Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

PCI Biotech - Småprat 2 2020 (PCIB)

Lyssnar igenom Radium 128 igen, angående fimaVacc: Missade när jag lyssnade första gången, vet inte om någon lyft upp detta tidigare.

Radium 128, tidslinje 53:20 till 54:10 PW angående planen vidare för fimaVacc:

…det är diskussioner som man behöver ha med kliniska experter, och här hade vi ju ting… och här hade vi diskussions planer och sånt satt opp som nu är satt litt på vent. För här är det viktig att få face-to-face möten för detta är ganska komplicerte diskussioner som vi skal ha mde dem. Så det är noe som blir litt forsinket mot det vi hade tänkt oss hur raskt vi hade kommit fram till dette tru eg. på grund av pandemin och den situationen vi är i nu.

Ursäkta svorskan =P Låter som det är saker på gång även inom Vacc,


Why South Korea Is The Hottest Growth Spot For Clinical Trials

The population density ensures a strong availability of patients, and the Korean healthcare system provides universal coverage via clusters of technologically advanced hospitals concentrated in large cities such as Seoul, Busan, and Incheon. The hospitals are monitored continuously by the government through accreditation and evaluation programs. “With 66 hospitals per million people, South Korea ranks second among OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) members,” says Chee. “Rapid recruitment and startup are enabled by optimized recruitment practices and the large volumes of daily patient traffic.

The capital city of Seoul is now the world’s top-ranked location for trials.

In 2016, there were 200 oncology-related trials. Between 30 and 50 trials also were conducted in the cardiovascular, endocrinologic, central nervous system (CNS), gastroenteric, and antidiabetic areas. In 2016, most top pharma companies and CROs were conducting trials in South Korea, with Quintiles, Eli Lilly, PPD, Janssen, MSD (Merck & Co.), Novartis, and PAREXEL leading the way.

A readily accessible patient population is one factor giving the country a competitive advantage. As noted earlier, there is a high population density in the country. In fact, the population density is more than 15 times the average population density in the U.S. In addition to that, the country also has an aging population. With a citizen’s life expectancy at birth of 81 years, Korea has one of the most rapidly aging societies in the world.

What may make the population even more appealing to pharma companies is the fact that disease patterns in Korea are similar to those in Western countries. Korean patients also have similar unmet medical needs as patients in Western countries. Cancer is by far the leading cause of death, followed by cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease.



PPD er Pcib sin CRO :sunglasses:


Merkelig bilde… Oslobørs sinerobotter hersker?

Screenshot 2020-05-12 at 16.21.32

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Avsluttet på dagens høyeste 57.2. Dog noe svakere volum enn tidligere dager


PCIB ser ann muligheten for å kjøre et lite fase 2 studie i Vacc tror jeg. Med eksisterende vaksine der patent har utløpt eller i samarbeid med partner. Dette har de ikke penger til pdd (estimert til ca 50mill NOK), men ikke utenkelig at de

  1. Vet at det kommer cash i upfront fra AZ og gjør alt av arbeid klart før AZ avtale med upfront foreligger. Da er de klare for å gå ett i fase 2 etter at cash er inne.
  2. Kjører dette sammen med partner som sponser vaksinen og eller studiet.
  3. Liten emisjon for å hente inn 50 mill NOK (utenkelig i mine øyne da RELEASE har høyeste pri i følge selskapet selv).

Nesten doblet beholdningen i dag, så nu kan det kun gå en vei…(ikke belåning) håper fruen en dag, får pengene igjen :joy:


Og skulle det ikke gå veien, så får vi håpe at du en dag får igjen fruen… :crazy_face::joy:


Det kan være det samme…mye fisk i havet :wink:


Og mange skjær i sjøen.


De har jo faktisk penger til det, men da har de ikke samtidig penger til å kjøre RELEASE frem til interimavlesning. Og nå har de jo to munner til å mette, burn raten er jo stigende. Den er jo også påvirket av de endringer de gjør i RELEASE studien siden de nå planlegger lokale representanter samt flere siter i Asia… kan ikke huske å ha sett noe om hvilken ekstra kost det blir av, men det er ikke gratis…

Blir det negativt utfall av diskusjonen med AZ og de går for vaksinestudie skal man nok ha noe cash i beredskap for å unngå å bli utvannet.

Vet ikke selv hvordan jeg skal fikse det, men tør ikke låne de pengene… eller så får det bli en litt mindre del av en veldig mye større kake…

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De har mer enn nok penger til begge deler, går utfra tidlig godkjent release studie, så sparer de mye på det :joy:


Ja, det er det det blir, kaka blir større . - Om Pcib fortsetter å bruke pengene forsiktig.


The National Institutes of Health, an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, has been fast-tracking work with biotech company Moderna to develop a potential vaccine. More than 100 vaccines are in development globally as of April 30, according to the World Health Organization, with at least eight vaccine candidates already in human trials.

Moderna is completing its phase one trial. The company’s potential vaccine contains genetic material called messenger RNA, or mRNA, that was produced in a lab. Last week, Moderna said it would soon begin phase two trials with 600 participants and was finalizing plans for a late-stage trial as early as this summer.

Noen tanker?



Et lite innlegg om PCIB i Yahoo News, men tolker hele innlegget mer som en “reklame” for et analyseprogram.

De linker til dette i artikkelen:

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Anbefaler folk å aldri klikke på simplywallstreet- er autogenererte greier.


Jeg søkte, og fikk delvis innsyn/delvis avslag. Det man kan si med sikkerhet er at dette ikke har noe med SARS-CoV-2 å gjøre. Det er et flerårig skattefunnprosjekt (de har altså ikke mottatt penger), som sannsynligvis er fortsettelsen av FimaVACC prosjektet de allerede har gående.

Det ble laget en sluttrapport til prosjektet ‘Fimaporfin - utvikling av nye teknologier for bruk i kreftbehandling, vaksiner og nukleinsyreterapi’, som ble levert inn til Forskningsrådet for noen uker siden. Skule jo gjerne lest den også, men den fikk jeg også tilsendt med nesten bare sorte retusjeringer…

Men av få ting så var denne ikke svart:

Albert Hoffmeister er ny for meg.


Se der ja. En vaskeekte bukspyttkjertelkreftekspert!


Per snakket i siste podkast om samarbeidsmodeller. Her ser dere hva Pål har fått til i Zurich. Ref til PCIB

Preclinical development of cancer vaccines using photosensitization as adjuvant for stimulation of cytotoxic CD8 T-cells
Dermatologische Klinik, Universitätsspital Zürich, Zürich
CHF 250 000.– | Duration: 1.11. 2014 –31.10. 2016 | KFS 3451-08-2014

Pursuing a dream with photosensitive substances
One of the reasons why vaccines have not had the desired effect on cancer is that the 64 body’s own immune system does not process them optimally. Researchers supported by
the Swiss Cancer Research foundation are using photosensitive substances to intervene in the processes within the immune cells – and are moving one step closer to the vision of vaccination against cancer.
Vaccination that protects the body from cancer is a long-held dream in medicine. The dream became a reality for the first time to a certain extent with the vaccine against certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV) that can cause cervical cancer. But unfortu- nately, there have been no solid successes in prevent- ing other types of cancer. “That is because the immune system can process vaccines in two ways – and cancer vaccines go through the wrong processing”, says Pål Johansen, head of a research team at the Department of Dermatology at the University Hospital Zurich.
Every immune response starts with specialized im- mune cells, called antigen-presenting cells, ingesting the antigen (or vaccine). Depending on whether the antigen is contained in a vesicle within the immune cell or swims freely in the cell fluid, it will be cut up in different ways and displayed on the surface of the antigen-presenting cells. Normally, antigens get into the cell vesicles and from there to a MHC-II-complex, which in the immune system plays a role mainly in the interactions for the production of antibodies. However, if an antigen enters the cell sap, it binds to a MHC-I-complex, which is mainly associated with the maturation of cytotoxic T-cells, the so called killer cells.
In the fight against tumour cells, killer cells have been found to be more effective than antibodies. For this reason, the research project conducted by Johansen and his team aims to deliver the vaccines from the cell vesicle into the cell fluid of the antigen-present- ing cells. In experiments with mice, the researchers combined the antigen with a photosensitizer and ad- ministered it intradermally. When the mice were then exposed to intensive light, the photosensitive sub- stance caused the cell vesicle within the antigen-
presenting cells to burst. As a result, the vaccine en- tered the cell fluid, and the immune response led to enhanced production of killer cells.
“The principle works well in mice”, says Johansen. His team is now planning, in collaboration with an indus- try partner in Norway, first tests with humans. If the encouraging results of the animal experiments are confirmed, medicine will have made a further step toward fulfilling a great dream.


Veldig interessant. Pancreas er jo en av de store uløste kreftmysterier og den mest dødelige. 5 års overlevese for inoperable er vel ennå under 10%. Har vært diskutert før her, men pancreas er nok en veldig aktuelle kandidat for neste indikasjon for fimaChem. Mange likheter med gallegang, unmet medical need, kan belyses etc.