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The employment of PCI increased the number of subjects exhibiting a T-cell response to the HPV peptide vaccine about 10-fold over what was achieved with the antigen/Hiltonol combination without PCI .
Mot kontroll gruppen er fimaVACC teknologien helt overlegen. Det er nesten ikke til å tro!
Og i artikkel som nylig ble presentert i Journal Frontiers nevnes 10-fold.
Results: 96 healthy volunteers were vaccinated with fimaporfin doses of 0.75–50 µg. Doses below 17.5 µg were safe and tolerable, higher doses exhibited local tolerability issues in some study subjects, mainly erythema, and pain during illumination. There were few, and only mild and expected systemic adverse events. The employment of PCI increased the number of subjects exhibiting a T-cell response to the HPV peptide vaccine about 10-fold over what was achieved with the antigen/Hiltonol combination without PCI. Moreover, the use of PCI seemed to result in a more consistent and multifunctional CD8+ T-cell response. An enhancement of the humoral immune response to KLH vaccination was also observed.
Conclusions: Using PCI in combination with Hiltonol for intradermal vaccination is safe at fimaporfin doses below 17.5 µg, and gives encouraging immune responses to peptide and protein based vaccination.
Interessant avslutning i discussion avsnitt:»
… and based on the positive clinical results in the present study, this will be explored in further clinical studies.»