Poster korrespondansen min med Malene for å unngå misforståelser her (denne er delt med @Teejay tidligere i Oktober):
Q: Can you please elaborate a bit on the protocol amendment process that you are currently working on? Can you start enrolling under the new criteria in each particular country when you have got an approval from the local authorities, or do you need to to get an approval from all 24 countries before you can start to enroll under the new protocol?
A: Yes we can start to enroll in each country/site, as soon as both the national regulatory authority and the local ethical committee have approved the amendment, before we get the approvals from all 24 countries, so we don’t have to wait for all countries to approve the protocol
Q: In relation to the interim analysis, the IRC recommended you to focus on one dosage arm. As far as I remember, the original plan was to enroll only 80 patients to one arm in the Paradigme study. However, the total number of patients increased to 130 when you decided to proceed with two arms. I therefore expect that the decision to proceed with one arm should be followed by a reduction in the number of required patients in Paradigme. What is required to get the number reduced to (65+25=) 90 or (80+25=) 105, and when can we expect to get this clarified? Do you need to request another type C meeting, or will the reduction become effective once FDA has approved the new protocol, which (as far as I understand) will be filed once you have got an approval from 24 local authorities?
A: It is still too early to say if we can reduce the number of patients required, as it depends on the data plus it would have to be discussed in another type C meeting with the FDA. The amount of patients required for filing a BLA is unrelated to the approval of the new protocol.
Follow-up Q: Short follow-up question to the second answer below: The data from Lymrit 37-01, and probably also from the Paradigme interim analysis, is very strong. Have you requested another type-C meeting? If not, what is avoiding you for doing so, and when do you expect to request such a meeting?
A: Even if the possibility of reducing the patient sample as a result of dropping one arm may appear straightforward, such a change would require the FDA’s buy-in. Our medical team is working on a further analysis of the IA data, with the goal to build a robust justification for a different patient number that can STILL support a BLA for accelerated approval. This assessment will take time. Once the process is completed, we will schedule a meeting and bring our arguments to the FDA for consideration.
Kilde: Mailkorrespondanse med Malene fra tidlig i Oktober
Kommentar: Tolker dette som at Nano’s team jobber med analyse av interimdataene, og at de tydeligvis har fått tilgang til disse. Når vil vi får klarhet i totalt antall pasienter i Paradigme? Tja, interim kom vel i August. Hvis de bruker 6 måneder på analyser og forberedelser, så kan vi vel forvente at det kalles inn til nytt type-C møte i første kvartal.
Det som er litt spennende her er at en eventuell ny arm i MZL muligens vil kunne påvirke det totale pasientgrunnlaget som kreves for godkjenning, da dette vil gi enda bedre grunnlag for å vurdere safety. Veien videre for MZL er fortsatt er uavklart, og kan være en årsak til at de heller ikke ønsker å forhaste diskusjonene rundt redusert pasientgrunnlag. Det blir spennende å høre hva de har å si om dette på Q3. Og hva skjer med ODD MZL i US? Ifølge prospektet har dette blitt søkt om.