Er ikke veldig dreven på dette, men har lagt nedenfor et utdrag av detaljer rundt amendmenten til eksisterende insentiv programmet fra Nordic Nanovector som er foreslått. Det ser ut at halvparten av opsjonsaksjene skal baseres på en “operational factor”, mens den andre basert på en “shareprice factor”.
Merk, har skrevet av papir og lagt inn manuelt, så her kan staveleif og ting være litt off. Kjører full disclaimer her på innholdet så ikke saksøk meg
The operational factor shall be determined by the fulfillment of a selection of pre-defined operational objectives which are considered important for the creation of long term shareholder value. If all objectives are fulfilled the operational factor will be set at 100% , which will result in full vesting of half of the granted PSUs.
The shareprice factor shall be determined by the development of the company’s share price over a three year period using the volume weigheted average shareprice for the 30 trading days immediately following the of grant and the 30 trading days immediately preceding the third anniversary of the date of grant. Based on this measure, an increase in the share price by more than 60 percent will result in a shareprice factor of 100%, which translates into full vesting of half of the PSUs. A share price increase of 20 percent will result in a share price factor of 33%, which translates into vesting of 33 percent of the half of the PSU’s. Share price increase of between 20 and 60 percent will result in a share price factor between 33 and 100% calculated linearly. Share price increases below 20% will result in a share price factor of 0%, which will result in half of the PSU’s not vesting.
Upon vesting of the PSU’s the holder of the PSU’s will have a right to subscribe to new share in the company for each vested PSU, at a subscription price per share corresponding to the par value of the company’s shares currently being 0.20 NOK.
Hadde gjerne fått høre litt kommentarer fra de litt mer drevne som har vært gjennom dette før og få en vurdering hvordan dette forholder seg i forhold til hvordan andre selskaper har tidligere gjort dette.