Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Nordic Mining (NOM)

Er en krevende øvelse å gå helt ut på den måten en alltid ønsker at en gjorde de gangene det slår helt til. :stuck_out_tongue:


Engebø rutile and garnet: New Project Manager

Nordic Mining has appointed Kenneth Nakken as new Project Manager for its rutile
and garnet project in Naustdal in western Norway. Nakken has been Vice
President, Digital Service in ABB Marine and has broad management and project
coordination experience from various management positions in the ABB Group.

Nakken will be based in Naustdal and head the project team for the final
development work, construction and commissioning of the Engebø operations.

CEO Ivar S. Fossum comments: “I am pleased to welcome Kenneth to our team. He
has highly relevant experiences for the transitional process to realise the
Engebø rutile and garnet project, and its long-term value proposal as a regional
cornerstone industry.”

For further information please contact CEO Ivar S. Fossum, telephone +47
Oslo, 18 May 2018
Nordic Mining ASA
Nordic Mining ASA (www.nordicmining.com)

Nordic Mining ASA (“Nordic Mining” or “the Company”) is a resource company with
focus on high-end industrial minerals and metals in Norway and internationally.
The Company’s project portfolio is of high international standard and holds a
significant economic potential. The Company’s assets are in the Nordic region.
Nordic Mining is undertaking a large-scale project development at Engebø on the
west coast of Norway where the Company has rights and permits to a substantial
eclogite deposit with rutile and garnet. Permits for the project have been
granted by the Norwegian government, and a prefeasibility study was completed in
October 2017. Nordic Mining’s associated company Keliber in Finland is in the
process of completing its definitive feasibility study and preparing for
production of lithium carbonate. Nordic Mining has rights for exploration and
production of high-purity quartz in Kvinnherad in Norway. Further, the Company
holds exploration rights at Reinfjord in northern Norway where a prospective
area of sulphide mineralisation has been discovered. Nordic Mining is also
exploring opportunities related to seabed mineral resources.
Nordic Mining is listed on Oslo Axess with ticker symbol “NOM”.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=451747

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Skulle ønske eg benyttet muligheten til å handle på fallet som oppsto da det nye selskapet kom på banen, istedenfor å bli skremt bort.
Jaja, håper på bedre vurderingsevne neste gang det dukker opp muligheter

Etter å ha gått på lignende smeller før tok jeg det nå som en kjøpsanledning :slight_smile: nå gjelder det bare å treffe toppene med salg :smiley:

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Minutes from Ordinary General Meeting

The Ordinary General Meeting in Nordic Mining ASA was held Tuesday 29 May 2018.
All items for consideration were approved.
Please find enclosed the minutes from the General Meeting.
For questions please contact CFO Lars K. Grøndahl, telephone + 47 - 901 60 941.
Oslo, 29 May 2018
Nordic Mining ASA

Nordic Mining ASA (www.nordicmining.com)

Nordic Mining ASA (“Nordic Mining” or “the Company”) is a resource company with
focus on high-end industrial minerals and metals in Norway and internationally.
The Company’s project portfolio is of high international standard and holds a
significant economic potential. The Company’s assets are in the Nordic region.
Nordic Mining is undertaking a large-scale project development at Engebø on the
west coast of Norway where the Company has rights and permits to a substantial
eclogite deposit with rutile and garnet. Permits for the project have been
granted by the Norwegian government, and a prefeasibility study was completed in
October 2017. Nordic Mining’s associated company Keliber in Finland is in the
process of completing its definitive feasibility study and preparing for
production of lithium carbonate. Nordic Mining has rights for exploration and
production of high-purity quartz in Kvinnherad in Norway. Further, the Company
holds exploration rights at Reinfjord in northern Norway where a prospective
area of sulphide mineralisation has been discovered. Nordic Mining is also
exploring opportunities related to seabed mineral resources.
Nordic Mining is listed on Oslo Axess with ticker symbol “NOM”.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=452463

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Firda ( lokalavisa som dekker Naustdal)

VEVRING: Naive bygdefolk som satsar sine slunkne sparepengar? Blant grunneigarane som no utfordrar Nordic Mining til gruvekamp, finn vi ein av fylkets rikaste personar.

Åse Marie Helgheim Thingnes var suverent nummer éin på formuestoppen i Naustdal i 2016-likninga som vart offentleggjort i fjor haust. Ifølgje skattelistene, hadde ho i 2016 ein formue på 302 millionar kroner, noko som plasserte henne som den femte rikaste i Sogn og Fjordane dette året.

Selskapet hennar, Seriva AS, stod i 2016 oppført med nær 373 mill. kr i eigedelar. Det er 24 mill. kr under den marknadsverdien Nordic Mining tysdag hadde på Oslo Børs, og klart meir enn marknadsverdien Nordic Mining hadde då aksjekursen var på det lågaste i slutten av april, i dagane etter at Arctic Mineral Resources (AMR) offentleggjorde sine gruveplanar i Engebøfjellet.

Ingen investorplanar

Men Thingnes har ikkje gått inn med si kapitaltyngde i det nye selskapet, og har heller ikkje planar om det. Dette stadfestar ho på spørsmål frå Firda.

– Det er ikkje aktuelt. Det er ikkje noko eg har tenkt på, og eg har ikkje planar om å gå inn som investor. Gruveselskapa som Arctic Mineral Resources samarbeider med, har musklar nok, seier Thingnes.

– Men korleis kjennest det å vite at du har ei finansiell tyngde som nesten svarar til heile børsverdien til Nordic Mining?

– Eg er ein beskjeden person, og dette har eg ingen kommentar til. Mi rolle i denne saka har vore som grunneigar og innbyggar, ikkje som investor. Det viktigaste for oss har ikkje vore økonomi, men miljøet; det å unngå fjorddeponiet, seier ho.

Vevring-grunneigarane: – Vi er glade og letta. Det nye gruvealternativet kom som manna frå himmelen
Fekk del av nærings-imperium

Åse Marie Helgheim Thingnes bur saman med mannen Stian på eit småbruk i Vevring, og har engasjert seg i Naturvernforbundet og i Vevring og Førdefjorden miljøgruppe. Ho er dotter til Ivar Helgheim, mannen som bygde opp Dr Furst medisinske laboratorium i Oslo, og som vart fylkets i særklasse rikaste innbyggar då han for nokre år sidan flytta heim til Jølster.

I 2014 fordelte Helgheim livsverket sitt på dei tre borna sine. Åse Marie Helgheim Thingnes etablerte då selskapet Seriva, som to år etter hadde nær 373 mill. kr i eigedelar, ein bokført eigenkapital på 367,5 mill. kr, og eit resultat før skatt på 5,2 mill. kr. Gjennom Seriva har Thingnes 15 prosent eigarskap i Dr Furst, farens livsverk. Ho har også styreverv i mellom anna Skei Hotel AS og Førde Hotell AS.

Naturen, miljøet, fjorden

Thingnes har i fleire år vore engasjert i motstanden mot Nordic Minings planlagde sjødeponi i Førdefjorden. Som dåverande styremedlem i Naturvernforbundet i Sogn og Fjordane var ho m.a. med på landsmøtet der Naturvernforbundet i 2009 bestemte seg for å arbeide mot gruveplanane i Engebøfjellet. 380 millionar tonn masse skulle etter planen takast i jakta på mineralet rutil, og mesteparten av massane skulle leggast på fjordbotnen som avfall. Seinare har Nordic Minings prosjekt endra karakter, og dette er bakgrunnen for at Arctic Mineral Resources har meldt seg som utfordrar og konkurrent, med eit prosjekt som ikkje legg opp til sjødeponi eller dagbrot.

AMR skal om ikkje lenge møte politikarane i Naustdal og orientere dei om prosjektet sitt.

I 2010 målbar Thingnes haldninga si i eit intervju med Naturvernforbundets nettmagasin Natur & Miljø:

– Vi har kome så langt at gruveselskapa ikkje bør få bruke fjordane som avfallsplass. Skal ein bruke dei norske fjordane, kåra til verdas beste reisemål, til dumping? Reiselivsaktørar støttar oss, det same gjer fiskeri- og havbruksnæringa

Nordic Mining secures landowner agreements for the Engebø project

Nordic Mining has entered into agreements with the main landowners at Engebø.
Pursuant to the agreements, Nordic Mining has the right to acquire the area for
the planned mineral processing plant. Further, the agreements regulate Nordic
Mining’s planned extraction activities and compensation to the landowners for
sale of all minerals from the Engebø deposit.
Nordic Mining holds all rights and permits necessary for its current operations
related to the Engebø project. This includes extraction permits, environmental
permit and a zoning plan regulating the use of land for mining, mineral
processing and infrastructure in the Engebø area.

The agreements with the landowners regulate Nordic Mining’s acquisition of the
properties for the planned processing plant, including the existing deep-water
harbour facility, and compensation to the landowners related to extraction and
sale of all mineral products from Engebø (rutile, garnet and other minerals).

The mining area comprised by the agreements covers mainly the open pit
production phase of the Engebø project. In the prefeasibility study which was
completed in October 2017, the open pit production period is estimated to 16

The extraction permits granted to Nordic Mining also include the adjacent area
for the subsequent underground mining, and Nordic Mining will initiate
activities also for this phase.
CEO Ivar S. Fossum comments: “We have had a constructive dialogue with the
landowners at Engebø, and we are pleased that agreements have been reached. This
provides flexibility and predictability for the development work going forward.
As a long-term local operator, we want to establish and maintain a good dialogue
and relationship with all neighbors and local stakeholders.”

For further information, please contact CEO Ivar S. Fossum, telephone +47-930 96
Oslo, 7 June 2018
Nordic Mining ASA

Nordic Mining ASA (www.nordicmining.com)
Nordic Mining ASA (“Nordic Mining” or “the Company”) is a resource company with
focus on high-end industrial minerals and metals in Norway and internationally.
The Company’s project portfolio is of high international standard and holds a
significant economic potential. The Company’s assets are in the Nordic region.
Nordic Mining is undertaking a large-scale project development at Engebø on the
west coast of Norway where the Company has rights and permits to a substantial
eclogite deposit with rutile and garnet. Permits for the project have been
granted by the Norwegian government, and a prefeasibility study was completed in
October 2017. Nordic Mining’s associated company Keliber in Finland is in the
process of completing its definitive feasibility study and preparing for
production of lithium carbonate. Nordic Mining has rights for exploration and
production of high-purity quartz in Kvinnherad in Norway. Further, the Company
holds exploration rights at Reinfjord in northern Norway where a prospective
area of sulphide mineralisation has been discovered. Nordic Mining is also
exploring opportunities related to seabed mineral resources.
Nordic Mining is listed on Oslo Axess with ticker symbol “NOM”.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=453131

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Kjøper på denne

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Er jo fristende, men.

Klart litt risiko, vi vet at Nom er en typisk sell on news aksje, men satser på at mye av usikkerheten forsvinner

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Nyhetsartikler juni 2018

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Med Kelber DFS like om hjørnet bør aksjekursen nå ha gode forutsetninger for å styrke seg, til tross for at det nok er mange som er utålmodige. For oss som har sittet med aksjer siden Equanor-tiden derimot… :joy:

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Hehe, tidig artikkel! Jeg kjøpte mine første aksjer i Ecuanor rundt 2002. Var med på hele ferden i Rocksource, inntil to uker før budet kom. Da var jeg så dritlei at jeg solgte alt. En betydelig mengde aksjer. Litt surt når den så gikk 6-gangen :joy:
Har holdt ut så langt i NOM, selv om jeg har flyttet mye over i biotek-aksjer.
Nå tror jeg faktisk ting kan begynne å materialisere seg for NOM.

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Venter vi ikke få at de kan begynne med lånefinansiering istedet for emisjoner?

Den hugser eg meget godt, RGT var spinnvill, mangen som ble rike der, eg var ikke en av dem :slight_smile:

Increased resource estimates for the Engebø deposit

As a result of the limited drilling program at Engebø in January/February 2018,
the estimated mineral resources in the measured and indicated categories have
increased by around 5%, to approximately 98 million tonnes, based on a cut-off
of 3% TiO2. The average grade of rutile and garnet is 3.87% and 44.4%,
respectively. The main purpose of the drilling program was geotechnical
investigation within the open pit area, and in this respect the campaign has
provided valuable information for the mine planning.
Main results

In January/February 2018, a limited drilling program of around 1,580 meters was
carried out at Engebø. Information from the drilling program has been used to
update the resource model of the deposit. The total estimated resources in the
measured and indicated categories have increased to approximately 98 million
tonnes at a cut-off of 3% TiO2. This is an increase of 5 million tonnes compared
with the 2016 estimates. Of these tonnes, 22.3 million tonnes are in the
measured category, up 7.3 million tonnes (+49%) from the previous estimate. The
average rutile and garnet grades are 3.87% and 44.4%, respectively. The average
TiO2 grade is similar to the 2016 estimate. The garnet grade is slightly
elevated compared with the previous estimate.

The geotechnical investigation has confirmed the Engebø eclogite deposit to
contain a competent lithology ideal for mining at a high recovery.
The estimated resources in the inferred category represents an upside potential
which will be evaluated in the further project development.

The table below summarises the 2018 resource estimations compared to the 2016
figures. The TiO2 grades in the table represent total contained TiO2.


  • Engebø
    rutile and
    deposit* (3%
    TiO2 cut-off
    Class 2018 2016
    Tonnage TiO2 Garnet Tonnage TiO2 Garnet %
    Mt % % Mt %
    Measured 22.3 3.95 44.9 15.0 3.97 44.6
    Indicated 75.2 3.85 44.2 77.5 3.87 43.6
    Measured & 97.5 3.87 44.4 92.5 3.89 43.7
    Inferred 132.2 3.82 42.5 138.4 3.86 43.5
  • Resource
    completed by
    Person Adam
    to the
    of the JORC
    Code (2012

The increase in the classified resources is mainly in the central and southern
part of the pit area where the grades of TiO2 and garnet are highest within the
open pit.
The resource estimations have been carried out by the independent Competent
Person, Mr. Adam Wheeler. A technical report will be produced as a basis for the
ongoing definitive feasibility study. The technical information in this stock
market release has been approved by Mr. Wheeler.
Comments from management

CEO Ivar S. Fossum comments: “The drilling program has provided positive
geotechnical information which will enable us to move on with the optimising of
the mine planning. In addition, the increased mineral resources may extend the
mine life of the project.”
Drilling program and analytical methods

The aim of the 2018 drilling program was primarily geotechnical investigations.
4 drill holes at a total of 830 meters was drilled intersecting the future pit
slope after recommendations from the international consultancy company SRK.
These drillholes were logged and surveyed by SRK. Acoustic and optical surveying
was done on these drillholes in addition to 3 drillholes from the 2016 campaign.
6 drillholes on a total of 750 meters were drilled with the aim to upgrade ore
in the open pit area from inferred to measured and indicated categories.

The drilling was carried out by the Norwegian drilling company Arctic Drilling
AS between 20 January and 15 February 2018. After the 2018 drilling campaign,
the data in the resource model and the revised resource estimates is based on
approximately 23,000 meters of drill core from a total of 3 drilling campaigns
(1996/1997, 2016 and 2018).

The 2018 drilling campaign included recovery of 1,581 meters of drill cores. The
cores were logged and sampled at the company’s core storage facility in
Naustdal. 367 whole rock chemical analyses (XRF) rutile specific analyses (ME
-ICP41) were carried out by ALS Minerals in Sweden. A total of 180 samples
analysed both by QEMSCAN (Scanning electron microscope analysis) and XRF have
successfully been used for correlation between bulk rock chemistry and garnet
grade in deposit.

Previously the eclogite has been subdivided into ferro, leuco and transitional
eclogite. In the current drilling campaign, a further subdivision of these rock
types has been done to better understand the textural and mineralogical
variations in the deposit.
Resource potential at lower cut-off grade

By decreasing the cut-off grade applied in the resource estimate, an increased
tonnage of eclogite ore will become available. The table below shows the 2% TiO2
cut-off tonnages for the 2018 and 2016 resource estimates. The TiO2 grades in
the table represent total contained TiO2.


  • Engebø
    rutile and
    deposit* (2%
    TiO2 cut-off
    Class 2018 2016
    Tonnage TiO2 Garnet Tonnage TiO2 Garnet %
    Mt % % Mt %
    Measured 29.6 3.61 43.5 19.0 3.68 43.9
    Indicated 102.1 3.49 42.8 105.7 3.51 43.0
    Measured & 131.6 3.51 42.9 124.7 3.53 43.2
    Inferred 255.8 3.15 40.1 254.5 3.22 42.5
  • Resource
    completed by
    Person Adam
    to the
    guidelines of
    the JORC Code

For questions please contact CEO Ivar S. Fossum on telephone +47-930 96 850.
Oslo, 8 June 2018
Nordic Mining ASA
Nordic Mining ASA (www.nordicmining.com)
Nordic Mining ASA (“Nordic Mining” or “the Company”) is a resource company with
focus on high-end industrial minerals and metals in Norway and internationally.
The Company’s project portfolio is of high international standard and holds a
significant economic potential. The Company’s assets are in the Nordic region.
Nordic Mining is undertaking a large-scale project development at Engebø on the
west coast of Norway where the Company has rights and permits to a substantial
eclogite deposit with rutile and garnet. Permits for the project have been
granted by the Norwegian government, and a prefeasibility study was completed in
October 2017. Nordic Mining’s associated company Keliber in Finland is in the
process of completing its definitive feasibility study and preparing for
production of lithium carbonate. Nordic Mining has rights for exploration and
production of high-purity quartz in Kvinnherad in Norway. Further, the Company
holds exploration rights at Reinfjord in northern Norway where a prospective
area of sulphide mineralisation has been discovered. Nordic Mining is also
exploring opportunities related to seabed mineral resources.
Nordic Mining is listed on Oslo Axess with ticker symbol "NO

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=453241

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


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Var smart å kjøpe Nom igår :


Keliber aiming at the lithium-market




Firda :

NAUSTDAL: Arctic Mineral Resources krev stogg i arbeidet med detaljreguleringa av Nordic Minings gruveprosjekt i Engebøfjellet. Sjølv har utfordraren tenkt å sende søknad om driftsløyve for granatutvinning innan 2020.