Jeg synes det er mer og mer som vitner om at PCIB sin fimaVacc teknologi (spesielt med T Cell egenskaper i fase 1 studiet) er hyperaktuell som teknologi i nær fremtid for vaksinasjonsprogrammer!
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fimaVACC – An innovative proprietary T-cell induction technology based on PCI
Effective induction of CD8 T-cells is key to realize the huge potential of therapeutic cancer vaccination, but this has been difficult to achieve with today’s vaccination technologies. The fimaVACC technology may provide a solution to this problem, thereby substantially improving the potential to trigger the immune system to fight both cancers and infectious diseases.
Mechanism of action:
• Induction of CD8 T-cells is essential for the generation of an immunological response that can attack the tumour cells. Induction of CD8 T-cells is typically mediated through MHC Class I antigen presentation by antigen presenting cells (APCs).
• The PCI technology can re-localise endocytosed antigens from endosomes to the cytosol in APCs, thereby making the antigens accessible for the MHC Class I presentation machinery.
Clinical Proof of Concept for fima VACC :
Successful clinical translation of fima VACC and proof-of-concept by a phase I study in healthy volunteers were reported early May 2019 (link to press release)
Børsmelding inneholdt interessant oppdatering på fimaVacc og her plutselig omtale om VIRUS:
PCI Biotech: US patent for the vaccine technology (fimaVACC) with a new important class of adjuvants
Oslo (Norway), 26 March 2020 – PCI Biotech (OSE: PCIB).
…« Effective induction of cytotoxic T-cells will be critical to realise the huge potential of therapeutic cancer vaccines, and is also important for vaccination against some viral and parasitic infections, but vaccines often fail to generate such responses.»
Så KAN spørsmålet være. Hvorfor var det ved målstreken i forhandlingene behov for lenger tid til evaluering og forhandlinger mellom PCI Biotech og AstraZeneca???Det ser ut til å ha vært uventet på disse parter gitt kommunikasjonen tidligere til markedet. Er svaret på det hele større avtale enn først antatt? Og er det fimaVacc teknologien som OGSÅ plutselig ble hyperaktuell for AZ? Hvem vet? Er det virkelig covid-19 som gjør at det KAN bli en virkelig SOLID avtale for biotekmyggen med big pharma?