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PCIB: mRNA er i vinden

ser man på tilbake på Quarterly presentations så ser jeg at smarbeidet med top10 large pharma gikk fra Evaluate synergistic effects between companies’ technologies fra
Initiated Q3 2015 frem til og med Q1 2017
til Collaboration extended and expanded to in vivo studies ved Q2 2017

Hvis vi tenker at denne Top10 large pharma er Merck og de ser gode resultater med PCIB sin leveringsteknologi i sine In vivo studies, kan det tenkes at de da går til sin partner IMV og sier at dere oxo bør se på hva FimaNac teknologien kan gjøre for dere. :thinking:

IMV Collaboration initiated 2Q 2018

  • A listed Canadian clinical stage immunotherapy biotech
  • Multiple clinical-stage programmes in cancer and infectious diseases

PCIB har meldt om strong respons , og brukte ordene hos “several”. om fimaNac.

Dette maa bety at flere av vaare fimaNac-samarbeidspartnere opplever en positiv effekt ved bruk av vaar leveringsteknologi. Og som flere har vist over, kan dette fort skape interesse fra hele BP listen ved funksjon. Lederen for RxI, uttalte en gang at vaar leveringsteknologi vill bli significant for deres bransje…

Det gjenstaar selvfeoelgelig og se, men det begynner og lukte fugl. For baade Biontech, 'RxI og vaar ukjente topp 10 BP partner, naermer seg klinisk fase med stormskritt. Anytime naa faktisk. Og skulle de ta skrittet videre, vil hele pharma verdenen foelge noey med…

Og hva mener PW med Strongs respons? At det fungerer? Han maa noedvendigvis ha mottatt positive signaler fra vaare fimaNac-samarbeidspartnere for og uttale noe slik.! . Og gjoer det det, kan vil fort bli hottere enn hottest i BP’s oeyne. I saafall vil milliardene sitte loest…veldig loest…


Key Players for Global Nucleic Acid-based Therapeutics Market:

Some of the key players in this market are: Wave Life Sciences Ltd., Copernicus Therapeutics Inc., Imugene, Caperna, Phylogica, Protagonist Therapeutics, Benitec Biopharma, EGEN (Expression Genetics), Benitec Biopharma, BioMedica (Oxford BioMedica), Transgene and others.



@FiloD thanks for your input, the point is that we have managed to prove that our technology is visible to big pharma namely to Merk and Bayer with FimaNac through MEDITRANS project, to Johnson&Johnson through the new Bavarian agreement and the co-sponsorship of a American society of Photobiology ASP together with pci biotech, in addition to AstraZeneca through our board member Prof Huber with his past experiences as Worldwide Director of Discovery Medicine; Oncology and Infection, Worldwide Clinical Head of Early Phase Oncology, Also Global VP of Early Clinical Development, and finally our undisclosed top 10 big pharma collaboration which could be one of the above or with someone else.

This at least shows that Pci technology platform can attract attention which will soon or later be transformed to business opportunities.

It will be nice of you or @Snoeffelen and at your own capacity of course to shed some light on the MEDTRANS project if you could manage to pull any valuable information from the final report I posted yesterday (if possible)

Thanks again


From an old presentation


7.3.3 The need for a good delivery system
One of the main challenges of RNA therapeutics is the ability to be transported into target areas on a cellular level. The success of therapeutic use of RNA therapeutics relies on the development of safe and efficaciou delivery systems that introduce RNA therapeutics into target cells. PCI Biotech’s fimaNAc drug delivery technology has the potential to address this issue.

7.3.4 Market potential
Research on RNA therapeutics was first initiated in 2002-2005, and in that past decade RNAi-focused biotech companies saw great financial volatility due to perceived difficulties as moving the field forward which was mostly due to the difficulties of cellular delivery of the RNA molecules. Recently however, new technologies have been introduced and new companies have emerged while at the same time a link has been established between immuno-oncology and RNA therapeutics development in oncology, leading to an increase in investment and deals in the field. Although, as of today there are still no approved therapies, technologies aimed at improving the delivery of these molecules will play a critical role in the future success of this market.
fimaNAc is well positioned to capture a significant part of the RNA Therapeutics delivery market as
demonstrated by the partnering activities of PCI Biotech in this field. Research firm Allied Market Research forecasts that RNA-based therapies will generate revenues amounting to USD 1.2bn by 2020, and that oncology will become the largest segment of the RNA-based treatments33. PCI Biotech’s fimaNAc strategy is two-pronged: collaborate with biotech or pharmaceutical companies having difficulties with their clinical stage RNA-based product in a rescue-type scenario and develop long-term relationship with companies developing early stage innovative RNA-based technology.


Må bare trekke frem dette utsagnet fordi det er vel akkurat dette IMV driver med slik jeg har forstått det. Så Pcib har lest markedet bra for 2 år siden, og fått IMV med her(samrabeider med Merck) : ‘‘Recently however, new technologies have been introduced and new companies have emerged while at the same time a link has been established between immuno-oncology and RNA therapeutics development in oncology, leading to an increase in investment and deals in the field.’’
Og dette er et svært felt, så det er spennende at Pcib er med på samarbeidsiden her.



‘‘fimaNAc is well positioned to capture a significant part of the RNA Therapeutics delivery market as demonstrated by the partnering activities of PCI Biotech in this field.’’

Og denne delene av Pcib er verdsatt til kr 0…

7.3.4 Market potential
Research on RNA therapeutics was first initiated in 2002-2005, and in that past decade RNAi-focused biotech companies saw great financial volatility due to perceived difficulties in moving the field forward, which was mostly due to the difficulties of cellular delivery of the RNA molecules. Recently however, new technologies have been introduced and new companies have emerged while at the same time a link has been established between immuno-oncology and RNA therapeutics development in oncology, leading to an increase in investment and deals in the field. Although, as of today there are still no approved therapies, technologies aimed at improving the delivery of these molecules will play a critical role in the future success of this market. fimaNAc is well positioned to capture a significant part of the RNA Therapeutics delivery market as demonstrated by the partnering activities of PCI Biotech in this field. Research firm Allied Market Research forecasts that RNA-based therapies will generate revenues amounting to USD 1.2 billion by 2020, and that oncology will become the largest segment of the RNA-based treatments21. PCI Biotech’s fimaNAc strategy is two-pronged: collaborate with biotech or pharmaceutical companies having difficulties with their clinical stage RNA-based product in a rescue-type scenario and develop long-term relationship with companies developing early stage innovative RNA-based technology.


Is this a potential fimanac competitor? Interesting video!



Also see below who is investing into this and big pharma interest !

Hope @FiloD or @Snoeffelen can comment on this


Interessant, men det ser ikke ut som de, i første omgang ihvertfall, sikter seg inn mot kreftsykdommer.


has this been shared before here, this is a Kristian Berg project funded EuroNanoMed II and it is called PCInano. The project duration is coming to an end 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2018.

This is quite a powerful and confident statement:

“PCInano will provide validation of the proposed technology in vitro and in vivo, primarily in difficult to cure ovarian cancer models because of the relevance to five selected drugs.
We expect the proposed technology to mature into a cost-effective and once-off cancer-specific treatment that has the potential to render the patient primary-disease free within a short time.”

Right of first refusal :wink:


Is this right? That PCib has the right to takes to clinical trials?

If so, this is a major trigger!

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if the results are strong and can fund it (which is not the case at this stage I believe) then why not ?


No, preclinical work should not be assumed to be a major trigger for a biotech with clinical trials running. Especially something that is this far away from the clinic.

And it is not clear that they have right of first refusal of everything from Kristian Bergs research.
This was f.eks not covered by that: https://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/e1BApa/banebrytende-norsk-teknologi-vil-drepe-aggressive-hjernesvulster-ved-aa-lage-lys-i-hjernen

On a different note; At a Christmas party, I once presented Dr Theodossis Athanassios Theodossiou with an award for best mustache, and I think it is clear why:

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@larsmkn, your statement regarding Kristian Berg’s research is not correct. Pcib has first right for research from his group. Still that does not mean pcib will throw themselves at everything this group produces as pcib would 1)have to pay for it and 2)development might not fit into their pipeline.

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På bakgrunn av saken jeg linket til så ble det sendt mail til PCIB hvor det ble spurt om de hadde “first right” på denne teknologien. Svaret Ronny kom med da var nei. Dette ble lagt ut på forumet.

Det er fordi det er en annen type teknologi. Det er ikke snakk om PCI.

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Jeg sa ikke at de ikke hadde rett til det. Jeg påpekte bare at det ikke er en automatikk at PCIB har rettigheter på alt Kristian Berg med samarbeidspartnere utvikler.


Thats what i understood too. Anything PCI related they had first right of refusal. For other tech, no they would be just like any other buyer/company.

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Har pcib rettigheter iforhold til PCInano teknologien?

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Kan godt hende :blush: En mail til IR vil nok gi definitivt svar.

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