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Nordic Nanovector Småprat 2018 (NANO)

Jeg dropper en godbit til. La det ikke være noen tvil. Vi har funnet gull i NANO, men det kan ta litt tid før det materialiserer seg. :slight_smile:

Lær dere ordet “Theranostic”

In summary, theranostics provides unique new opportunities and challenges for nuclear medicine and industry regulators, insurances and healthcare systems. But there is no time to hesitate – the future is now!


Theranostics – Nuclear medicine´s fountain of youth

October 09, 2018

By: Ken Herrmann and Wolfgang P. Fendler

The term “theranostics” reigns among medicine´s hottest buzz words, being almost as popular as “artificial intelligence” and “immunoncology”. According to PubMed, the term was introduced in an abstract in 2002. Today more than 3800 hits are reported for “theranostic” or “theragnostic”. In short, theranostics is defined as “diagnostic testing employed for selecting targeted therapy.”

Interestingly, Nuclear Medicine has long applied the theranostic concept by using radioactive iodine for diagnostic imaging and therapy of thyroid cancer. In 1943 Seidlin, et al. used a Geiger counter to localize sites of metastases under 131I treatment. Whereas radioactive iodine-based theranostics are established worldwide, it took more than 70 years to successfully translate a new generation of theranostics into the clinic. Similar to radioiodine treatment, Lutathera and other theranostic probes are highly efficacious, with few serious adverse events. It was only earlier this year that Lutathera, a 177Lu-labelled somatostatin receptor agonist, was approved for clinical use in patients with rare neuroendocrine tumors (NET) by the FDA and a bit earlier by the EMA. The medical and economic excitement associated with the introduction of Lutathera represents just a small glimpse of what can be expected when new theranostic pairs are made available to diagnose and treat more prevalent malignancies such as prostate, breast, lung and/or pancreatic cancer. For prostate cancer the target of interest is the prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA). PSMA is over-expressed by the majority of prostate cancers and was also described to have prognostic value. The introduction of specific PSMA ligands conjugable with diagnostic (68Ga-, 18F-) or therapeutic (177Lu-, 90Y-, 225Ac-) radionuclides resulted in an overwhelming demand by referring physicians and patients (Figure 1) .

Recent developments have triggered a lot of industry interest in theranostics. The acquisition of Advanced Accelerator Applications by Big Pharma (Novartis) for $3.9 billion USD, the recent surge of the Endocyte Inc. stock after licensing a theranostic to be applied to prostate cancer, as well as the reimbursement level of around $47,500 USD per dose of Lutathera highlight the emerging economic relevance of theranostics and therefore nuclear medicine. However, opportunities are associated with challenges such as setting up the required infrastructure, training the healthcare professionals, establishing the appropriate position of a new therapeutic within established treatment algorithms and many more. There are approximately 40 dedicated theranostic centers in Germany supplying a population of 80 million citizens. Translating this number to a population of 320 million in the U.S. suggests a need of around 160 theranostic centers. Few early adopters, such as UCLA, UCSF and MSKCC, among others, are currently setting up dedicated theranostic centers in the U.S. Others are hesitant due to unknown regulatory (FDA approval) and reimbursement status, which renders development of solid business plans difficult. In addition, only few in the U.S. have been appropriately trained in theranostics. There is, therefore, an unmet need to train a wide spectrum of healthcare professionals, including nurses, technologists, physicists, radiation safety officers, and medical doctors. At the same time this also provides an opportunity to attract young, motivated people, including specialists from other fields, such as medical oncology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, and urology to nuclear medicine.

Supply of theranostic compounds remains another significant roadblock to widespread adoption. Some experts, using conservative models, predicted an annual need of around 30,000 doses of Lutathera for NET and around 160,000 doses of 177Lu-PSMA for prostate cancer patients. Based on 250 work days per year this results in an average of 760 doses per day and, including a safety margin, the need to produce 800-1000 doses per day. However, the current production infrastructure as well as the 177Lu-supply are far from ready to meet this demand. This crisis provides an opportunity for industry, insurances, health care providers and health care professionals to come up with mutually beneficial solutions.

As outline above, the demand for theranostics will be high. However, with the development and emergence of additional novel theranostics the demand is likely to become even higher. These new compounds will be applicable to NET and other somatostatin receptor expressing tumors (177Lu-Satoreotide), neurotensin-1 receptor ligands, possibly for pancreactic cancer among others (177Lu-3BP-227), CD37-binding antibodies for hematological malignancies (Betalutin) and the recently approved 131MIBG (Azedra) for neuroblastoma and pheochromocytoma. More recently introduced ligands targeting tumor stroma (Fibroblast Activation Protein (FAPI)) may find even wider application in various cancers.

Ken Herrmann
In summary, theranostics provides unique new opportunities and challenges for nuclear medicine and industry regulators, insurances and healthcare systems. But there is no time to hesitate – the future is now!

Wolfgang P. Fendler
About the authors: Ken Herrmann and Wolfgang P. Fendler work in the department of Nuclear Medicine, Universitätsklinikum Essen, Essen, Germany. Ken Herrmann is also associated with the Ahmanson Translational Imaging Division, Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, UCLA, Los Angeles, California.


Veldig interessant! Fant en del om Betalutin som theranostic agent i denne.


Oppdaget spenningen ved biotech for et par år siden. Kunne hatt behov for litt nuclear medicine her selv👍
Jeg må si jeg begynner å se frem til en reprising av selskapet nå. Men personlig tror jeg vi kommer til å vake her frem til vi har presentert data som ikke på noen som helst måte kan ignoreres! Må også si jeg er usikker på om egen verdiskapning eller tanken på at flere short-posisjoner brenner inne den dagen lynet kommer - vil varme mest😁


Som i fotball så bryr jeg meg mest om at mitt lag vinner, det som betyr noe, men det betyr ikke at jeg ikke koser meg litt når “fienden” taper " :grin:
Vil si at det betyr enda mere for meg at Nano går til himmels kontra shortere og bajssetroll, men jeg vil sitte med en god Nanofinansiert cognac og le rått av de nevnte. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


På innsidetråden ligger det et utdrag fra dagens Finansavisen som inneholder en artikkel om norske oppkjøpskandidater.

Nordic Nanovector & Bergenbio er nevnt av ABG Sundal Collier som hete kandidater for M&A.

Fin start på dagen!


Har plukket ut de 11 heteste oppkjøpskandidatene

10 timer siden · Eirik Amb Nysveen

ABG Sundal Collier spår tror det kan komme en oppkjøpsbølge i Norge og Norden, og har i en fersk analyse listet opp de 11 heteste kandidatene på Oslo Børs, skriver Finansavisen:

  • Akastor

  • Aker Solutions

  • Axactor

  • B2Holding

  • Bergenbio

  • Monobank

  • Nordic Nanovector

  • Norwegian

  • Odfjell Drilling

  • Otello

  • Q-Free

For hele Norden trekkes helse, IT og finans frem som de mest attraktive sektorene.

Av faktorer meglerhuset har lagt til grunn trekker analysesjef Christer Lindé frem geografisk footprint, attraktiv teknologistruktur og skalafordeler.

Meglerhuset trekker frem at Norden er spesielt godt rigget for oppkjøp med bakgrunn i gode offentlige finanser, bra demografi og global eksponering.

Edit: Fra E24.no


Billigere med insider hos tekinvestor enn abb på FA :joy:

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Eventuelt bare bla noen dager opp i denne tråden så finner man klipp og limet til Finansavisen. :rofl:

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4500 omsatt! letsgo


Har Ola og Kari snurpet igjen sekken? Må manipulator opp et stykke for å få ut aksjer?

Sissener burde seriøst ta seg tid og råd til å trimme øyenbrynene, jeg mener, come on!!

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Du sier han må shorte øyebrynene? :smile:


Som en shorter så må han ha kraftige øyenbryn. Greier ikke se skeptisk ut uten

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Værhår for dodgy deals. Korrelasjon mellom avkastning på canopus og med lengden på værhårene.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

På HO skrives det nå om emisjon og kursras som en konsekvens av det. Snakkes om emisjonspris helt ned i 30 kr i 2019. Er det noe i dette, eller er det ren baissing ?

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Evt. emisjonspris i 2019 vil bestemmes av resultatene NANO legger frem innen den tid og ikke hva noen på HO sier.


Tror kanskje noen har tapt litt mye penger i biotek det siste året. Det er veldig mye bitterhet og latterlige påstander på HO.



Take your pick…


Baissen prøver å dra emisjonskortet nå. Stakkars.

Haha, nei, altså.

En emisjon for å få PARADIGME i havn blir liten, da tida og veien til godkjenning så kort. Ser for meg dekket av partner eller større eksisterende investor.


Noen som er redd for shortskvis, kanskje?
Vet ikke om jeg skal le eller hyle. Emisjon nå!??:joy:
Tre dager før EANM og tyve førASH.
Latterlig, men er jo ikke overrasket over at noen prøver seg på en spansk en.