Vesentlig lavere kostnader enn to foregående Q. Det er imponerende når organisasjonen har vokst så mye som den har gjort! Var det den nye labben som var en stor del i 4q21, og som nå gjør tallet mindre?
@Inkognito666 påpekte den vesentlige grunnen til de pene tallene i chatten:
“Employee benefit expenses were USD 1.3 million in the first quarter (Q1 2021: USD 3.9 million). The decrease in employee benefit expenses in 2022 is primarily due to the reduction of the social security cost accrual related to share-based payments. This accrual is dependent on the share price as Nykode is required to accrue for the social security cost for all warrants and options that are in-the-money at the balance sheet date. This relates to both the current and the non-current portion. As the share price decreased during the quarter the accrual is also reduced. The corresponding reduction is USD 4.8 million.”
En regnskapsteknisk greie altså, som får aksjekurs og kostnader til å bevege seg (i voldsom grad) i takt.