PW ymtet frempå i avsluttende spørsmålsrunde av Q3 om at Asia var noe de så på, og hadde dialog med aktører i, som kan være aktuelt allerede i pivotal fase 2.
Frekvensen av sykdommen er mye høyere der, så markedet kan i løpet av 2018 se mye større ut enn hva vi nå kalkulerer rundt med kun EU+US.
Hepatobiliary malignancies account globally for 13%, and in the United States for 3% of overall cancer-related mortality.2 CCA accounts for 15% to 20% of primary hepatobiliary malignancies. CCA incidence rates are inter- and intra-continentally heterogenous. The highest CCA incidence rates have been reported in Southeast Asia and the lowest in Australia. Within Southeast Asia, its annual incidence ranges from 0.1/100,000 to 71.3/100,000. Throughout Europe, incidence rates range between 0.4/100,000 and 1.8/100,000, and in the United States from 0.6/100,000 to 1.0/100,000.3–5 During the last three decades, age-adjusted incidence rates (AAIR) of iCCA increased in Western Europe, while the incidence of extrahepatic CCA followed a stable to decreasing trend.3,5,6 Interestingly, AAIR of extrahepatic CCA in the United States had significantly increased throughout the last four decades while iCCA incidence remained overall stable.4 Causes for the changing trends in incidence have not been identified. Throughout the last decade, annual mortality rates of iCCA in the United States decreased by 2.5%, while they increased by 9% in Europe.6,7 The male-to-female ratio of CCA is 1:1.2–1.5.2 Globally, the average age at diagnosis is >50 years. In Western industrialized nations, the median age at presentation is 65 years. It is uncommon before age 40 except in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC).
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