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H Det lukter gull av PCIB teknologien!
May 7, 2019
Radforsk har siden stiftelsen i 1986 generert en fondsverdi på 600 millioner kroner og kanalisert 200 millioner kroner til kreftforskning basert på et lån på 1 millioner kroner i egenkapital tilbake i 1986
200 millioner kroner er i denne perioden kanalisert tilbake til forskerne som Radforsk har bidratt til å kommersialisere idéene til
25 millioner kroner er gitt til forskning innen fotodynamisk terapi (PDT) og fotokjemisk internalisering (PCI) så langt. Totalt skal 40 MNOK bevilges denne forskningen
Radforsk to invest NOK 4.5 million in cancer research
Radforsk is an evergreen investor focusing on companies that develop cancer treatment. Since its start-up in 1986, Radforsk has ploughed NOK 200 million of its profit back into cancer research at Oslo University Hospital. This year, four researchers will be awarded a total of NOK 4.5 million. One of them is Anette Weyergang, who will receive NOK 3.75 million over a three-year period.
‘I’m so happy for this grant. As researchers, we have to find funding for our own projects. I didn’t have any funding for the project I have now applied and been granted funds for,’ says Anette Weyergang. She is a project group manager and senior researcher in Kristian Berg’s group.
Berg’s group conducts research in the field of photodynamic therapy (PDT) and photochemical internalisation (PCI). Radforsk’s portfolio company PCI Biotech is based on this group’s research.
Weyergang is the first researcher ever to be receive several million kroner over several years from Radforsk.
‘We have donated a total of NOK 200 million to cancer research at Oslo University Hospital, of which NOK 25 million have gone to research in PDT/PCI. We have previously awarded smaller amounts to several researchers, but we now want to use some of our funds to focus on projects we believe in,’ says CEO of Radforsk Jónas Einarsson.
Radforsk had received a total of eight applications by the deadline on 15 February, and the applications have been assessed by external experts.
New use of PCI technology
PCI is a technology for delivering drugs and other molecules into the cancer cells and then releasing them by means of light. This allows for targeted cancer treatment with fewer side effects for patients.
Weyergang will use the funds from Radforsk to research whether PCI technology can be used to make targeted cancer treatment even more targeted.
‘The project aims to find a method for delivering antibodies to cancer cells using PCI technology. This has never been done before, and if we succeed, it can open up brand possibilities for using this technology,’ says Weyergang.
Initially, she will focus on glioblastoma, which is the most serious form of brain cancer, is resistant to both chemotherapy and radiotherapy and has a very high mortality rate.
‘This is translational research, so human trials are still a long way off. We will now use both glioblastoma cell lines and experimental animals to test our hypothesis. We do this to establish what is called a “proof of concept”, which we need to move on to clinical testing,’ says Weyergang.
Har kommet frem til at mOS blir ca 15mnd hvis 4 fortsatt er i live. Dette på bakgrunn av at mOS var 12mnd ved q4. Selv med lav N er dette en viktig trigger for meg! Korriger det gjerne hvis jeg tar feil.
Utrolig hva du kan få ut av å høre på hva CEO-er og andre sier. Husker Nexts Tore Idsøe sa for noen år siden: om det kom en emisjon ville den komme av styrke. Noen måneder etterpå spyttet svenskene inn emisjonspenger godt over kursen. Kursen gikk fra 40-50 til 160-180.
Fingerprint kom med to resultatvarsler før markedet reagerte noe særlig, gikk så på 5-6 mnd fra 50 til 500. Husker også gammel CEO i Biotec pharma som på q fortalte hvor vanskelig det var å inngå avtale med Big Pharma, det var tunggrodd og måtte igjennom mange beslutningsprosesser osv. Hørte ikke etter og ble med på halvering. Lærte leksa og hørte på de neste.
Før meldingen om innvilgelse av pivotalstudie, hadde nesten PW lovet at det kom til å skje og Trojan sa på en utube video at Amphinex skulle videreutvikles i en Pivotalstudie.
Nå sist på q4 har PW mer enn hintet om gode resultater vacc.
Garderobemannens betraktninger om dagens nyhet om den store potten Radforsk bruker på PCIB teknologien! Veldig bra!
Presentasjon 9.30 i morgen mot 8.30 tidligere, har jeg forstått det riktig?
Det er noe i gravitasjonsteorien din, men bare litt. Den gjelder først og fremst under lengre perioder med nyhetstørke. Men når du utvider teorien med at hvert selskap har sin "normal"kurs, bærer det helt galt av sted.
Om lag 40 % av de aksjene jeg i dag sitter med, kjøpte jeg i tidsrommet februar - oktober 2016 til en snittkurs på ca. 5,20. Den "normalen er fullstendig utgått på dato.
Hva er din datostempling på 25-kronersnivået?
Invitation to first quarter 2019 result presentation
Time: Wednesday 8 May, 08:30am – 09:30am CEST (local time).
Takker. Netfonds lurte meg, sto punktum i stedet for bindestrek.
Når Radforsk nå gir 3,75 av 4,5 millioner til Anette Weyergang og hennes PCI-forskning så er det selvsagt som Jonas Einarsson uttaler at de har ståltro på dette, og Radforsk er jo en stor eier i PCIB så de skjønner jo at dette er vel anvendte penger som de vil få igjen mange gangen i andre enden.
Kanskje lurt å vente på morgendagen og se om kursen strammer seg til eller ikke.
Uten indikasjon om stor sannsynlighet for partneravtale imorgen, må det nok flere positive triggere til, om aksjen skal videre opp med det første.
Det viktigste med meldingen 2. mai, var å få passert emisjonskursen med god margin.
Hvorfor så opptatt av kurs i morgen? Kommer uansett plutselig i ATH om flere gjør som Radforsk. Referer til dagens melding 7 may Radforsk.
PCIB teknologien strammer seg til både her og der. Kursen er på et tidspunkt nødt til å komme til nye høyder dersom PCIB fortsetter med resultater. Men når? Just keep up the good work! Se hvor Radforsk puttet midlene i dag! Say no more!
Radforsk har siden stiftelsen i 1986 generert en fondsverdi på 600 millioner kroner og kanalisert 200 millioner kroner til kreftforskning basert på et lån på 1 millioner kroner i egenkapital tilbake i 1986.
Tror de ser for seg STORE muligheter for livreddende PCIB teknologi og verdiøkning når en ser på historien som begynte med en million og ble til nesten en milliard!
Her bommer du totalt! Det du viser til er ikke fra meg, men noe jeg siterte fra FakeNews! Les innlegget en gang til…
Fantastic finding @Jubel. This proves the strong scientific rationale behind the Pci platform resulting in a new cancer indication investigation and obviously radforsk has high expectations of the technology. this adds up to the fundamentals for those who see further than their noses.
The successful fimavacc translation into man with SVB joining the SAC were an earlier and pretty good proof (and not the first by the way) of Pci endorsement by the scientific committee, which consolidates further the fundamentals. Looking forward for the commercial translation strategy.
Pci biotech is a tripod, with 2 legs vacc and chem that are stronger than ever, I’m sure nac will be too with progress in the 6 collaboration agreements.
Oslo (Norway), 8 May 2019 - PCI Biotech (OSE: PCIB), a cancer focused biopharmaceutical company today announces its first quarter 2019 result. Please find enclosed the report and presentation.
First sites for the pivotal fima Chem “RELEASE” study open for enrolment and successful translation of fima Vacc into man.
Final confirmation of safety with two treatments was reached in April 2019 in the fima Chem Phase I extension study, without the report of any adverse reactions that would limit the delivery of up to two treatments in the RELEASE study. The pivotal RELEASE study will therefore be initiated with up to two treatments and it will also include a seamless safety review when eight patients have been given two treatments. The overall survival data for Phase I patients receiving the pivotal dose are encouraging, suggesting a clear improvement over the best comparable published data. All necessary approvals have been achieved in six countries and the first RELEASE study sites are open for enrolment of patients. PCI Biotech’s focus is now to bring fima Chem to the market for the treatment of inoperable bile duct cancer through successful completion of the RELEASE study.
The translation of the vaccination technology, fima Vacc , into humans has been successfully completed. The results of the Phase I study provide proof of concept by demonstrating improvement of immunogenicity of vaccines in healthy volunteers. The overall clinical data covering more than 90 subjects provide clinical support of fima Vacc ’s potential to enhance the cellular immune responses that are especially important for therapeutic effect of vaccines. The results are now to be utilised to establish fima Vacc in the immunotherapy field.
On the corporate side, the Scientific Advisory Committee has been further strengthened with Professor Sjoerd van der Burg to ensure adequate scientific support for continued progress of the fima Vacc programme in 2019.
After reviewing the overall results of the Phase I fima Vacc study, Prof. van der Burg commented: “These encouraging results obtained by including fimaporfin during vaccination merit further exploration in a relevant clinical disease to assess if the enhanced immune responses translates into clinical benefit”.
Per Walday, CEO of PCI Biotech, comments: ”The encouraging results of the Phase I study is a major milestone for our fima Vacc programme. The results provide proof of concept and efficacy in terms of dosing in humans as well as an overall characterisation of tolerability, in keeping with the target objectives of the trial and paving the way for further development in a clinical setting. We were also pleased to receive the confirmation on reached safety endpoint in the fima Chem extension study from the Cohort Review Committee. The RELEASE study is now being initiated and two sites are open for enrolment. All approvals have been achieved in six countries and several further sites will open for enrolment in the coming weeks. The company is now fully focused on successful completion of this transforming study. ”
fima Chem
*First sites for the pivotal RELEASE study open for enrolment
*Successful safety read-out in the Phase I extension study confirmed (subsequent event)
*Completion of the full Phase I study and formal closure of recruitment (subsequent event)
*Presented Phase I dose-escalation results at the annual conference of the US Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation and at the 3rd Asia-Pacific Cholangiocarcinoma conference in Taiwan
fima Vacc
*Successful clinical translation (subsequent event)
*Further strengthened the Scientific Advisory Committee
Beklager, @rockpus. Det var liksom ikke likt deg. Ser nå at det ikke er du som står for teorien.
Likevel, når du siterer andre, bør du sette utsagnet mellom anførselstegn. Er det ikke sitat, men en mer omtrentlig gjengivelse, er det desto viktigere at det går klart og direkte fram hvem innholdet refererer til.
Extension cohort to explore safety of repeated treatment
► Summary of characteristics and interim results
A total of seven patients were included – five of these received two fimaCHEM treatments
Safety endpoint reached – the pivotal study will be initiated with up to two treatments
Four of the seven included patients had radiologically measurable disease
The average tumour burden (overall target tumour diameter) in patients with measurable disease in the extension was about twice the average tumour burden in the dose escalation
None of the measurable local treated tumours showed progression during the six months follow-up period, but two patients had progression due to appearance of new lesions
Three of the seven patients were alive at last censoring (March – May), all having received two treatments – the emerging median overall survival is approximately 14 months
Endelig får vi en smakebit av hva Burgeren mener.
BILE DUCT CANCER – RELEASE STUDY ► Progress towards initiation of the pivotal study
► Achieved safety endpoint in the extension study confirmed after formal review by the appointed Cohort Review Committee
► Ongoing regulatory and ethics approvals progressing well – all approvals achieved in Norway, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, France and Spain
► Ongoing site initiations progressing well – two sites open for enrolment
► Presentation of Phase I data at the US CCA Foundation annual conference in USA (Jan’19) and at the 3rd Asia-Pacific CCA conference in Taiwan (Mar’19)
► Randomised study with interim analysis for potential accelerated/conditional approval
► Orphan designation granted in both the US and EU
► Fastest way to market determined through regulatory interactions with authorities
• Firstlinetreatmentofpatientswith inoperableextrahepaticbileductcancer
• Approx. 40 key hospitals (Europe & USA)
• Approx.36monthstointerimand50to final analysis
• Randomisation(1:1)of186patients
• Primaryendpoint:PFSa,withOSb as key secondary
• Interimanalysisprimaryendpoints: PFS followed by ORRc
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