vanskeligere for nye aktører og da begynner det å bli viktigere å ha publishers ?

CEO gjør iværtfall et tappert forsøk på å vise at ting ikke er så dårlig stelt.



6 November, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. EET

Person subject to the notification requirement
Name: Huuhtanen, Teemu
Position: Chief Executive Officer
Issuer: Next Games Oyj
LEI: 743700K7T2LD38EPLZ76
Reference number: 743700K7T2LD38EPLZ76_20181106155712_2

Transaction date: 2018-11-05
Instrument type: SHARE
ISIN: FI4000233267
Nature of the transaction: ACQUISITION

Transaction details
(1): Volume: 2,000 Unit price: 2.1153 EUR
Aggregated transactions
(1): Volume: 2,000 Volume weighted average price: 2.1153 EUR

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25% opp på denne “glad” nyheten.


  Next Games Corporation Company Release January 10, 2019 at 09:30 a.m. (EET)

The Board of Directors of Next Games has authorized the companys
management to initiate a program to review the cost structure of the
companys operations and streamline its operational model, including
initiating consultation proceedings concerning the companys staff. The aim
of the program is to achieve cost savings and increase operational
efficiency and predictability of the companys production processes in an
effort to improve future profitability.

The program is expected to generate significant cost savings during the
full year 2019 compared to 2018. Through the implementation of the program,
the company estimates annual cost savings in the range of 4-8 million euros
during the full year 2019.

In connection with the program and in accordance with the Finnish law, Next
Games plans to initiate consultation proceedings covering the companys
operations and personnel in its entirety. The company estimates that the
proceedings may result in the reduction of personnel or in significant
changes in job descriptions and organizational setup. The proceedings will
commence latest on 17 January 2019 and are estimated to continue for at
least six weeks, unless concluded earlier. As of 31 December 2018, Next
Games has 143 employees.

As reported in the companys Q3 2018 business review, Next Games also
assesses alternatives to strengthen its financial position, to secure
future product development and to support the companys marketing
investments for future growth.

Next Games CEO Teemu Huuhtanen: With a mandate from the Board of
Directors, we have initiated a program to address both operational
efficiency and costs, simultaneously as we are reviewing options to
strengthen the companys financial status through procuring additional
financing. The actions we are taking today form a part of our efforts to
transform into an agile and resilient team, while giving us the flexibility
to invest in the future. We are committed to continue operating our current
live games, The Walking Dead: Our World and No Mans Land as well as to
keep delivering our strategic goal of launching one game per year.

Next Games Chairman of the Board, Petri Niemi: After a challenging third
quarter, the Board of Directors, in collaboration with the companys
management team, has initiated a program to bring focus to the companys
operations in an effort to strengthen the companys financial status and
improve future profitability.


Er det foresten noe nytt om Blade runner spillet ? ble ikke det softlaunchet i sommer ?

Q2 lansering har jeg lest. Forferdelig lenge i soft launch synes jeg.

Er jo spennende å se hvordan denne restruktureringen påvirker pipen.

For å regne litt på det.


Pr Q3 leverte NML ebitda på bortmot 1m EUR, mens TWD :OW gikk med positiv ebitda fra midten av august.
Det var 1,5mnd, så kanskje opp mot 0,3MEUR EBIDTA pr Q.

Om de ligger på status quo nå fremover regner jeg med de kan bidra med 1MEUR EBITDA pr kvartal.

I Q2 hadde de utviklingskostnader på ca 2MEUR. På det tidspunktet var OW enda i softlaunch (lanserte 12 juli) så jeg regner med lønnkostnadene til det spillet fremdeles var i denne summen. Fra bildet over ser vi at kostnadene for å drive spillet nå er nesten 0,7MEUR. Så med litt forbehold kan vi vel kanskje regne med at produksjonskostnadene for øyeblikket er rundt 1,5MEUR pr kvartal.

Så med en kostnadskutt på mellom 1-2MEUR pr kvartal kan det hende de klarer å balansere bøkene sine frem til de kan få flere ben å stå på. Kanskje kan bladerunner spillet spe enda litt mer på inntektene når det kommer( selv om forventningene mine er relativt lave)

Next Games Corporation Company Release January 10, 2019 at 09:30 a.m. (EET)

Next Games publishes preliminary information concerning its financial
performance for fourth quarter 2018. The company will transition from
Finnish Accounting Standard (FAS) to International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) reporting, and will publish its full year 2018 financial
statements according to the IFRS accounting standards. Thus the company
releases unaudited preliminary information prepared in accordance with the
FAS standard with respect to certain key figures for the fourth quarter of

Teemu Huuhtanen, CEO, Next Games: After a challenging third quarter, we
took immediate corrective measures stabilizing our cash position from 8.8
million euros at the end of Q3 to 7.3 million euros at the end of Q4. We
have successfully implemented changes as demonstrated in our ability to
exhibit sales of 11.4 million euros while significantly improving our
EBITDA during Q4 2018. We will further continue to streamline our
operations and costs towards future profitability.

Next Games publishes its full-year financial statement on February 15,
2019. The figures in this release are preliminary and unaudited.

October - December 2018 key figures:

  • Gross Bookings was 11.4 million euros (6.5 million euros)
  • Revenue was 11.3 million euros (6.7 million euros), an increase of
    70% on the comparison period
  • Gross margin was 37% (41%) of revenue
  • EBITDA was -1.3 million euros (-3.5 million euros)
  • At the end of the review period December 31, 2018, the companys cash
    balance was 7.3 million euros (26.3 million euros). In addition, the
    company has an unused credit limit of 5 million euros.

Comparison in brackets refers to the same period in 2017, unless otherwise

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Denne fikk jeg faktisk ikke med meg. Veldig oppløftende tall faktisk. Den som hevet kursen idag.

Klarer de å redusere kostnadene med 4-8 mill euro kan det jo bli bra spesielt hvis de gjør det OK med blade runner.

Er litt skeptisk.
Pengene renner ut selv med kostnadskutt som tar litt tid å gjennomføre og få effekten av i regnskapet. Blade runner har jeg liten tro på. Flotte kunst-filmer, men som spill-IP tror jeg den er ganske svak. Mulig cyberpunk 2077 kan få opp interessen for sjangeren. Det er håpet.

Q4 cashburn på 1,5M EUR, og det har varslet kostnadskutt på 1-2M EUR pr kvartal.
Samt lansering av bladerunner i Q2, og NBC universal forhåpentligvis ila 2019. Det ser ikke så ille ut, og BETYDELIG mye bedre enn Q3 som var katastrofe.

STOCKHOLM (Direkt) Next Games, som utvecklar mobilspel och som är noterat på Helsingforsbörsen, rapporterar att DAU (dagliga aktiva användare) uppgick till 457.782 under helåret 2018 (432.241) medan MAU var 1,6 miljoner (1,3). Intäkter per DAU uppgick till 0:25 dollar (0:22).

Det framgår av bokslutskommunikén där det finansiella resultatet är känt i och med att Next Games gav preliminära siffror i samband med övergång till IFRS den 10 januari 2019.

Under fjärde kvartalet fokuserade Next Games på en vändning av bolaget efter ett utmanande tredje kvartal. Bolaget meddelade i januari att det inför åtgärder, inklusive personalneddragningar, som ska spara 4-8 miljoner euro 2019. De personalförhandlingar som inleddes då har nu avslutats och personalen minskas från 143 vid utgången av 2018 till 117 under första halvåret 2019.

Som del av omvandlingen av bolaget har Next Games även gjort en översyn av sin spelutvecklings-pipeline.

Efter den preliminära rapporten som släpptes i början av januari 2019 kom Next Games och Universal Games and Digital Platforms överens om att avbryta samarbetet om ett spelprojekt som hade gått till produktion. Alla kostnader för produkten, cirka 2,0 miljoner euro, togs under 2018.

Samtidigt kommer vi att fokusera på det tidiga stadiet av spelkoncept och utveckling. Därför har bolaget startat ett nytt spelprojekt som inte har en extern IP för tillfället, heter det.

Under tredje kvartalet, i samband med lanseringen av The Walking Dead: Our World stötte Next Games på tekniska problem. Bolaget valde då att dra tillbaka marknadsinvesteringarna till en väsentlig lägre nivå än planerat. Innan de tekniska problemen hade The Walking Dead: Our World nått en nivå om 625.000 dagliga aktiva användare.

De tekniska utmaningarna som påverkade spelet 2018 har lösts mot slutet av fjärde kvartalet 2018. Spelets marknadsinvesteringar kvarstod på en konservativ nivå under återstoden av 2018. Bolaget fortsätter att utveckla spelet både från en tekniskt och innehållsperspektiv 2019, skriver Next Games.

Vad gäller Blade Runner Nexus gick den in i mjuklansering i juli 2018. Sedan rapporten i januari 2019 finns spelet tillgängligt på tre ytterligare marknader. Under försa halvåret 20189 kommer mjuklanseringen fortsätta, heter det.

Kassan minskade med 19,1 miljoner euro till 7,3 miljoner euro per 31 december 2018. Minskningen berodde främst på stora marknadsföringskostnader för den globala lanseringen av The Walking Dad: Our World. Som bolaget tidigare sagt ser Next Games över alternativ för att stärka sin nuvarande finansiella ställning, säkra framtida produktutveckling och stödja marknadssatsningar.

Separat meddelar Next Games att Emmi Kuusikko, produktchef och medlem i ledningsgruppen, lämnar bolaget.

Kristine Trapp +46 8 5191 7927
Nyhetsbyrån Direkt

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Denne her hadde ikke jeg fått med meg. Hvis NXTGMS måtte ta tapet på sin egen kappe eller mesteparten, er ikke dette noe de har råd til i lengden, de er altfor små til det.

Efter den preliminära rapporten som släpptes i början av januari 2019 kom Next Games och Universal Games and Digital Platforms överens om att avbryta samarbetet om ett spelprojekt som hade gått till produktion. Alla kostnader för produkten, cirka 2,0 miljoner euro, togs under 2018.


Det har ikke jeg heller. Det er jo litt drit. Hva gjør de med de ansatte på det prosjektet da? Sparket?
Da har de vel kun blade runner i full produksjon. Bare å holde seg unna denne aksjen det neste året ser jeg. Skuffende

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Det er erstattet med dette, men med ukjent IP blir det tungt tror jeg:

Samtidigt kommer vi att fokusera på det tidiga stadiet av spelkoncept och utveckling. Därför har bolaget startat ett nytt spelprojekt som inte har en extern IP för tillfället, heter det.


Rapport går bedre, men taper penger fremdeles og blade runner spillet har jeg liten tro på.

Next Games Corp. Q1 2019: Positive developments - Cost savings materializing, revenue develops as expected, Our World makes record ARPDAU in March


This release is a summary of the January-March 2019 Business Review. The
fullreport is attached to this release and available at

January-March 2019 in short

  • Revenue grew 104% to 9.8 million euros (4.8 million)
  • Gross profit was 5.6 million euros (2.8 million), 57% of revenue
  • Adjusted Operating Result was -1.3 million euros (-2.1 million)
  • EBIT was -2.4 million euros (-2.5 million)
  • Product development costs were 2.7. million euros (1.8 million)
  • Number of employees was 119 at the end of the quarter (124)
  • Resulting from the successful cost savings program, the company aims
    to achieve monthly savings of approximately 550 thousand euros in
    salaries, administrative and product development costs, totaling
    approximately 6.5 million euros annually, compared to the monthly
    average level of second half of 2018
  • At the end of the review period, the companys cash balance was 4.8
    million euros, with the addition of a fully unused credit limit of 5
    million euros. The companys cash position has started to stabilize
    as of February 2019 according to plans. The company aims to grow its
    revenues year on year in 2019 compared to 2018, and due to the
    renewed cost structure, strives towards remaining cash flow neutral
    on a continuous basis

Chief Executive Officer Teemu Huuhtanen

The first quarter of 2019 can be described as a beginning of a new era for
Next Games as we successfully continued to carry out our turnaround plan by
decreasing operating costs and renewing our product development model. The
company succeeded in doubling year-on-year revenue, significantly growing
both ARPDAU (average revenue per daily active user) and daily active users
(DAU), in comparison to Q1 2018, due to the addition of Our World.

Simultaneously as we reduced costs the companys cash position has started
to stabilize as of February 2019, according to plans. The company seeks
revenue growth year-on-year during 2019 compared to 2018 and as a result
from the changes in our operational model, aims to achieve cash flow
neutrality and estimates fixed costs, excluding marketing costs, to
stabilize on a 1.1 -1.2 million monthly range during the second quarter of

Our new operating model focuses on reusing existing technology and code,
which has the potential to significantly reduce product development times.
According to the companys view, its a priority to stabilize the
foundations of the business operations to a new level, followed by
negotiating additional financing directed towards future product
development needs as well as product launch investments.

The Walking Dead: Our World team has focused on improving technical and
monetization performance and the game has played a central role in the
companys ARPDAU development. The team has tested a wide range of sales
strategies, which has led to an upward trend in sales conversion and
revenue. In an effort to explore additional revenue streams for the game,
the company has started piloting location-based ads in as well as exploring
the opportunity to integrate regular video ads in to the game.

The game made a new 0.31 Euro record in average ARPDAU in March as a result
of the new sales strategy. Our Worlds profitability improved throughout
the first quarter due to improved gross margin, optimization of product
development costs as well as implementing the new operational model.
Marketing investments have remained on a level customary to the product and
scaling activities have not yet been started during the review period. The
games long term retention will still need some improvements before growing
the game is possible.

Blade Runner Nexus continued in soft launch and the focus has been on
optimizing the games first time user experience and early retention. The
Walking Dead: No Mans Land key metrics have remained on a stable level
and the game as an independent project has continued to operate profitably.
Simultaneously the team size has been slightly reduced as the company has
directed resources to new projects.

Thanks to adapting our cost structure to a new level and renewing our
operational model, Next Games is settling to a new stable foundation. We
are in a good position to reconstruct our product portfolio with the help
of our more agile product development model.

Om dette går i boks og de leverer nøytal cashflow i Q2 er det jo imponerende.