Most soon
Most soon
Kan bety så mangt. Av betydning nå må vel være eTheRNA…De er vel klare for klinikk/kommersialisering nå hvert øyelokk?
Hvorfor. Har.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a minimally invasive interventional modality used in the treatment of various tumours in various anatomical locations. Fundamentally, PDT relies on three components: a photosensitiser (chemotherapeutic substance), light (laser), and oxygen. Initially, a photosensitiser is administered either systemically or topically, and specific wavelength light is then applied with a delay of several hours (drug–light intervals).
1.3.4. Specific Type
Disulfonated tetraphenyl chlorin (TPCS2a—Amphinex® PCI Biotech, Oslo, Norway) is used to initiate the photochemical internalisation (PCI) process with a selected chemotherapeutic agent. The process can be best described as sub-lethal PDT that facilitates the effect of chemotherapy to reduce resistance and increase effectivity. TPCS2a is usually given approximately 93 h prior to a slow bleomycin infusion and subsequent illumination with a diode laser to initiate the PCI process [26].
PDT has been shown to be as effective as conventional therapies for the treatment of oral, oropharyngeal, nasopharyngeal and laryngeal cancers, as well as vascular anomalies in the head and neck region. Since the light source is targeted onto the area of the lesion, and the activated photosensitiser acts over an extremely small radius, the effects of PDT are largely confined only to diseased tissue. PDT also causes minimal damage to underlying structures, further confining the damage to healthy tissue.
Photosensitisers accumulate in all cells, and as a result, there is a period of photosensitivity after the therapy which effectively confines the patient indoors to avoid sunlight exposure. This period is a serious disruption to the patient’s work and social lives. Further, due to the specific wavelengths at which current photosensitisers are excited at, the depth of lesions which can be treated with PDT is limited. This restricts the number of eligible lesions.
Most of the studies in this review focused on cases of recurrent or persistent cancers resistant to conventional treatments. Whilst these cases have shown PDT to be safe and effective, future applications to investigate could include primary treatment of head and neck cancers. Additionally, the development of new generations of photosensitisers could reduce the duration of residual photosensitivity and increase the depth of lesions that can be treated using PDT, improving tolerability and expanding the number of eligible lesions, respectively.
OliX will also present an overview of its pipeline OLX101A for hypertrophic scars, OLX104C for hair loss, OLX301A/D for age-related macular degeneration and subretinal fibrosis. The Company expects to initiate clinical trials for OLX104C and OLX301A/D in 2022.
Fikk e-mail av styreformann nå nettopp. Får følge med fremover for å se at det blir bedring i kommunikasjonen:
«This is a follow up to my recent e-mail. All shareholders who have aired their misgivings with the state of affairs in PCIB will receive an equivalent e-mail. Please do not respond.
The joint feedback from you all was shared with the BoD and discussed at a non-executive session at a recent BoD meeting. Without going into details here, the Board decided on a number of steps aimed at improving our communication. These will be gradually implemented and noticed over the coming months.
Thank you for your input. You have been heard!
With best wishes,
Flott, jeg tror vi nå kan ta det for gitt at de som minimum legger seg på Nano sin policy med å opplyse om antall rekrutterte ved hver Q-presentasjon. VIser jo at det nytter å påvirke som aksjonær! Power to the people!
Hva som kommer av ytterligere tiltak blir spennnende å følge!
Kanskje en kapitalmarkedsdag er på trappene?
Spennende nå med Olix, som ledelsen nevnte tidligere,avtalen kan meget gjerne utvides,. Og det kan komme relativt raskt…
Får vi noe her denne uka
I og med at intet nevnes vedrørende resultatene til PW, og styret og er forblitt intakt, er det vel fair at formode at der foregår og/eller har foregått en del som dagens aksjonærer ikke har kjennskap til. Konklusjon p.t. er at PW stadigvek er rette person. Da bør vi kunne legge den diskusjon død!
Hvor lenge holder kontantene til PCI med dagens burn?
Step 1:
PW and RS will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever participate in a podcast again.
Har jeg forstått deg riktig ? Fordi intet meldes markedet så skjer det mye som dagens aksjonærer ikke har kjennskap til ? Kan du utdype hva det evt. skulle være ?
Og PW er rette person til å lede selskapet fordi det ikke blir gjort endringer i styret ?
Enkelte har krevd PW sitt hode, men styret har valgt ikke at imøtekomme det ønske. Man kunne kanskje ha forventet et splittet styre, men da alle styremedlemmene i tillegg blir værende mener jeg at det er en fair antakelse at de er fornøyd med selskapets utvikling/resultater, ut fra en given situasjon (værende mangel på kapital, begrenset antall tilsetter, Covid19 e.lign.).
Ergo der er med garanti mye “vi” aksjonærer ikke har kjennskap til.
Tror vi skal være obs på denne muligheten
An important deficit of current vaccines is that they only weakly activate CD8 T cells. We recently developed a new concept for vaccination and stimulation of cytotoxic CD8 T-cell responses based on the combination of antigen and a photosensitiser. After antigen and photosensitiser uptake in endosomes, light activation of the photosensitiser cause disruption of endosomal membrane and the so-called photochemical internalisation (PCI) 1-3. Here, the potential and limitations of PCI-based vaccination with protein and mRNA antigens will be tested in mouse models of cancer and infection. Successful vaccines will induce tumour- or pathogen-specific CD8 T cells and prevent disease. We will also perform experiments in vitro, in vivo and in situ to uncover the mechanism of action of PCI-based vaccines as to enable further rational improvements. Since preliminary data suggest a strong positive effect of combining antigen and photosensitiser in particles, a major goal of the project is to develop particle-based vaccines. Particles assure that both antigen and photosensitiser are targeted jointly to antigen-presenting cells (APCs). This is important as the hypothesised effect of PCI-based vaccines assumes that photosensitiser and antigen are taken up by the same individual cell. We will also test the migratory properties of vaccines and immune cells in vivo and in situ and how PCI affects the lymphatic system of the skin. As the overall goal of our project is to assess feasibility and to pave the way for human testing of PCI-based vaccination, we will also make first preparations for clinical translation of this novel vaccination method.
Trollmannen fra Zurich - Pål Johansen
Jeg ser dette prosjektet ble avsluttet 30.09.2019, og deretter ble det skrevet 2 forskjellige publikasjoner:
- Photochemical Internalization: Light Paves Way for New Cancer Chemotherapies and Vaccines
- Combined Photosensitization and Vaccination Enable CD8 T-Cell Immunity and Tumor Suppression Independent of CD4 T-Cell Help
er det noen som vet om det kommer flere oppdateringer, evt nye prosjekter her?
Du må også se aktiviteten i sammenheng med dette paperet
Feb 2021.
• Co-encapsulating antigen and photosensitizer enhances PCI-mediated vaccination.
• Dermal DCs take up PLGA microspheres and transport them to draining LNs.
• DC migration is enhanced by PCI-induced skin inflammation and CCR7 signaling.
• Antigen-specific CD8+ T cell activation first occurs in skin-draining LNs.
• PCI-based vaccination with PLGA microspheres induces a transient skin inflammation.
Betyr dette i praksis snarlig klinisk studie I Vacc?
Om du ser over så vil du finne følgende under programmet.
Clinical Trials Center, USZ Switzerland (Europe)
- in-depth/constructive exchanges on approaches, methods or results
Det virker som de gjør seg klar.
takk,står der noko om finansiering?spør sikkert dumt