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PCI Biotech Småprat (PCIB)

Er det noen som fikk med seg om Susanne Stuffers var tilstede under Q3?

Dette sa Per Walday i dagens presentasjon ang fimaVACC:

In the near future we expect to have something to tell you about the results of this study.

Så får hver enkelte tolke nær fremtid som dem ønsker det.

Jeg tolker dette som PW vil gi oss disse resultatene før julen ringes inn :partying_face:


PW spoke about how resourceful our special investor is, in terms of extensive network and deep pocket. It will not surprise me if the special investor facilitated the new collaboration with Leiden medical center and prof Sjoerd van der Burg for fimavacc, my assumption is based on the timing this collaboration is taking place and also where it is taking place.


OThis is an interesting speech by prof Sjoerd van der burg on immune oncology. The original speech is in Dutch (link below) this is a google translate version, so use your common sense and judgment if some words are misplaced :slight_smile:


Mr Rector, members of the board of Directors of Leiden University Medical Centre, dear attendees.

Welcome to this public lesson titled: "Looking for a one-armed immunologist" . A one-armed immunologist? Surely that is not helpful thinking the researchers among you. Others will wonder what is a immunologist? Or, what does immunology have to do with cancer. I take you into the wonderful world that mine is.


Cancer is a gathering word for more than 100 different types of malignantly grown cells in our body. In about 20% of all cancers, we know that it is caused by a virus infection. Current research shows that this percentage will increase. The treatment of cancer has been resting for more than 50 years on the three pillars of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Radiotherapy is the fight against cancer using radiation. Patients are irradiated with X-ray radiation or radioactive material is applied in the body. Roentgen radiation was discovered in 1895 and 6 years later one described how patients with skin cancer and lip healed by radiotherapy1.

Chemotherapy-the treatment of cancer by chemicals-comes from the Second World War. The Germans bombarded an American ship that had mustard gas on board. People who came into contact with the gas showed a significant decrease in the number of white blood cells. It was conceived that blood cancer could be treated in that way. In 1946, the first chemotherapeuticum was developed from mustard gas. The effect appeared to be in a study of 160 patients but of short duration2.

Since then, the treatment of cancer by surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and combinations of these has become standard in daily practice. Treatments that try to get rid of the malignant tissue, but also damage the normal tissue. Success is often temporary, mostly because the tumour is not fought the cause, but also because 1 type of tumour can occur in different ways, so that a treatment is good for one patient but not in another.

What is the role of the resistance system?

The defence system in the body is mainly to protect us from pathogens so that we are able to safeguard our offspring. Now as we age as human beings it turns out that the weather system is also protected against cancer.

The immune system is a fully integrated security army within our body. The cells of our body contain eavesdropping posts that a pathogen notice if they want to penetrate the cells of our body. The cell will try to defend itself and send out emergency signals to the defense system. These signals lure crisis analysts – also called antigen presenting cells – to assess the situation on the ground. They do so by eating bits of the pathogen and analysing the messages issued in the war zone. The following advice will be given to the rest of the system. They can advise to reduce the weather response locally but can also decide to go quickly to the barracks – you know them as lymph nodes – to say the help of B and T cells but to invoke the electoral forces.

For example, In the case of a virus infection, the virus wants to invade your body cells and transform them into virus factories. The crisis analyst will then stimulate the B and T cells, which can distinguish the enemy from the rest of our body, to multiply many times. Now there is a brigade that is completely specialized in the destruction of one enemy. The B cells then form an extremely effective weapon factory that has the task of producing enormous amounts of cruise packages daily that can bind viruses outside our cells and thus prevent them from getting your body cells Hacking. The T cells have specialized in clearing the cells in our body in which the virus is hiding in it. Some function as assassination commands and destroy the virus factories. Other functions as helpers, they provide an optimal working environment for the murder commands. Yet another group of T cells functions as checkers, they are able to dampen the weather reactions by means of inhibitors.

If everything goes as it should go, the enemy is under control and/or destroyed within 1-2 weeks. You are better again. The electoral forces disappear into the barracks again, a large number may retire and a group remains to get into action very quickly if the virus wants to strike again. The beauty of this system is that as it is called in the Army, there is hardly any incidental damage. The reaction was very accurately aligned on the enemy, the healthy parts in the body were not attacked.

So this was the advertising directory but how good is this immune system in practice? Actually pretty good, but especially if the pathogen itself does not take measures to escape from our resistance system. Viruses and bacteria have sometimes been able to adapt to humans and their defensive system. A number of pathogens try to escape the immune system by changing their outside. They let zegmaar a mustache or take a different hairstyle which makes them not or less well recognized by the electoral forces. Other pathogens open up a whole tricks in order to prevent the cell from being invaded by an emergency signal; That the infected cell is identified as contaminated by the electoral forces; and/or by making chemical substances that imitate the inhibitors of the resistance system. In all cases the outcome is the same, it allows the intruder to temporarily escape the weathering system.

You now have a little bit of the idea how our immune system works. You may also know what a immunologist is, namely someone who studies the immune system.

The role of the Cancer Resistance system

More than 100 years ago, it was claimed that the immune system plays a role in controlling cancer cells3. However, it was only at the end of the last century that convincing animal experimental data were provided that the T-cells play a role4. Also in humans we have been able to confirm this role of T cells. Patients who undergo organ transplantation to prevent rejection – the organ is seen as an intruder – drugs that suppress T cells. This group of patients develop more often a tumor than their peers. In addition, more than 40 million people have been infected with the HIV virus, the cause of AIDS. The HIV virus infects and destroys CD4-positive T cells, the aids of the Keur troops. This group also affects certain types of tumours more frequently5.

I have just outlined the operation of the system against a virus infection. The anti-cancer resistance is in essence no different. Animal models suggest that also in the case of cancer a successful attack of the resistance system rests on large numbers of CD4 T-helper cells, on CD8 T cells, and at least 2 major chemicals produced by these types of T cells, namely Interleukin 2, a growth substance for the T cells, and the interferon-γ. In addition, cancer cells extract the same tricks as viruses to escape from the weather system. Furthermore, you can imagine the interaction between the revitalisation system and the tumour as a very democratic process. The aforementioned crisis analysts are assessing the situation on the ground. If they judge the situation as threatening they will instruct the T cells to attack fast and vigorously. The tumour, however, will be separated by all sorts of Boodschapperstoffen to convince the crisis analysts that the formation of a tumour should not be perceived as threatening. The crisis analysts can then decide to instruct the electoral forces not to react and, if necessary, to inhibit an existing response from the system. Also, the tumor can cause the weathering system to put many more checkers in position and as a result the assassination commands and their help can not do their job properly. The final outcome is the mix of messages and types of cells in the tumour. The increase in the number of tumours in the group of people with a poorly working resistance system suggests that the resistance system usually cleans up tumours before you notice it. In other cases, the outcome is a beautiful piece of Dutch polder, whereby, depending on the final number of votes for acquiescence or destruction of the tumour, you will sooner or later go to the doctor.

Now that you know that the weather system only destroys diseased cells and that this also applies to cancer cells, you understand that it might be a good idea to strengthen the aggressive part of the resistance system – the murder commands and their AIDS – in people with cancer to So destroy tumors. This we call immunotherapy. Is This thought new? No, not really.

Give me the strength to arouse fever, and I can cure all diseases.

This ruling of the around 500 B.C. living Greek doctor Parmenides was perhaps premature but therefore not wrong.

In the 17E century, doctors established a link between bacterial infections and cancer. Prostitutes infected with the syphilis bacterium were less likely to have cancer and also noted that people could cure cancer if they had a feverish syphilis infection. You understand that a bacterial infection leads to the activation of the system.

In 1868, more than 30 years for the first successful treatment with radiotherapy and 80 years for the first Chemotherapeuticum, a report on a 19-year-old woman with a connective tissue tumor, also called Sarcoma, appeared on the neck as large as a child’s head. She was treated by making a burn in her neck and infecting it with the bacterium Streptococcus pyeyess. The patient had several days more than 40 degrees of fever and within 2 weeks time the tumor was shrunk to the size of a small apple. Probably this is the first documented form of immunotherapy6.

The Coley surgeon applied this therapy systematically. He used two types of hittegeïnactiveerde bacterial strains to treat several types of cancer. His greatest success was with the treatment of sarcoma. After treatment 54, of the 104 patients, no demonstrable disease had been found for at least 10 years. The treatment worked best if each injection led to a hefty fever 6.7.

You may be wondering now, why is the immunotherapy not a standard cancer treatment after 100 years? The answers to this will be the guiding principle for the rest of my speech and are closely intertwined with my teaching mission.

The knowledge about cancer is distressing

With this title, the striker headlined on January 21, 2011 on the front page. In this case it struck on young women who have little knowledge of cervical cancer8. But it could be so hitting the professionals involved in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. They know what cancer is, but that the resistance system and cancer are closely intertwined and can form a factor in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer is often too far seized.

Cancer is not a sociable subject and is seldom addressed to parties. You already understand, today I seize my chance. Finally, it is my feast. One of the reasons why people would not like to talk about it could be that everything that is tasty increases the risk of cancer, that it can last for decades, and that there is actually nothing to prevent cancer.

Yet this is not quite true. In Some cases of cancer, the occurrence is prevented, namely in cancers where a virus is the cause. An example. In Taiwan, the onset of liver cancer in children was linked to a chronic infection with the Hepatitis B virus. A vaccination program against this virus caused a dramatic decrease in the incidence of liver cancer in young adults9.

Research into the knowledge of young women about cervical cancer shows that the majority do not know that this type of cancer is caused by the human Papilloma Virus – abbreviated HPV – and that it occurs mainly in young women. This is remarkable, because the introduction of a nationwide vaccination program against this virus resulted in a hefty commotion fed by internet forums and newspapers. The percentage against HPV vaccinated women in the Netherlands is low, about half10 And in America even less than a quarter of the target group11. Why is this so low you may be wondering? Not everyone sees the usefulness of a vaccination against a virus that is known to lead to cancer in a small proportion of the infected people. Yet the same young people do put on a moped helmet or wear a seatbelt to prevent them from getting a fatal traffic accident. Data from the Central Statistical Office show that most traffic deaths are in the group of 20 to 30 year olds. In 2008, 129 men and women died of a traffic accident12. Cervical cancer is dying because of an almost unavoidable sexual accident, the accumulation of an HPV infection, about 250 young women a year. It is not clear to me why young women do not want to protect themselves against cervical cancer by being pricked 3 times, but they are putting up a helmet every day or doing seatbelts. The lack of knowledge may not be reproachable, but I hope that the aforementioned example of the prevention of liver cancer makes it clear that the whole group of young women who, despite good information, is consciously not allowed to vaccinate is a great opportunity. Perhaps we are going too quickly that everyone knows how to be cancerous and that it is therefore logical that you strengthen the counter against it. That is not the case. The state vaccination against HPV in young girls would be a good reason to raise the subject of cancer in school or at home. After all, it is a disease that occurs in all families.

We will have to educate the professionals themselves. In Leiden This is done by the training of young researchers through the biomedical sciences, Life Science Technologies and Bio-Pharmaceutical sciences programmes. I am pleased that the teachers involved and my colleague Block coordinators Dr. Zantema and Professor HALs are endeavouring to bring the matter enthusiastically to the 150 students per year. In addition, the AGIKO construction, in which specialists in training are doing PhD research, also gives a good chance to strengthen this knowledge with the doctors who are at the patient’s bedside. In the long term, this process will be chopped off the incomprehension of the role of the cancer Resistance system.

In the coming years I will be happy to continue to run this mincer to promote immunological knowledge within the medical-oncology field.

Understand the cancer and your therapy!

Well back to the thread in the story. Coley’s immunotherapy was grafted to an increase in the state of preparedness of the immune system. Consequently, it was sometimes also the anti-cancer resistance was reinforced with the result that the tumor disappeared. How this worked one did not know. Why it did not work in all kinds of cancers, one did not know. Why this did not work with every patient with the same cancer, one did not know. The striking success he made at least one type of cancer therefore lost the struggle for public attention. Radiotherapy and later also chemotherapy were more likely to be successful, and they usually knew how the therapy worked. It is learned from this that for the development and application of a new therapy one must demonstrate convincingly how it works, why it works against certain types of tumors and why it is expected that a therapy in some people with such a tumor does not work.

The development of a therapeutic vaccine against HPV.

I have told you that the HPV virus causes cervical cancer. The Leiden University Medical Centre has long been chosen to study and use HPV-induced cancers as a model for the development of immunotherapy against cancer.

Through a protracted and close collaboration between the departments of IHB, gynecology, pathology, KFT and later with my departure from IHB to oncology also this department, but also by the nearly 1000 patients, and the many blood donors and experimental animals that the last 20 Years have participated in our studies, we have been able to achieve results.

With the help of Doctor Jordanova and Professor Fleuren, it was shown that also in cervical cancer the murder commands and auxiliary forces under the T cells had a protective function, but also that cervical cancer has many known tricks to Escape.

By concentrating on a virusveroorzaakte cancer we knew which proteins in a cancer cell could be recognized by T cells. In Our case these are the virus proteins that cause the change of normal cell to cancer cell. The mapping of the reactions of T cells against HPV in healthy and sick people proved to be no easy feat, attesting the dissertations of the Zeergeleerden de Jong, Van Poel, and the soon to be of the Venn. But these studies showed us that a protective reaction of T cells against HPV consisted of strong army of interferon-γ producing AIDS and assassination commands that recognized many different parts of the viral proteins. However, in patients this reaction was not present or weak, while the reaction of the controlling T cells was stronger. This may explain why the disease could lead to the head.

During the same time, under the leadership of Professor Macha – then head of the IHB – was working on the development of a peptide vaccine to ensure that the resistance reaction against these tumorveroorzakende HPV proteins was reinforced in patients. A first prototype – with which one only wanted to activate the assassination commands – had not proved successful in the past, but version 2.0 proved to have more potential. The Zeergeleerden sulfur and Bagheri showed that, and how, peptide vaccine 2.0 managed to evoke a very powerful reaction of both the assassination commands and the AIDS. The immune system now appeared to be able to make tumors or prestages disappear in laboratory animals. At that time we were ready to test our therapy in patients. We knew the mechanism of action, and we knew which tumors should react to this peptide vaccine.

Now I have to tell you that after testing animal studies the research usually ceases. Making vaccines for use in humans has all sorts of rules that require special laboratories and makes production very expensive. A good idea can therefore be lost. However, we could continue. The Department of Clinical Pharmacy and toxicology of the LUMC had designed a special production laboratory for our purpose. Thanks to the expertise of doctors driftwood and Waffleman, it became possible to design a peptide vaccine, which we believe is the best chance in patients. The KWF cancer control and later also ISA Pharmaceuticals were prepared to finance our studies.

Professor Kenter – now head of the center gynaecological Oncology in Amsterdam – tested the efficacy of the vaccine in a group of patients with a prestage of HPV-induced labia cancer. Almost half of those patients were cured within a year of their illness. A result that was rightly published in the leading New England Journal of Medicine. With Doctor Welters we showed that the success of the vaccine was related to the strength of the reaction of interferon-γ producing AIDS under the T cells after vaccination. Also, we found that in the patients where the vaccine was unsuccessful there was just an increase in the controlling T cells occurred after vaccination.

In short, we had good indications that the vaccine worked as it was supposed to work and we also had a clear idea why our therapy was not always working with the same group of patients.

All in all, it was an exciting time when dozens of professionals – each with their own specialism – worked to achieve the same goal. Without this cooperation there had been no success.

The coming years will be much more exciting. There is already one approved therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of prostate cancer, another form of immunotherapy is aimed at skin cancer. Both therapies manage to prolong the lives of cancer patients. Healing is sporadic. For us, the question is: Are we also able to prolong the lives of patients with cancer? We bet on different horses.

Improving vaccines – Vaccine strategy 2.1 or 3.0?

Our studies show that the aforementioned vaccine is also capable of activating the desired assassination commands and aids in patients with treated cervical cancer. The reaction is good, but not as strong as in the successfully treated patients with prestages of labia cancer.

The functioning of vaccines can be reinforced by adding dusts that the body thinks is likely to be at risk. These substances are actually those parts of bacteria or viruses that classify the eavesdropping of the system as a danger signal, with the result that the resistance system is in a state of preparedness. Animal experiments already showed that adding this kind of fabrics also reinforced the functioning of our vaccine. I look forward to the results of our current study in which this vaccination strategy is being tested in patients.

Meanwhile, under the leadership of the Hooggeleerde oxen village within the department IHB is working on a more high-tech version of the peptide vaccine, version 3.0. By attaching the peptides directly to those dusts that evoke danger signals, the weather system is even more responsive. Now the translation to the clinic takes place by making a prototype vaccine that can be tested in patients. We will have to be patient to know how it turns out in humans.

Combination immunotherapy with traditional cancer therapy. One plus one is three?

Ten years ago, immunologists would have shuddered at the idea of combining active immunotherapy with radiotherapy or chemotherapy. After all, these last two therapies are aimed at rapidly destroying dividing cells, the cancer cells, and thus the rapidly dividing cells of the resistance system. A combination could never work. However, 40 years ago, it was demonstrated that radiotherapy was clinically more successful in experimental animals with a well-functioning system of resistance13. Around the same time it was also found that the functioning of chemotherapy may be dependent on the system of the resistance. The now commonly used Chemotherapeuticum Adriamycin proved to be much more effective in treating tumours than the chemically closely related daunorubicin. As turned out daunorubicin destroyed the immune system. Indeed, experimental suppression of the immune system also negated the therapeutic effect of Adriamycin14. These old observations on the synergy between chemotherapy and the resistance system have recently been confirmed. Meanwhile, a number of underlying mechanisms have also been unraveled. Depending on the chemotherapeuticum used, it is seen that the immunosuppressant cells disappear, or that the cancer cells die faster if they are attacked by the assassination commands, or that a dying cancer cell activates the resistance system. Over the next five years we are going to test how combinations of chemotherapy and therapeutic vaccination can lead to improved survival of patients with cervical cancer. Our first experiments in experimental animals are successful and this offers hope, but of course it does not promise.

Administering T cells grown up in the laboratory.

Another strategy to give a boost to the anti-cancer system is a method whereby T-cells outside the body are grown up to large quantities to be returned to the patient. The T cells can then all attack the tumor. With Professor Osanto and Doctor Verdegaal, we have recently published the first results on the treatment of patients with an advanced stage of skin cancer. In cooperation with Professor Haanen We will optimize this treatment. In addition, under the direction of gynaecological oncologist Doctor van Poel, a program has been launched where T cells directed against HPV are increased and returned outside the body. This will hopefully allow a patient with cervical cancer to start a vaccination program with much more good against the tumour-oriented T cells. We give the weather system a head start.

Therapy development on LED of immunomonitoring

As you will have noticed I am enthusiastic about what has been achieved. But there is still a lot to improve. How are we going to do this? To improve something it is important that you know where to work. And for this we come to the special part of my chair, the immunomonitoring.

I want you to think back to the possibilities that a growing cancerous tumor is using to escape from the resistance system. Then you can also think of the large number of different weather cells that are programmed in many ways by a mix of cancer cells to ensure that the body allows the existence of the tumor. You take this together, stirring it and so on, you have a soup in which all kinds of known and unknown good and wrong ingredients can contribute to the tumor being controlled – the soup tastes delicious-or the tumor grows-the soup is dirty.

Immunomonitoring is the task to determine which ingredients are present in the soup and how strongly their influence is on the taste of the soup. But also, to determine if any therapies used – Zegmaar taste improvers – actually do their job or possibly have unforeseen immunological effects. We use a series of laboratory tests for this.

It will not surprise you that I have many colleagues who are doing this work. In principle they make use of similar laboratory tests. The immunomonitoring data in one study sometimes varied considerably from another study where the same was investigated. The variation is caused by the same test being carried out to the taste of the researcher. And you know tastes differ. Fortunately, this does not preclude the identification of the most influential ingredients in the soup, possibly this even promoted it.

Otherwise it is when you are going to tinker with cancer therapies. The grandeur and financial costs associated with studies in patients have made it clear that progress is only made if one can trust each other’s data, translate the results into each individual situation and thus can build further. Small improvements are becoming increasingly important. You understand, the results of laboratory tests should be comparable between different laboratories.

For these reasons, I and my Zeergeleerde colleagues Gouttefangeas, Welters, Brits and Otten Meier, a number of years ago, have rigged a European organisation, the CIP. A large number of European laboratories have been unified in this. to harmonize jointly – that is to say, to make it their methods to measure and report on the response of the anti-cancer system. For this we carry out a kind of taste panels whose final outcome is that everyone appoints the taste in a similar way. In other words, the test results are similar. By collaborating with the CIC, a major American organisation that pursues the same goal, it has been successful to bring the need for harmonization of the methods and reporting used to the attention of a large audience. The added value of harmonization must be expressed in preventing research groups from wasting money on possible immunotherapeutic options, which are demonstrably unfortunately not employed by others. In addition, money is gained because previously invented improvements can be fitted with good faith within the own therapy. Also, harmonisation will accelerate the identification of those ingredients in the soup that can be said with certainty that you must have a lot or little to fight cancer. As a result, in an early phase of expensive studies, it is possible to determine whether a therapy could work or perhaps be adapted, on the route of the measured weather response.

Super Combos

The number of identified ingredients that play a role in the anti-cancer resistance is increasing. Fortunately also the possibilities to do something about this. Within our immunotherapy studies, the first super combinations are now tested on a small scale. We have to think about combinations of chemotherapy, vaccination, afweersysteemstimulerende drugs and drugs that can block the suppression of the weather. On the basis of previous studies on the Resistance against p53, through among others the Zeergeleerden sulphurisation, laurels, and Kam, as a co-professor of De Velde from the LUMC and our Hooggeleerde colleagues in the University of Groningen and the UMCG, we started to Patients with colon cancer or ovarian cancer treat with combinations of 2-3 agents. By measuring a large number of immunological parameters, we hope to demonstrate that certain combinations strengthen the immune system and may therefore be effective.

In the long run we hope – based on the work of the Zeergeleerde of Hall in our laboratory – to activate a special group of murder commands. These recognize cancer cells even if they have made themselves invisible to the T cells that normally attack a cancer cell.

Looking for the one-armed immunologist

There is the title of this public lesson then again. It is based on a ruling by Harry Truman (1884-1972)-Former president of America-who said: “I’m always looking for a one-armed economist, one who can’t say on the other hand”. This had to do with the custom of his advisers to say that the economy would have a certain course to explain immediately thereafter that it can also have a different course. A statement that is initiated in English with “on the other hand”. Truman had to make choices and wanted unambiguous advice.

Immunomonitoring takes place primarily during the first Test phases of new therapies. When performed correctly the Immunomonitoring data can co-determine the decision-making process around the further development of a product. In my opinion, many new forms of treatment have come into the trash in the early stages, because only a limited number of immunological data were available on the product. In the case of immunological treatment forms, the immunologist cannot sit back. No, on the basis of present data from the product and the treated disease, the immunologist must create a clear monitoring plan that can be used to collect a maximum of data. As for President Truman Gold, those who are accountable for the entire process of drug development and registration are not in all knowledgeable. It is therefore the task of the immunologist to interpret all the data in interventions where the system plays a major role after measuring, and then to come up with a clear opinion on the possibilities for further development of a product.

Coley went wrong because he could not prove the mechanism of work. Unfortunately, even in current clinical trials, this is still often the case. The primary task for the immunomonitoring is to show that product does what it is designed for and otherwise why it is not. Only then will we be able to develop a truly active product. By setting up this chair, the LUMC has made it clear how substantial the immunomonitoring plays a role in the development of new cancer therapies.

Thanks Word

Before deciding, I would like to start with the words of Johan Wolfgang von Goethe: ’ There would be little left of me if I had to give back everything I owe to others ', to express my gratitude to those who have played a major role in my career D.

I thank the Executive Board of Leiden University, the board of Directors of the Leiden University Medical Center, and the Board of Division 4 for the decision to appoint me as a professor at this university.

I have previously indicated that dozens of professionals from different departments, universities and hospitals were needed and are to make the immunotherapy of solid tumours a success. Because this is a very large list of names – and you are clearly at the end of my reading – I will confine myself to thanking all the employees involved in the departments of Oncology, IHB, gynecology, pathology, surgery, KFT, pulmonary diseases, MCB, ENT, Ophthalmology and the Medical Statistics Department of the LUMC. But of course also our collaborating colleagues in the NKI, the UMCG, the CGOA, Erasmus MC, the VUMC and the peripheral hospitals such as the HAGA Hospital and the Deaconesses hospital. I think it is appropriate to mention our financiers, the KWF, NWO and ISA Pharmaceuticals. On TV It is always common to first create an expectation and then say very quickly: “Results achieved In the past do not guarantee the future”. However, I am confident that this will be true in our case.

A very important role is played by my dream team, the pool of analysts who have given the research a co-form by working with pleasure, being creative and at the same time giving their unsalted opinion. I would like to mention their name. Kitty, Jeanette, and Anke with your long-term commitment, it all started. But also Tamara, Karin, Jan, Kees, Carmela, Susan, Annelies, Farah and Maaike. Thank you for your important contributions in the past. Also the current Dream Team Rachel, Vanessa, Linda, Nikki, Veena, Bianca, Marjolein, Zohara, Marten, and Susan plays a big role. Know that you are the ones who are caring for the beautiful results. Lien, you are the rock in the surf. I am proud of the lab that keeps you professionally running.

I also thank all students, PhD candidates and post-docs for their contributions to the previous and current research. Your party is still coming. We can all be proud that in any case at 1 puzzle we have made the picture reasonably visible.

I also thank all the old and current staff of the Tumour Immunology Group, my Alma Mater, the place where I started my current work. In particular, the Hooggeleerde Martin Kast and the Zeergeleerde Grady, who gave me the space to develop myself. Above all, of course, the Hooggeleerde Kees Macha, who has been working as my mentor for years. Nietzche once said: “One rewards a teacher badly if one keeps his pupil.” Kees, I am pleased with what I have learned from you and hope that I am a pupil from today.

Hooggeleerde Naga, dear Hans. I admire how – with the support of the Division – the Department of Clinical Oncology transforms from a group of users into a department where they develop and test immunological-based therapies. The adoption of clinical oncologists with interest in immunology, financial injections for interesting but not yet self-research lines, and now appointing a professor at the research lab, show how seriously you Take cancer immunotherapy. The enthusiasm of you, the clinical oncologists and radiation therapists to shape this together is a great stimulus.

Dear Pa, you have shown that you can enforce success by undertaking and working hard. I hope that at your age I will be as keen as you can be. A pity that Ma is no longer there, she would have enjoyed it.

Dear Cindy, Jelle and Koen. Talked about dream teams. The self-evidentness with which we do everything for and with each other, the pride in one another’s performance and the pleasure we experience with it could be a public lesson in loving cooperation.

Finally, I would like to thank the patients who participated in the PSI and Circle study. Also the many patients who said yes to the question of whether we could administer an experimental vaccine. You are the real hero in this story.


Mange spekulasjoner om fimaVACC her. Resultatene er da fortsatt guidet til 2H 2018. PW sier også «very soon» om resultatslipp. Jeg forventer at guidingen holdes.


Litt overasket over at PW sine uttalelser om abscopal effekt har gått alle hus forbi her inne.

Det var et av mine høydepunkter i går ihvertfall.


Vil du si at det er… imminent?


Det hoeres ut som at fimaVacc resultatene blir sensasjonelle, og at partnering interessen paa dette omraadet blir stort.

Naar vi legger til Waldays several strong respons om fimaNac, kan det se ut som om vi sitter paa to store gullklumper markedet straks er klare til aa omfavne.

Om noen faa maaneder kan det tenkes at disse to elegant har parkert fimaChem paa sidelinjen. i interesseoeyemed. Selv om vi ganske sikkert vil tiltrekke oss partner(e) der ogsaa.

Sitter vi paa leveringsteknologien markedet vil sikle etter aa tilegne seg, enten gjennom partnering eller for aa eie?? Svarene faar vi snart. Med tanke paa hvor store problemer farma selskaper verden rundt har hatt med aa faa neste generasjon medisiner til aa fungere, maa man si det unektelig ser lovende ut paa vaare vegne…Spesiellt med tanke paa PW’s oppfoersel under Q3 rapporteringen. Det var nesten som aa se(i Waldays eksempel, aa hoere) hvor fornoeyd katten er like etter at den har fanget en kanarifugl…

Er overbevist om at vi kommer til aa faa mange fimaNac og fimaVacc partnere. Og da spoers det hvor stor del av denne teknologikaken BP er interessert i at spres rundt til alle deres konkurenter? Skulle de oenske og beholde store deler av denne selv, maa de legg enorme beloep paa bordet for aa sikre seg eneretten …I saafall vil det sitte noen lykkelige eiere i andre enden som vil glede seg umaatelig over det. Det kommer ganske sikkert til aa skje…


PW nevnte ett pr. ganger at resultatene fra fimaVacc er «Very Strong» så får vi se snart hva det betyr…:pray:


Er det noen som har et transcript fra gårsdagens presentasjon?

‘‘Hvis de får et hav av penger…’’ JE(podcast)

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Einarson nevne at abscopal effekt skulle sjekkes i den kommende studien…
eks vil event kreft i lever forandre seg under gallegangsbehandling.
Han syntes at dette var veldig spennende…
Ting nå er veldig bra ut !!!


Hør fra ca 1200 i webcasten:


Dette er veldig spennende! Rotter og mus blir immun mot nye tumorer etter behandling med fimaCHEM(min sammenfatning).

Og som Oxion sier, dette skal undersøkes nærmere i PF2 også, ref gårsdagens podcast med JE.


Du skal ikke forelske deg i en aksje, er et slagord som vi hører en del. Men jeg innrømmer gladelig at jeg er forelsket i Pcib. Har litt laks/forsikring og photo, men det er jo ikke spennende i det hele tatt målt mot Pcib.

I volatilitet og potensiale er det få som slår de.


«In the near future» kan være før Jul, men jeg tenker også at det ikke nødvendigvis trenger å være før påsketider heller.

MEN, hvis det blir noe utsatt så er det en grunn til det, og den er i så fall IKKE negativ! :smiley:

Jeg er superoptimist med tanke på FimaVacc og tror dette kan sende et lite jordskjelv gjennom hele bransjen.


Når jeg over morgenkaffen reflekterer over det effisiente og høykompetente markedets verdivurdering av PCI Biotech, renner et av mine favorittsitater fra Blackadder meg i hu:

“Who is using the family brain cell at the moment?”


Første gang jeg har sett så positiv omtale av biotek og PCIB som i dagens Finansavisen. Noen fått opp øynene for mulig nye store næring for framtiden?!


Leste artikkelen i FA akkurat! Caset virker meget «Bull» spør du meg…


Foreløpig er det noen få “utvalgte” som er enige med oss.

Overraskende laber interesse for PCIB om dagen, men den kommer kanskje snart…?

Rumble har vi ikkje sett noe til etter oppdatert Arctic-analyse.


En positiv melding snart, tror jeg vil sette skikkelig fyr på PCIB-:rocket:


Arctic har vel akkurat oppdatert med kursmål 58kr rett før gårsdagens presentasjon.

Med en slik presentasjon og data er det bare å lene seg tilbake. Kursen kommer med resultater og selskapet leverte i overkant i går!