Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

PCI Biotech Småprat (PCIB)

Tror stuffers snakker om targeted therapies, og at Nucana faller utenfor denne definisjonen.


@paadunken thanks for sharing, could you let us know how did you get to know about this, was it a friendly phone call with Susanne or was this published somewhere?. thanks again


@anon21766851, totally agree with you, Nucana program does not fall under targeted therapies, it is about making chemotherapy safer and more potent (not re-inventing the wheel)


Glein har et poeng, men virker veldig rart og ikke mene noe samlet om konkurransen som er presentert på ESMO.

Fortsetter å kjøpe på disse nivåene. Men veldig overrasket over at folk selger på 24-tallet.


Enig. Men det var stuffers selv som la opp konteksten for utsagnet sitt. Hadde vørt interessant om hun sa noget om det generelle bildet.

How a financial misunderstanding can lead to an attractive opportunity

Please note that Arctic Securities is acting as a Joint Bookrunner in connection with the Rights Issue

On Friday a fully underwritten rights issue was launched leaving PCIB fully financed until filing in 2022. We believe the somewhat surprising market reaction can lead to an attractive investment opportunity.

· The company updated the market, and in our view, further de-risked the case. Before the rights issue was launched on Friday, the market valued PCIB to NOK 53/share, well-knowing - we assume - that the company was left was a cash position of some NOK 30m, with an enormous financing risk and great uncertainty regarding pivotal trial design (size and extent). With the rights issues, the company removed the financing risk and provided a number of essential and positive updates, most importantly:

o The study will include a total of 186 patients to be treated with either fimaCHEM + standard of care or standard of care alone. An interim analysis and read-out is expected approx. 36 months after the trial is initiated (1Q22) and, upon a positive read-out, a filing for marketing approval is warranted. Moreover, the company does not need to include all 186 patients before interim read-out and approval, and timelines for approval are in line with our base case scenario.

o A subgroup analysis for the high dose cohort from the clinical phase I study shows – even if in a small number of patients (n=6) - a clearly superior trend compared to the full study cohort. More specifically, patients seem to have been sicker than for the full cohort, but show i) higher objective response rates (60% vs. 33%), ii) longer average duration of response (15.4 months vs. 12.4 months) and iii) longer median overall survival (19.4 months vs. 14.4 months, and vs. standard of care of 12 months (historical control), with 33% of patients still alive (vs. 19%). With these data, if repeated in a larger, randomized trial, we believe the company has a very good change to hit the market in 2022.

o An update from the phase I extension study, to evaluate the safety of repeated treatment with fimaCHEM, shows favorable safety. Therefore, the pivotal study will commence with up to two scheduled treatments of FimaCHEM. Theoretically, this should affect the efficacy of treatment with fimaCHEM positively.

· The principles of Rights Issues explained: In a rights issue, subscription rights are issued to existing shareholders entitling them to buy additional shares in a proportion to their existing ownership. The subscription price is set below the market price in order to transfer part of the value of the share to the subscription right, importantly:

o There is no value loss for the shareholder because an existing shareholder can realize value of its subscription rights either by i) subscribing for its subscription rights and/or ii) selling its subscription rights in the market. Thus, existing shareholders must act on one or both of the two alternatives to avoid value leakage

o A discount to Theoretical Ex-Rights Price (TERP) sets a buffer for a positive value of the subscription right (please find the calculation for this rights issue below)

Thus, in an efficient market, the shareholder should be economically indifferent to the level of the subscription price. With the financing risk removed, one would have expected the share price to increase. Clearly, after the EGM (Sept 14), one would expect it to fall to the TERP.

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With these data, if repeated in a larger, randomized trial, we believe the company has a very good change to hit the market in 2022.

Her sier analytikeren alt om konkurransen.

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Hun sier vel nøyaktig ingenting om konkurransen i det sitatet eller i den forrige posten om den finansielle misforståelsen.


With these data, if repeated in a larger, randomized trial, we believe the company has a very good change to hit the market in 2022.

Det sier alt om konkurransen når : very good chance to hit the market.


De som vil kan sikkert tolke det som hard konkurranse;)


OK, hvis det er detaljnivået du er komfortabel med.

Uansett på tide å slutte med prat om en misforståelse. Insidere selger her, spesialinvestoren ser ut til å selge, og bølingen av småfisk selger. Jeg tror ikke alle disse har misforstått terpa derp.


Nucana er blitt diskutert på forum og ble også tatt opp i podcast mener jeg? Meget komfortabel med den begrensede konkurransen som spydspiss strategien ggk Chem utgjør.

Dagens Fun Fact:
Et kjapt søk på google.no der søkeord er “aksjonærvennlig” gir faktisk PCIB som øverste treff.


Ingen som kjøper? Innsidere? Trodde styreleder hadde hamstret jeg😉

Det som også kan slå ut til fordel for PCIB kontra nucana er økt abscopal effekt ved dobbel behandling som jo er antydet finner sted.
Dette sammen med bedre effekt med dobbel behandling kan kanskje bidra til å distansere seg fra denne konkurrenten?

Så må en vel godta konkurranse i PCIB også etterhvert , ikke?

Og forskjellige produkter med helt forskjellige virkemåter…ja , kanskje der er bruk for forskjellig verktøy i verktøykassa?

Det verste er kanskje at den målrettede leveringsteknologien til PCIB ville kunne ytterliggere forsterket effekten på dette nye stoffet sammenlignet med dagens nykommer og forsåvidt brukte cellegift.
Viktig at denne pcib teknologien kommer ut i bruk på markedet nå , til velsignelse for alle parter.

lykke til

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Sa ikke Einarsson at PCIB teknologi kunne hjelpe Nucana?

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Jo han sa noe i den duren om at PCIB kan forsterke Nucanas produkt. Men han nevnte også 37,50 som korrekt pris (TERP). Må ta litt av det han sier med en klype salt (åpenbart).


Men det krever en annen løype enn det selskapene går for. Antar man må kjøre acelaeinstudie med lys.