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Nordic Nanovector - Småprat '22 (NANOV)

Når det starter kl 14:00 her i landet , så har vel ammerikanern akkurat fått snærken ut av øya. Så det er kanskje en grunn til at det er lagt til den tiden på døgnet, så gutta over there (BF) får med seg seansen uten å måtte ødelegge nattesøvnen :slight_smile:


Nordic Nanovector R&D Day: Building Value from Betalutin® and a pipeline of broader therapeutic opportunities targeting CD37

2021-11-30 07:00 GMT+01

Oslo, Norway, 30 November 2021

Nordic Nanovector ASA (OSE: NANOV) , a clinical-stage biotech company focused on CD37-targeted therapies for haematological cancers and immune diseases, will today host an R&D day starting at 14:00 CET/ 13:00 GMT/ 08:00 ET. The meeting will be held via a live webcast.

Presentations will be delivered by Dr Leo I. Gordon, MD, FACP, a global key opinion leader in haematology and members of Nordic Nanovector’s executive team.

Erik Skullerud, Nordic Nanovector’s CEO, commented: “We are pleased to share our vision and strategy for creating value from Betalutin® - a potential `pipeline in a product’ for treating different types of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) - as well as through the development of exciting opportunities that leverage the company’s deep expertise and experience in CD37 biology. CD37 is a well-established and validated therapeutic target for a range of haematological cancers and immune diseases. Nordic Nanovector has a fantastic opportunity to build a leadership position around this target and already has several early-stage assets that could form the foundation for future growth.”

The webcast can be accessed from www.nordicnanovector.com in the section: Investors & Media and a recording will also be available on this page after the event. The full programme for the event and presentation slides are available today from 07:00 CET at www.nordicnanovector.com in the section: Investors & Media/Reports and Presentations/R&D Day 2021.

More detail on what will be presented is as follows:

Mr Skullerud, CEO will outline the strategic vision for Nordic Nanovector beyond the pivotal Phase 2b PARADIGME trial for Betalutin®, including its development in other NHL indications where Betalutin®’s unique profile could address unmet patient needs. Mr Skullerud will also introduce the emerging CD37-targeting opportunities within the company’s portfolio.

Dr Leo I. Gordon, MD, FACP - Abby and John Friend Professor of Cancer Research at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, whose research focus is to improve the outcome of patients with lymphoma - will discuss the remaining unmet medical needs in relapsed follicular lymphoma (FL), particularly in elderly and frail populations. He will also provide an update on the evolution of the treatment algorithm given the recent introduction of several novel therapies. He will look at the potential role of next generation radioimmunotherapies in addressing these challenges.

Pierre Dodion, MD, incoming Nordic Nanovector CMO , will discuss the planned expansion of the Betalutin® clinical programme for earlier line treatment of FL and expansion to other NHL subtypes such as diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). He will also discuss how insights from earlier clinical studies are expected to inform development of Betalutin® in these indications.

Marco Renoldi, MD, COO , will discuss how targeted radioimmunotherapy can be integrated into NHL care pathways, focusing on an independent government affairs project - the Radioligand Therapy Readiness Assessment Framework - funded in part by Nordic Nanovector and led by The Health Policy Partnership (HPP) to realise the potential of radioligand therapy (radioimmunotherapy).

Lars Nieba, PhD , CTO, will discuss progress being made in preparing the CMC (Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls) component essential for the BLA (Biologics License Application) of Betalutin®. He will also cover other key steps the company is undertaking to become launch ready, pending a successful clinical trial and regulatory process.

Maureen Deehan, PhD , Head of Corporate Development and Strategy , and Jostein Dahle, PhD , CSO , will discuss the rationale behind the company’s focus on CD37 as a target, and the emerging opportunities for product development and value creation within its pipeline. These opportunities include:

  • Humalutin®, a radioimmunotherapy candidate based on a chimeric anti-CD37 antibody conjugated to lutetium-177 for NHL,
  • Alpha37, an alpha-emitting radioimmunotherapy candidate based on a chimeric anti-CD37 antibody conjugated to lead-212, currently being explored with partner Oranomed for relapsed refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia,
  • A fully humanized anti-CD37 antibody with potential in haematological cancers and autoimmune diseases, and
  • A CD37 DOTA CAR-T cell opportunity in haematological cancers, which was recently the subject of a research collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania

A Q&A session will follow the presentations.


No HAMA her we come!


“Autoimmune diseases” er jo ganske spennende :sunglasses:


Cash til å starte opp pipen? :sweat_smile:

Ja, det var et spennende punkt. Må høre den session der


Ellers var det lovende å se at Humalutin viser god preklinisk effekt i MCL


Ikke bare spennende men også et enormt marked! Kan man komme opp med en medisin baserer på Betalutin mot autoimmun e sykdommer så er det ikke bare en gullfugl de har skutt, men en flokk gullelefanter!

Jeg tror at ledelsen sitter på kompetanse og vyer som er utenfor vår allés fatteevne. I dag vil de trolig lette litt på fliken og la oss få et aldri så lite innblikk i et fantafenomenalistisk potensiale!

Hvordan dette vil slå ut kursmessig? Aner ikke. Investorene har hittil vist store problemer med å ta inn over seg potensialet og priser NANOV som en pølsebod. At de skulle skjønne de vyene som ledelsen i dag kommer med, det gjenstår å se. Men jeg har mine tvil.

Lykke til! Nyt dagen!


Godt å få det bekreftet! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Men key takeaway etter å ha gått gjennom slidene til dagens presentasjon er at det er en enorm bredde og kompleksitet i det Nano driver med.

Det er helt åpenbart at det må sterkere krefter til for å forløse det enorme potensialet som ligger her, Norge er for lite for Nano


Er jeg helt på jordet når jeg forventet 3 armer?

Tror det……

«Den tredje armen» skal ikke være med i studiet. Sånn jeg tolker det

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Next generation CAR-T

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Bankers oppsett uansett.


Blir spennende å se hvilke partnere di får med her , må jo vere flere som kan tenke seg å bli en del av dette :muscle:

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Mer enn 80 ulike autoimmune sykdommer:

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Du må se hva de selv lister opp

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Ingen oppdaterte tall og data da. Uansett en spennende agenda, men om det vil bli samme hype som forrige gang - tja. Opp til speakerene nå, men de kan jo ikke flørte for mye uten å ha meldt noe, blir på det beste klare indikasjoner om veien frem (som InVivo viser til mtp. partners) og lovende nye enger med god dyrkejord.

Nå er det ikke slik at børsmeldinger kun kan komme kl 07 eller 08 om morgenen. Presentasjon starter kl 14.


Poenget hans er vell hypotetisk at dersom de planlegger å annonsere “4 nye rekrutterte pasienter” siden forrige Q så burde det rapporteres via børsmelding og ikke muntlig i dag.