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PCI Biotech - Småprat 2019 (PCIB)

Hva er best for aksjekursen:

Børsmelde “små”-hendelser når de inntreffer
Opplyse om “små”-hendelser innbagt i kvartalsrapportene

Som eksempel kan en ta frem PCIB sin patent innen mRNA i fimaNAc nå nylig.

Sikrer mRNA med PCI-teknologien til 2039 og ny metode innen delivery som klart overgår dagens praksis
(skulle vært interessant å vite hva dette går ut på)

Min påstand er at denne burde vært børsmeldt alene og ikke vært en del av en kvartalsrapport hvor budskapet drukner i bakgrunnsstøyen.
Børsmeldt så ville denne også blitt gitt til markedet på en måte som sikrer at budskapet når målet.

Et annet forhold dette berører er at periodene mellom kvartalsrapportene blir veldig stille med valgte melde-strategi.

Strategi valgt av selskapet for hva som skal meldes kan være kursdrivende.


Nyhetstørke er det værste for kursutviklingen … så jeg er enig med deg @ufo

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Meldinger blir også veldig forutsigbarhet , ikke bra det heller.

Best med slikt som brått kommer​:wink::+1:


Q-2 transcript



RELEASE ER HELT RÅ. Kan ikke finne ett biotek selskap i fase tre tog priset til milliarden!

So summarizing this. The pivotal study is progressing well. We had our first patient included in May. Recruitment is progressing according to plan. We have achieved safety endpoint in the extension study, the RELEASE initiated now – has been initiated now with up to 2 treatments. Regulatory and ethic approvals are progressing according into plan. By mid-August, we had approvals received for the U.S., which is important, of course, and 8 of the 11 planned European countries. That included Norway, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, Poland, Sweden and Denmark. We’re still waiting for Finland, U.K. and Italy. So those are the 3 remaining.

Site initiations progressing according to plan with a total of 15 sites across 7 European countries open for enrollment and actively screening for patients now by mid-August. It’s been a lot of work over the summer of this PCI Biotech organization, the operational team. And I would like to use this opportunity to congratulate them on the good work that they’ve done actually because it’s been a lot of work during the summer.

And then we have had presentation of Phase I data at the CCA Foundation in Salt Lake City at the Asia Pacific CCA conference in Taipei, in Taiwan and also the International Photodynamic Organization World Congress (sic) [International Photodynamic Association World Congress] in the U.S. in June 2019. We were – I was present myself at the International Photodynamic Association World Congress in June where we were a sponsor of the meeting. We had separate seminar, which was very well attended and with a lot of questions and interaction with the audience. So there is a lot of interest in the technology.

Looking forward then, what are we doing? What is the pivotal study. It’s a randomized study, 1:1, with an interim analysis for a potential accelerated approval. We have orphan designation by regulatory authorities, EMA and FDA, granted in both U.S. and EU. The fastest way to market has been determined through regulatory interactions with both of those agencies and this is the result of those interactions. We can, with this, become a first-line treatment of patients with inoperable extrahepatic bile duct cancer by doing randomization study of 1:1 with approximately 186 patients. The primary end point being progression-free survival and overall survival, of course, as a key secondary in this population which has very poor survival. And then potential accelerated approval through interim analysis of primary endpoints PFS, progression-free survival, followed by objective response rate. And we are planning to do this in approximately 40 key hospitals across Europe and the U.S.

Now I mentioned also that the prevalence of this disease in Asia is higher than it is in the Western world. So it is an area where we need to have a presence and where we can actually speed up recruitment. So we have a feasibility study ongoing in Asia to select the most appropriate RELEASE study sites for patient recruitment and market impact, and the aim is then to open sites in Asia as well in 2020. It’s still in a feasibility study, so it’s too early to talk too much about which countries and how many sites and so on, we’ll have to come back to that one of the feasibility is done. But this is the aim: to open study sites in 2020. So that was fimaCHEM.


«We have 6 different collaborations ongoing. They are at different activity levels and are differing results. But the most important ones of these, I can say, that we have good progress and quite exciting results without being able to go in any more detail on that afterwards, okay?»

WOW say no more!

Vedrørende konkurrenter! None

There is always competition for recruitment of patients either from investigative studies that academic centers are doing themselves because they want to publish specific results on new combinations that they’re testing and so on and also, to some extent, on commercial companies that are developing drugs for – generally for CCA. There is nothing specifically for our specific patient population, but there are umbrella studies that will include and compete for this.


For min del er det to problemer her:

  1. En emisjon på disse nivåene vil også være en bekreftelse på at styret synes dagens børskurs er “fair”. Hvis de mener at kursen burde vært 50, 60 eller 100 kroner så selger man ikke en eierandel av selskapet til 15 - 25 kroner nå selv om formålet er aldri så godt.
  2. Hvis studien som skal finansieres er en kombinasjon med Ultimovacs sin medisin, blir sjansen for å lykkes for liten etter min vurdering. Hadde samarbeidet vært med en godkjent medisin, er veien til godkjennelse mye kortere og nåverdien av prosjektet tilsvarende stort. Ultimovacs har vel i tillegg knapt med kapital så et samarbeid med en etablert aktør hadde vært å foretrekke og langt mindre risikabelt.

Unidentified Analyst, [45]

Okay. Regarding fimaVACC, you said you are doing partnering here. This is – what we are – you’re at least seeking partnering. Are you in some discussions with companies on fimaVACC?

Per Walday, PCI Biotech Holding ASA - CEO [46]

We are always in discussions with companies. We’re very active.


Mistenker at de jobber ræva av seg for tiden


Sherlock :face_with_monocle:

Denne krever kanskje litt utfyllende info… Det er hevet over en hver tvil at de jobber noe ekstremt om dagen.


Jeg vil ikke ha emisjon. Jeg vil ha en giga-avtale med Topp-10 i Fimanacc


@nordpolen : Sorry - da misforstod jeg. Ultimovacs var omtalt rett før ditt innlegg, så jeg trodde det var den det gjaldt.

De sa jo senest på q2 at det skal kjøres et proof of concept studie i egen regi med VACC.

Så jeg blir gjerne med på en 10% utvanning hvis pengene er øremerket et VACC studie.

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Jeg hadde og vært med på emisjon øremerket til FimaVACC. Hadde foretrukket en emisjon på 50-60 kroner (selv om kursen skulle være atskillig lavere på det tidspunktet man annonserte emisjon).


Kan det være fordi de er ganske trygge på at penger er på vei inn ?


Ingen dårlig spekulasjon :blush:


PCI Biotech: Exercise of employee share options, mandatory notification of trade and resolution to increase share capital


CFO kjøper netto 14.700 aksjer. Positivt!


Det var vel ikke helt det de sa!

De sa vel heller noe sånn som at neste steg for fimaVACC etter ett suksessfullt fase 1 studie hos friske frivillige med forbedret immunrespons som gav oss KLINISK BEVIS AV KONSEPTET med Svært etterspurte funksjoner - spesielt for terapeutisk vaksinasjon.

Ett proof of concept studie innen terapeutisk vaksinasjon vil være ett natulig neste steg med en partner eller i egen regi.

Nå skal fimaVACC endelig presenteres for verden iløpet av høsten og første stop er
The World Vaccine Congress 29-31 October 2019, Barcelona


Får bruke hans egne CFO-ord fra radforsk-podden tilbake til ham:
“Men du er no ikke dum” :wink: