Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Nykode Therapeutics (Vaccibody) småprat (NYKD)

Men i notene er det litt mer informasjon om avtalen. For første gang er det skrevet helt tydelig at Vaccibody skal ta kostnadene med en ny studie. Og så er det altså både en up-front del og en near-term del. De 15 millionene i near term i 2021 er det naturlig å tenke er knyttet til FPD i VB N-02. Og så er det evt. et åpent spørsmål om de 10 mill i 2022 er knyttet til ferdig innrullert eller første safety-avlesning.

"On September 29, 2020, Vaccibody entered into an exclusive worldwide license and collaboration agreement with Genentech Inc. (”Genentech”), a member of the Roche Group, for the development and commercialization of DNA-based individualized neoantigen vaccines for the treatment of cancers.

As part of the Genentech Agreement Vaccibody has granted to Genentech a license which is limited to “Collaboration Products”, i.e. any individualized Therapy DNA vaccine i) that includes a Chimera Structure within Vaccibody IP or joint IP and ii) that incorporates one or more neoantigen DNAs.

In addition to granting an exclusive license to Genentech, Vaccibody will also sponsor R&D commitments which are mainly related to the conduction of a Phase 1b Study
at Vaccibody’s sole cost and expense. Following completion of the Phase 1b Study, Genentech will have responsibility and bear all costs for clinical, regulatory, manufacturing and commercialization activities.

Under the terms of the agreement, Vaccibody will receive USD 185 million in initial upfront and USD 40 million in near-term payments. Additionally, Vaccibody will be eligible to receive up to a further USD 490 million in potential milestone payments, plus low double- digit tiered royalties on sales of commercialized products arising from the partnership.

During 2020, USD 200 million has been invoiced of which USD 196 million has been paid. The unpaid amount will be received during 2021. The remaining 25 million will be received in 2021 (USD 15 million) and 2022 (USD 10 million)."


FA oppsummerer deler av årsrapporten som er på noen og 90 sider:


Mandatory notification of trade - party related to primary insider

Vaccibody er ikke eksplisitt nevnt i artikkelen, men Bjarne Bogen er en av oppfinnerne av Vaccibody teknologien, så dette er interessant lesning for alle som følger aksjen.


Ja, det kommer jo fram her at det er Vaccibody det er snakk om: :blush:

Men det tok flere tiår og tallrike publikasjoner før vaksineteknologien modnet. En lang rekke kollegaer bidro i prosessen, og Bogen særlig trekker frem professor Inger Sandlie og doktorgradsstipendiat Agnete Fredriksen. Sistnevnte er i dag vitenskapelig direktør i selskapet Vaccibody AS som har utviklet selve kreftvaksinen. Selskapet omtales som et av Norges mest verdifulle bioteknologibedrifter.


Hvor er du @TekBot !!

Oslo, Norway, April 28, 2021 – Vaccibody AS, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery and development of vaccines and novel immunotherapies, announced today the appointment of Harald Gurvin as the Company’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
Harald Gurvin (47) has as a strong track-record and financial background with many years of experience in large international companies.
Harald Gurvin comes to Vaccibody from a position as CFO in Flex LNG, a company owning and operating LNG (liquefied natural gas) carriers and listed on both the New York Stock Exchange and the Oslo Stock Exchange. Prior to Flex LNG, he was CFO in SFL Corporation Limited (the former Ship Finance International Limited), a leading international ship and rig owning company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Harald Gurvin holds a M.Sc. degree in Shipping, Trade and Finance from CASS Business School, and a M.Sc. degree in in Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture from the Norwegian University of Sciences and Technology (NTNU).
Chief Executive Officer of Vaccibody, Michael Engsig, states: “I am excited to announce that Harald Gurvin will join our leadership team as Chief Financial Officer. We have conducted an extensive international search for a leader to bring onboard a very comprehensive international financial skillset. In his previous role, he was responsible for the listing process on the New York Stock Exchange. This is a unique experience that is very relevant in connection with Vaccibody’s capital market strategy which includes exploration of a potential listing on Nasdaq Global Market in the United States.”
Harald Gurvin will commence his new role at Vaccibody on May 3, 2021.

In his previous role, he was responsible for the listing process on the New York Stock Exchange. This is a unique experience that is very relevant in connection with Vaccibody’s capital market strategy which includes exploration of a potential listing on Nasdaq Global Market in the United States.”

Dette er nok grunnen! Gull!!!

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Status update on VB C-02 clinical trial with VB10.16 and immune checkpoint inhibitor atezolizumab in patients with advanced cervical cancer


Legg merke til at opprinnelig var rekrutteringen forventet ferdig i mai 2022, nå sier de i løpet av 4Q 2021. :+1:
Synes det er betryggende, kan jo lett bli forsinkelser i disse Covid pregede tider.


Om det hadde stemt, så hadde jo det vært veldig imponerende i disse tider. Men det gjør det altså ikke. Her er hva de har guidet pr. Q3 2020:

2H 2021: VB10.16 – Fully enrolled VB C-02 trial in cervical cancer

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Stemmer at de tidligere også har sagt 2H, men sjekk studien på clinicaltrials.gov så ser du at studien har hatt Estimated Primary Completion Date: May 2022. Så jeg tror nok at jeg har min ord i god behold.

Det betyr dato for siste dataavlesning til primærendepunkt. Og den datoen blir garantert senere enn mai 2022 nå.

BTW: Jeg vet jeg er en irriterende klegg på denne tråden.


Definisjonene er:
Du henviser vel til study completion date ? som er definert som:

Tror nok du vil se at Agnete Fredriksen & Co leverer det de skal. Time will show!


Får vi svaret på onsdag? :star_struck:


Grant of share options

Opsjonsavtale tilsvarende 60 MNOK?
Da snakker vi!

Ser ut til å være rett mann som CFO med de forhandlingsskillsa der :moneybag::muscle:


Något nytt idag ?

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting