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PCI Biotech - Småprat 3 2020 (PCIB)

At det ikke spiller noen rolle, betyr ikke at det ikke er enormt irriterende. Men det er ikke noe som går rett opp.

Fra min inngang på 50 i 2018, så gikk den rett i 25, og det har skjedd 4 ganger, så slutt å syt.


Ingen som forventer kun oppgang og heller ikke noe syting her. Hvis du har vært nedenom så heftig og mange ganger som du sier vet du også at det er lettere å si at det ikke spiller noen rolle når man sitter i pluss. Har vært der jeg også og gjorde meg færre tanker om kurssvingninger da. Er nok ikke den eneste her


Takk, skal nok alltids ha en post inne som aldri skal ut, men dette er åpenbart også en tradingaksje med stor volatilitet, og personlig er jeg ingen stor fan av Pareto og deres stunt fra tid til annen, så det var ikke så vanskelig å ta en avgjørelse om å ut aksjer på 18 % stigning i går. Virket litt vel mye, spesielt siden volumet også er så høyt. Kan ikke sammenlignes med ilikvide aksjer som stiger 40 % på en dag hvor omsetningen kanskje er 200 - 400 000 kroner.

Lykke til i morgen for dere som er skikkelig langsiktige i aksjen :+1:


jaja, uansett - lykke til i morgen alle sammen , inne og ute :wink: Så får vi håpe de drar opp en flott nyhet fra hatten .


nice trade, some people sit quietly and some like some action. sometimes it works but sometimes it doesn’t.

I remember few years ago I sold my NANO shares for which i bought at 12.5kr, exit with 55kr i believe, hoping to re-enter at lower price but the stock continued to 112 ish, then it was mentally impossible for me to try and regain my position again resulting in losing interest in the company (looking back at, it wasn’t a bad deal if you take into account where NANO is at now)

I have said that yesterday pattern will do more harm than good. and obviously this is what happened today.


Kurs 52 ved inngang til H1 var langt unna mine forventninger når kursen var over 60 i går, ganske irriterende. Pho overrasket på sin Q2, forhåpentligvis kan Pcib klare noe lignende i morgen


Se sånn på det: de har absolutt sjansen til å overraske til oppsiden!


Hva er det egentlig du vil fram til korkemand? At hele det prekliniske samarbeidet med AZ er en bløff?! Må litt lenger vekk fra Danmark med noe sånt.


Jeg tror advokatene til AZ ville avslørt den bløffen for lenge siden i såfall.

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Utdrag fra mailen fra PCIB onsdag:

«PCI Biotech’s (OSE: PCIB) second quarter and first half 2020 interim report will be released on 26 August 2020 at 07.00 CEST. The interim report and presentation will be made available on www.newsweb.no and on the company’s webpage, www.pcibiotech.com.

A results presentation (in English) will be held through a webcast at 08.30 CEST the same day. The webcast can be accessed through www.pcibiotech.com and it will be possible to post questions through the webcast console.»


La oss ta en avstemning

Blir Q2 rapporten (i din subjektive mening):

  • Positiv
  • Nøytral
  • Negativ

0 stemmegivere


86% er ikke negative - samtidig som kursen har falt mye fra toppen i går. Regnestykket går ikke helt opp.

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Tror du TI er hele markedet? :muscle:


Nei, men jeg tror langt på vei reflekterer markedet. Spesielt de som trader (antar at mange av de større sitter i ro med sine posisjoner i større grad)




Lett å glemme. Men husk at det skjer ting i kulissene. 31.12 er ikke endelig dato de jobber 5 dager i uka. Møter e-post Sverige Oslo med fly osv… turer til London…

I mens tikker klokken mot ny dag. Lykke til…


PCI Biotech: First half-year 2020 results
Oslo (Norway), 26 August 2020 - PCI Biotech (OSE: PCIB), a cancer focused
biopharmaceutical company, today announces its interim first half-year and Q2
2020 results. Please find enclosed the report and presentation.


*The main priorities during the COVID-19 pandemic has been identification and
implementation of potential mitigating actions for progressing the RELEASE
study. Screening into the RELEASE study has been severely affected in the first
half of 2020 with only one patient recruited during the pandemic, and the study
has yet to enrol the first US patient. The situation is still unclear and the
long-term consequences of the pandemic are uncertain

*Good progress in Asia, with the first 8 RELEASE study sites recently opened. A
total of 44 sites are open by mid-August 2020 across EU, US and Asia and >50
sites are planned to be included into the study

*The Asian clinical sites are located in South Korea and Taiwan, providing
access to hospitals and KOL’s in a commercially interesting region with higher
prevalence of bile duct cancer than in the US and EU

*Several new initiatives to recoup long-term recruitment projections are being
implemented, with the aim to accelerate patient inclusion when the current
constraints on clinical trials inflicted by the COVID-19 pandemic are resolved.
A complete picture of the consequences for the RELEASE study and the effect of
the new initiatives are not yet available, but a delay of 6-12 months may be
anticipated. The expected timeline for the planned interim analysis by 1H 2022
is therefore extended to range from 2H 2022 to 1H 2023, and the current cash-
position may not be sufficient to reach interim read of the RELEASE study

*An article with a case report series from the Phase I study has been accepted
for publication in Endoscopy International Open. The article provides a detailed
description of treatment effects in three select patients at the dose chosen for

*Two new US patents have been granted in 2020, providing broad coverage for the
combination of fimaVACC with various cytokines and a new important class of

*The evaluation period under the preclinical research collaboration with
AstraZeneca has been extended by 6 months and the evaluation of the potential
for a further collaboration now runs to the end of 2020

*The research collaborations have recently been reviewed for progress and value
to PCI Biotech, and prioritised accordingly, resulting in closure of three

*The management team was in May 2020 strengthened by the appointment of Dr Amir
Snapir as CMO and Mr Ludovic Robin as CBO

Per Walday, CEO of PCI Biotech, comments: “Our highest priority during the
COVID-19 pandemic has been the safety of our patients, employees and
collaborators. We have previously communicated that this pandemic will result in
yet undeterminable delays and increased cost, and we now see that recruitment
into the RELEASE study has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This
is probably due to several factors, including the study being done in busy
tertiary hospitals often requiring patient travel, involving treatment
procedures demanding key hospital resources, and CCA being a rare disease. On
the other hand, we have seen good progress in the work to ensure an optimised
study when the pandemic issues are resolved, with regulatory approval and sites
initiated in both South Korea and Taiwan, 10 new RELEASE study sites opened
since the Q1 2020 report, and good progress in our efforts to relax relevant
patient eligibility criteria. We have initiated work to include Ukraine in the
study and are also considering further Asian countries. We should now be well
positioned to accelerate the RELEASE study when the COVID-19 pandemic subsides.
Two important fimaVacc patents have been granted in the US and we are
intensifying our efforts to find partners and move this programme to clinical
proof-of-concept in a disease setting. With all these tasks at hand, we are very
pleased to have strengthened the executive team with Dr Amir Snapir as CMO and
Mr Ludovic Robin as CBO, who have both taken strong strategic and operational
ownership in the work.”

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Hoppet litt på siste setningen der…


PCI Biotech Q2 2020 Interim Report.pdf
PCI Biotech Q2 2020 Interim presentation.pdf


Expansion of RELEASE to Asia
The expansion of RELEASE to Asia has been done to enhance patient recruitment and provide access
to hospitals and key opinion leaders in this region with higher prevalence of bile duct cancer, and the
expansion may also open up the potential upside from a business perspective. Initially the trial has
opened in South-Korea and Taiwan. Other commercially interesting countries in Asia are considered to be Japan, Hong Kong and China. The Asian market is known to be fragmented and PCI Biotech do not
foresee to commercialise fimaCHEM for bile duct cancer in Asia without a partner.
The target population for fimaCHEM is inoperable patients, and applying a projection of inoperable
patients based on the estimated inoperable portion from the Western world (approx. 75%1
) and taking
into account that not all parts of the population in China will have access to the treatment, it can be
estimated potentially more than 4,000 patients annually in the commercially interesting Asian market.
This preliminary figure is based on publicly available epidemiological information

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