Off, god tid til å synke til 7 gitt.
Lenge å vente på tr
Minner meg på at jeg må sjekke hvordan jeg får brukt tegningsrettighetene mine via Netfonds. Eller blir det gjennom VPS? Evt solgt dem og kjøpt aksjer i stedet, er endel ganger aksjer er 10-20 øre billigere enn tegningsrettighetene. (Hvis man tar med de 7kr).
Jeg vil jo ikke at @Alex skal få flere gratis tegningsrettigheter enn strengt nødvendig.
Tok ikke kjangsen så har et sted mellom 12.5 og 13 i snitt
Du kan jo gjøre det hvis du ikke overtegner. Jeg overtegner nærmere 3x.
Skulle aller helst solgt tr på 8-9kr, i etterpåklokskapen navn…
Du skulle aller helst solgt alt du hadde av aksjer på 46kr. Jeg solgte 20-25% på 33kr på en stop-loss. Hadde ikke regnet med at vi skulle helt ned hit. Jeg har tenkt å kjøpe meg opp, må vel snart få ut fingeren.
Akkurat det hadde jeg fortrengt😭
Se der ja… nå nærmer jeg meg kjøp på noen t-retter
Hva tror dere, er vi i bunnen av trenden nå, elsker skal vi videre ned? Jeg et skeptisk til å kjøpe noe mer før det snur. RSI er jo fortsatt på 40.
Altså photocure må ihvertfall begynne å nærme seg ferdigsolgt. Ser at en del folk på shareville som ikke er idioter har begynt å kjøpe i dag.
Men momentumet taler jo sitt tydelige språk da.
Fryktelig vanskelig å si, vi så jo f.eks. i HUGO at t-rettene ble gratis på slutten, men nå virker det som om dumpinga fra dnb (og litt PAS kanskje) (sannsynligvis PHO) er over og da har jeg tidligere trodd at aksje-kursen og t-rettene vil begynne å stige. Jeg har uansett kjøpt litt retter og har en del fra før.
Elsker skavetotroll jeg
Hva tenker dere om overtegning? Jeg håper, men jeg har ikke troa…
Her skal det overtegnes! Går det ikke, så er ingen skade skjedd. Ellers er det en hyggelig bonus.
Takk for tipset. Endret/økt til 100% overtegning
Jeg overtegner 160%, tør ikke overtegne mer enn jeg kan stable på beina. I Axa fikk jeg alt, men der overtegnet jeg bare med 40%…
Er det signaler i TA som indikerer en snarlig oppgang?
Oslo, December 21, 2016 - Overview of mandatory notification regarding exercise
and trade of subscription rights and trade of shares. Management and the board
of directors of PCI Biotech Holding ASA (“PCI Biotech” or “the Company”) are all
supportive to the share issue resolved by the extra ordinary general meeting 8
December 2016. In total the transactions disclosed herein leads to a net
increase in shareholding by primary insiders of PCI Biotech of 91.549 shares and
in addition other employees have a net increase in shareholdings of 10.856
shares. The following transactions are made:
- Exercise of subscription rights and sale of shares today, 21 December 2016
This section details the exercise of subscription rights and, where relevant,
sale of shares done to finance all or parts of the subscription rights
Per Walday, CEO, has subscribed for 29.542 new shares in the Company at a
subscription price of NOK 7 per share by exercising 29.542 subscription rights
in the Company’s ongoing rights issue and has simultaneously sold a total of
10.000 shares at an average price of NOK 12.15 per share. After the
transactions, Per Walday will have a total shareholding in the Company of
63.561 shares, 0 subscription rights in the rights issue and 25.000 unexercised
stock options in relation to the Company’s stock option scheme. For a total
overview of holdings, see section 4.
Ronny Skuggedal, CFO, has subscribed for 10.066 new shares in the Company at a
subscription price of NOK 7 per share by exercising 10.066 subscription rights
in the Company’s ongoing rights issue. After the transaction, Ronny Skuggedal
will have a total shareholding in the Company of 25.066 shares, 0 subscription
rights in the rights issue and 66.000 unexercised stock options in relation to
the Company’s stock option scheme. For a total overview of holdings, see section
Anders Høgset, CSO, has subscribed for 32.198 new shares in the Company at a
subscription price of NOK 7 per share by exercising 32.198 subscription rights
in the Company’s ongoing rights issue and has simultaneously sold a total of
18.800 shares at an average price of NOK 12.15 per share. After the
transactions, Anders Høgset will have a total shareholding in the Company of
61.375 shares, 0 subscription rights in the rights issue and 17.000 unexercised
stock options in relation to the Company’s stock option scheme. For a total
overview of holdings, see section 4.
Kristin Eivindvik, PD, has subscribed for 8.882 new shares in the Company at a
subscription price of NOK 7 per share by exercising 8.882 subscription rights in
the Company’s ongoing rights issue and has simultaneously sold a total of 5.250
shares at an average price of NOK 12.15 per share. After the transactions,
Kristin Eivindvik will have a total shareholding in the Company of 16.867
shares, 0 subscription rights in the rights issue and 24.500 unexercised stock
options in relation to the Company’s stock option scheme. For a total overview
of holdings, see section 4.
The Board of Director’s member, Christina Herder, has subscribed for 3.355 new
shares in the Company at a subscription price of NOK 7 per share by exercising
3.355 subscription rights in the Company’s ongoing rights issue. After the
transaction, Christina Herder will hold a total shareholding in the Company of
8.355 shares and 0 subscription rights in the rights issue. For a total overview
of holdings, see section 4.
In addition, the Chairman Hans Peter Bøhn subscribed for 33.556 new shares in
the Company’s ongoing rights issue at 14 December 2016 (the transaction was also
disclosed 14 December 2016). After the transaction, Hans Peter Bøhn will have a
total shareholding in the company of 83.556 shares and 0 subscription rights in
the rights issue. Hans Peter Bøhn has previously entered into a guarantee
agreement of NOK 1 000 000 in relation to the rights issue, and the exercise of
subscription rights will, in compliance with the guarantee agreement, reduce the
guarantee liability correspondingly. For a total overview of holdings, see
section 4.
- Sale of subscription rights today, 21 December 2016
Gaël L’Hévéder, CBDO, has sold 6.711 subscription rights at an average price of
NOK 5.05 per subscription right. After the transaction, Gaël L’Hévéder holds
10.000 shares, 0 subscription rights in the rights issue and 91.000 unexercised
stock options in relation to the Company’s stock option scheme. For a total
overview of holdings, see section 4.
- Purchase of shares today, 21 December 2016
The board of Director’s member Lars Viksmoen has purchased 4.000 shares in the
Company at an average share price of NOK 12.15 per share. The transaction is
made through his fully owned company, Stocken Invest AS, and the purchase is
made from other primary insiders in the Company. After the transaction, Lars
Viksmoen, holds a total of 4.000 shares in the Company. For a total overview of
holdings, see section 4.
The board of Director’s member Kjetil Taskén has purchased 4.000 shares in the
Company at an average share price of NOK 12.15 per share. The transaction is
made through his fully owned company, Kjetil Tasken AS, and the purchase is made
from other primary insiders in the Company. After the transaction, Kjetil
Tasken, holds a total of 4.000 shares in the Company. For a total overview of
holdings, see section 4.
In addition, one employee has purchased 4.000 shares from primary insiders in
the Company at an average share price of NOK 12.15 per share.
- Overview new holdings per 21 December 2016
For a complete overview of new holdings after the transactions disclosed above
and completion of the rights issue, please see attachment. In total the
transactions disclosed herein leads to a net increase in shareholding by primary
insiders of PCI Biotech of 91.549 shares and in addition other employees have a
net increase in shareholdings of 10.856 shares.
For further information, please contact
Ronny Skuggedal, CFO Mobile: +47 9400 5757
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Ekstern link:
Alle selger på 12?
In total the transactions disclosed herein leads to a net increase in shareholding by primary insiders of PCI Biotech of 91.549 shares and in addition other employees have a net increase in shareholdings of 10.856 shares.
se f.eks denne:
The board of Director’s member Kjetil Taskén has purchased 4.000 shares in the Company at an average share price of NOK 12.15 per share. The transaction is made through his fully owned company, Kjetil Tasken AS, and the purchase is made from other primary insiders in the Company. After the transaction, Kjetil Tasken, holds a total of 4.000 shares in the Company. For a total overview of holdings, see section 4.