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PCI Biotech - Småprat 4 (PCIB) 1

@Snoeffelen this is super super interesting. in this very recent paper (24 june) Sanofi R&D is saying something spectacular about pci (light triggered endosomal escape ), i think they are referring to moderna trial.

They talking frequently here about light triggered endosomal escape not necessarily mentioning pci biotech as a company but we get the point. I think this is a must read. the technology is getting noticed. the most important thing they forgot to mention is naked delivery.


I am impressed by your diggin’ @StockDZ. Cheers!

You nailed AZ last time. I will not be surprised if you also this time is spot on with your info.

If so, lets get ready to rumble :crossed_fingers::bomb:

Bienvenue Sanofi!

Skal vi være flåsete å si at svenskene nok en gang går glipp av et biotek fond :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:?

Akkurat poenget InVivo. Sanofi er kjent med lysteknologi. Det bør være en stor fordel? Komfortabel motpart er nydelig spør du meg.

Anyway, med det bakteppet som flere beskriver og PW med gårsdagens event jobbes det uansett på høygir med mulig avtale. Så gjenstår selvsagt fasit!

Ikke ueffent med bekreftelse om økt screening og innrullering ved snart Juli måned (beskrevet i går)Det gir visibilitet for RELEASE og tidslinjer. Hvis ikke det er bull….?


Men det er jo andre fotosensitive produkter som nevens her da, ikke fimaprofin:

To be triggered by light, different strategies exist based on a photosensitive molecule, e.g.,
verteporfin (VP), which, under a specific wavelength illumination, can generate reactive
oxygen species (ROS) that destabilize the endolysosomal membrane [127,128], or with
indocyanine green (ICG), which can absorb and convert light energy into heat to destabilize
the membrane


@InVivo they are giving example, we all know there are few photosensitizers out there under development. Then you have to look which is in late stage clinical development and most importantly where the patents sit. they are referencing publication from far east and this is itself encouraging as @lenny said before which also shows interest in this technology but serves for example PCI with fimachem in Asia. never forget that PCI is a “made in Norway” and PCI biotech is well protected by layers of patents … I believe the company should read this publication and probably get in touch with those scientists and tell them about naked delivery … they could also probably already know :slight_smile: and kept it out in purpose. remember AZ PCI publication is not published yet even though the data was broadly presented in few slides


Styremedlem i PCI Biotech med erfaring nettopp fra Sanofi!


Hilde Furberg holds a Master of Science from the University of Oslo, Norway. She is an independent consultant and a professional board member. She has broad senior leadership experience, coming from her 35 years in sales, marketing, strategy and general management in Pharma/Biotech. Her experience is in different areas of specialty care, and from small to large global companies. Hilde Furberg has worked in Companies like Baxter and Genzyme, she was most recently European Head of Rare Diseases for Sanofi Genzyme. In addition to working for Genzyme/Sanofi Genzyme, she has served as a non-executive director of BerGenBio, Probi, Pronova, Clavis, Algeta and chair of the board for Blueprint Genetics



@Jubel, yes I know i just did not want to fuel the speculations more :joy: also Gael L’Hévéder (Previous CBDO) was ex Sanofi and Roche … again just speculating while i feel a victim of boredom :zzz:


True! The valuation of PCI Biotech is for sure a victim😅
The Share price is a mile away from ABG, Pareto og Arctic targets.

Even news of increase enrollment in RELEASE ….

I speculate IF partner news come true that PCIB share price will make a huge increase in shareholders value. But again I am as everyone else looking forward to final facts!


This is where PCI biotech collaboration with Eherna is by april 2021


What does formulation mean here?




Et lite skudd fra hofta etter søk på flere kandidater enn Sanofi…ifm en eventuell vacc partner. MedImmune (Molecular vaCCines Inc) er i AZ «familien» faktisk…som forsker på bl.a metabole sykdommer som infeksjoner, vaksiner å onkologi. Ser bare etter flere alternativer her mot en eventuell vacc partner siden «De» allerede (AZ) nylig avsluttet samarbeidet vi alle kjenner til…som videre kjenner struktur, selskap å data.

Edit: var det ikke de som fikset samarbeidet mellom Pcib og AZ i utgangspunktet?


Hør podcast 81 om fimaVacc . Det er først og fremst advisory board ved Jan Vermorken (Belgia), Sjoerd van der Burg (Nederland) og co, som skal selge inn fimaVacc. I tillegg til innleide eksterne konsulenter.

De mangler i så fall ikke kontakter. Van der Burg er mye omtalt, men Vermorken er ikke så verst han heller:

Dr. Jan B. Vermorken is a member of an advisory board for Merck-Serono, Amgen, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Genentech and Sanofi-Aventis and has lectured (compensated) for Merck-Serono, Amgen, Bristol-Byers Squibb and Sanofi-Aventis.


Takk til Snøffelen for denne gjengivelsen for oss som ikke har hatt tid til å høre dagens podcast.
Veldig spennende at Einarsson trekker fimaVacc inn i diskusjonen rundt Hubros profylaktiske vaksine. Kan ikke skjønne annet enn at fimaVacc må være frontrunneren blant de 3 teknologiene som nevnes. fimaVacc er som kjent mer enn bare en adjuvans.

Merk at han sier at det er meget mulig at det kan bli et samarbeid med flere av selskapene. Ingenting hadde vært artigere om vi fikk se synergier mellom Radforskselskapene.


Litt trygt og godt med PW og Ronny i førerstolen når man ser på rotet i NANOV


Regarding pci biotech. Not long ago ultimovacs stopped a collaboration with pci biotech claiming that fimavacc induces far more CD8 T cells than needed which is “the feature” of fimavacc. All the three companies including hubro, targovax and ultimovacs are derived from the same technology, why fimavacc then should be regarded differently for the rest of the companies?


Nesten Alle aksjene har tatt igjenn Corona smellen.
Mens PCIB ligger fremdeles i gjørma!!!
AZ avtalen som det FORELØPIG ikke ble noe av, ble ikke vektlagt noe verdi ved vurderinger fra meglerhus.
Ironisk nok,så tror jeg Corona situasjonen på litt lengre sikt,er positiv for Pcib…
Så min konklusjon er…
PCIB må være den mest under prisede/ vurderte aksjen i dette Landet🇳🇴


what about NANOV? even more underpriced than NANOV?

Take it away, it is possible that it is
All about mRNA :rofl::bomb::partying_face:

That is one mega value factor that oxion possible have in mind!

RELEASE is one obvious value in the vault!

@Tony1 this info is easily found under thread fundamentals💪

Or guiding from company

Could it be that this week event has given some interest from international investors :pray:(. LifeSci advisors)

Kurs ligger på 27,6 ish og så klarer noen rett før slutt å selge 1 aksje på 27,04kr :joy:


I og med at jeg /vi venter på en vacc melding så er det slik med bioteknologiselskaper som er i en utviklingsfase, at når man kommer til et visst stadiet, så er det samarbeid eller at det er fornuftig å ta det over i selskaper med en større infrastruktur og en større kapitalbase til å drive det frem, og det er det beste for pasienten, og det beste for samfunnet.»
FimaNAc er en leveringsteknologi for nukleinsyrer og mRNA (messengerRiboNucleicAcids). Dette er ett av de hotteste områdene for BP, og kan bli utrolig viktig for fremtidens medisin. Men den største utfordringen så langt har vært å «levere» nok mRNA inn i cellene uten store bivirkninger. Det er her PCIB kommer inn i bildet. Gjennomruddet ble patentert med50x så stor ved såkalt «naken levering» av mRNA, sammenlignet med naken levering uten PCIB sin teknologi.
Verdt å ta med seg inn i sommerferien.


Berg og team USA


  • 1Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic, University of California, Irvine 1002 Health Sciences Rd, Irvine, CA, USA. Linanguyen824@gmail.com.

  • 2Department of Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA.

  • 3Department of Radiation Biology, Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital, Montebello, Oslo, Norway.

  • 4Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic, University of California, Irvine 1002 Health Sciences Rd, Irvine, CA, USA.


Photochemical internalization (PCI) is a modified form of photodynamic therapy (PDT) that enhances the efficacy of therapeutic agents in a site and temporal specific manner in both in vitro and in vivo publications. The purpose of the study reported here was to evaluate the benefits of a modified PCI protocol in a 3D rat glioma spheroid model. In the modified protocol, F98 glioma cells were incubated with photosensitizer (AlPcS2a) prior to spheroid generation, as opposed to post-spheroid formation photosensitizer exposure commonly used in conventional protocols. The efficacy of both bleomycin and doxorubicin PCI was evaluated using either the conventional or modified protocols. The formed spheroids were then exposed to light treatment from a diode laser, λ= 670 nm. Spheroid growth was monitored for a period of 14 days. The results of spheroid growth assays showed that there was no statistically significant difference in PCI efficacy between the conventional and modified protocols for both of the drugs tested. The direct PDT effect was significantly reduced using the modified protocol. Therefore, due to its several advantages, the modified protocol is recommended for evaluating the efficacy of PCI in tumor spheroid models.