7.3.3 The need for a good delivery system
One of the main challenges of RNA therapeutics is the ability to be transported into target areas on a cellular level. The success of therapeutic use of RNA therapeutics relies on the development of safe and efficaciou delivery systems that introduce RNA therapeutics into target cells. PCI Biotech’s fimaNAc drug delivery technology has the potential to address this issue.
7.3.4 Market potential
Research on RNA therapeutics was first initiated in 2002-2005, and in that past decade RNAi-focused biotech companies saw great financial volatility due to perceived difficulties as moving the field forward which was mostly due to the difficulties of cellular delivery of the RNA molecules. Recently however, new technologies have been introduced and new companies have emerged while at the same time a link has been established between immuno-oncology and RNA therapeutics development in oncology, leading to an increase in investment and deals in the field. Although, as of today there are still no approved therapies, technologies aimed at improving the delivery of these molecules will play a critical role in the future success of this market.
fimaNAc is well positioned to capture a significant part of the RNA Therapeutics delivery market as
demonstrated by the partnering activities of PCI Biotech in this field. Research firm Allied Market Research forecasts that RNA-based therapies will generate revenues amounting to USD 1.2bn by 2020, and that oncology will become the largest segment of the RNA-based treatments33. PCI Biotech’s fimaNAc strategy is two-pronged: collaborate with biotech or pharmaceutical companies having difficulties with their clinical stage RNA-based product in a rescue-type scenario and develop long-term relationship with companies developing early stage innovative RNA-based technology.
Må bare trekke frem dette utsagnet fordi det er vel akkurat dette IMV driver med slik jeg har forstått det. Så Pcib har lest markedet bra for 2 år siden, og fått IMV med her(samrabeider med Merck) : ‘‘Recently however, new technologies have been introduced and new companies have emerged while at the same time a link has been established between immuno-oncology and RNA therapeutics development in oncology, leading to an increase in investment and deals in the field.’’
Og dette er et svært felt, så det er spennende at Pcib er med på samarbeidsiden her.