Vi kan kanskje bare være glade nå, at en ny emisjon slik det ser ut til, vil gå adskillig lavere enn de 45 kr. pr. aksje som ble innbetalt sist.
Lages det en åpen fortrinnsemisjon denne gang, noe som absolutt anbefales, vil det være en svært god anledning til ikke bare å delta, men overbooke!
New funds raised
The company announced on January 25th, 2019 that it has raised approximately NOK 222 million (USD 26 million) in
gross proceeds through a private placement of 4 943 094 new shares. The private placement was completed at a
subscription price of NOK 45 per share, which was determined through an accelerated book-building process. The
private placement, which was oversubscribed, attracted strong interest from both existing shareholders and new
institutional investors, Norwegian as well as international.