Jeg vet ikke om denne har blitt delt før, men syntes det var interessant lesning.
«Opportunities and Challenges in the Delivery of mRNA-based Vaccines»
Publisert 28. januar 2020.
Ikke et ord om fotokjemisk internalisering, men mange ord om at det er levering som fortsatt er det store hinderet…
Fra «Abstract»:
«Current clinical efforts encompassing mRNA-based drugs are directed toward infectious disease vaccines, cancer immunotherapies, therapeutic protein replacement therapies, and treatment of genetic diseases. However, challenges that impede the successful translation of these molecules into drugs are that (i) mRNA is a very large molecule, (ii) it is intrinsically unstable and prone to degradation by nucleases, and (iii) it activates the immune system. Although some of these challenges have been partially solved by means of chemical modification of the mRNA, intracellular delivery of mRNA still represents a major hurdle.»
Fra «Conclusions and Future Perspectives»:
«However, the multifarious obstacles associated with mRNA’s extremely large size, charge, intrinsic instability, and high susceptibility to enzymatic degradation hamper the translation of mRNA-based therapeutics from the bench to the bedside. Therefore, the wider application of mRNA-based therapeutics is still limited by the need for improved vectors or drug delivery systems. Advanced delivery systems can be applied to overcome the poor stability, cell targeting, and translational efficiency of naked mRNA. However, many clinically tested mRNA vaccine candidates are formulated without any delivery system, which suggests a need for further improvement of delivery systems for mRNA vaccines.»