Var inne tidligere som skrevet. Men når det lot vente på seg med avtaler etter at utbyggingen av terminalen på hawaii også ble utsatt, så var det ikke mye verdi lengre i den LOI de meldte. Nå skumleste jeg bare siste rapport, og der sliter de vel i å gå i pluss på de to siste containerskip leveringene. Mange ansatte er også permittert. Eneste plusset er vel at de sånn jeg har forstått det ligger godt an til å vinne en kontrakt med den amerikanske marinen om bygging av flere kystvaktskip/isbrytere? Dog lite positivt å se for fremtiden atm.
Når det er sagt så er vel cashbeholdningen nesten tilsvarende aksjekurs på høyt 20 tall? Så nedsiden er vel ikke altfor stor, men får de ikke flere kontrakter det neste året så vil det se stygt ut uansett regner jeg med.
Trenden kan være i ferd med å snu opp. (teknisk) Men kanskje vente til MA 200 også vender opp.
Den er opp over 50% siden bunn i år. (det var ein veldig flatt bunn, noe spesielt som skjedde her?)
tror rett og slett folk bare innså hvor “billig” aksjen var ift kontantbeholdning, og det ga ikke mening for folk å selge mer på det punktet. Derav utrolig lavt volum. Mer usikker på hva som er bakgrunn for oppgangen i den siste tiden
Philly Shipyard, Inc., the sole operating subsidiary of Philly Shipyard ASA (Oslo: PHLY), has been awarded a dry docking contract for the Ready Reserve Force vessel, FSS Pollux . The vessel is owned by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD) and managed by TOTE Services
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Coast Guard has awarded eight offshore patrol cutter (OPC) industry studies contracts, the service announced in a release. These awards support the Coast Guard’s strategy to mitigate OPC program risk and establish a new, fair and open competitive environment to complete the OPC program of record.
Industry studies contracts were awarded to:
Austal USA of Mobile, Alabama: $2 million base award ($3 million total potential value)
Bath Iron Works of Bath, Maine: $2 million base award ($3 million total potential value)
Bollinger Shipyards Lockport of Lockport, Louisiana: $2 million base award ($3 million potential value)
Eastern Shipbuilding Group of Panama City, Florida: $1.1 million base award ($1.2 million potential value)
Fincantieri Marinette Marine of Marinette, Wisconsin: $2 million base award ($3 million total potential value)
Huntington Ingalls, Inc. of Pascagoula, Mississippi: $2 million base award ($3 million total potential value)
Philly Shipyard of Philadelphia: $2 million base award ($3 million total potential value)
VT Halter Marine of Pascagoula, Mississippi: $2 million base award ($2.9 million total potential value)
Philly Shipyard Wins Major Training Ships Contract
Philadelphia, PA (April 8, 2020) – Philly Shipyard, Inc., the sole operating subsidiary of Philly Shipyard ASA (Oslo: PHLY), has been awarded a contract for the construction of up to five (5) National Security Multi-Mission Vessels (NSMV) from TOTE Services, LLC (TOTE), an industry leader in ship management, marine operations and vessel services. TOTE was selected by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD) as the vessel construction manager for the NSMV program in May 2019. TOTE placed an initial order with Philly Shipyard for the first two vessels (NSMVs 1 and 2), with deliveries in Spring and Winter 2023, and retains options for the next three vessels (NSMVs 3, 4 and 5).
The initial award is valued at approximately USD 630 million and supports non-recurring engineering and detail design of the NSMV class as well as procurement of equipment and materials and construction of the first two ships. If all five ships are ordered and built in series, then the total contract value of the 5-ship program would be approximately USD 1.5 billion.
The NSMV series is a new class of purpose-built ships to provide for the replacement of the current training ships at the State Maritime Academies (SMA). SMA ships are primarily used to provide cadets with required at-sea training on operational vessels, and to introduce them to the work of a merchant marine officer. The ships feature accommodations for up to 600 cadets and instructors, comprehensive instructional spaces and a full training bridge. The vessels will also serve critical national security interests and other important roles, including missions in support of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief throughout the world. To meet this requirement, the vessels will also have roll/on-roll/off and container storage capacity, as well as a helicopter landing pad.
Steinar Nerbovik, Philly Shipyard President and CEO, remarked “Philly Shipyard is honored to be selected by TOTE to build these sophisticated vessels. We are thankful for the trust that TOTE has placed in us, and for all of the support we have received over the last year, especially from our unions, and our local and federal stakeholders. Securing this award is a major milestone in our strategy to reposition the yard for government and commercial projects. We look forward to delivering on our promises.”
Engineering and planning work is already underway in conjunction with PSI’s technical partner, and final design and procurement will commence immediately with a scheduled production start on NSMV 1 in early 2021. The vessels will be owned by MARAD, which developed the initial concept for their design. Construction of the vessels will not require any third-party financing.
Jimmy Hart, President of the Metal Trades Department, AFL-CIO, stated “On behalf of skilled shipbuilders throughout North America, the Metal Trades Department, AFL-CIO, offers its praise and thanks to a committed collaboration of great Americans that stretched from skilled workers to a persistent shipyard management, and willing, able partners in the White House and halls of Congress that committed to building and promoting our nation’s workers and the shipbuilding industry.”
Jim Miller, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Philly Shipyard, stated “On behalf of the entire Board, we couldn’t be more pleased that the shipyard has secured this contract. Beginning two years ago, management boldly faced many challenges and systematically mapped out a strategic plan to transform the shipyard into a facility that can perform government related work. Through skillful deliberation, they have successfully executed that plan, while preserving a good financial platform on which to move forward. We are confident in the yard’s ability to continue to rise from here.”
The contract for the NSMV program will allow Philly Shipyard to reconstitute its workforce in preparation for commencement of the new production work in early 2021. The total workforce at Philly Shipyard at full capacity is approximately 1,200. For more information about Philly Shipyard, please visit
Philly Shipyard har blitt tildelt kontrakt på leveranse av opptil fem National Security Multi-Mission fartøy. Kjøper er TOTE Services, og i første omgang skal Philly levere to fartøy med leveranse på våren og vinteren i 2023. TOTE har opsjoner på ytterligere tre fartøy.
I børsmeldingen fremgår det at kontakten har en verdi på 630 millioner dollar, tilsvarende nesten 6,5 milliarder kroner. Til sammenligning er Philly Shipyards markedsverdi på rett i underkant av 500 millioner kroner. Kjell Inge Røkke og Aker Capital er største aksjonær i selskapet med en eierandel på 57,6 prosent.
Jeg turte ikke være inne etter at jeg ble sittende inne etter den LOI med TOTE på hawaii som gikk kraftig på trynet. Ser nå at det burde man ha vært. Fyflate for en kontrakt. De fleste venta vel egentlig på et eller maks 2 skip.
Gratulerer om du har sittet tålmodig med aksjer her!
Ja det pekte jo i phillys vei både med uttalelser fra trumpadmijistrasjonen i philly samt positive uttalelser som du sier. Det pekte nok mot kontrakt. Men når pandemien kom ble d mer bremsene på her.
Men når det skal sies så har nok pandemien kanskje heller speedet prosessen opp ift sysselsetting osv. Uansett gratulerer som er inne.
Fårse om man har på joggeskoene på tirsdag eller ikke
Philly is important not just because it is a significant employer in the Philadelphia area, but also because it is one of the shipyards the government depends on to build smaller auxiliary and non-combatant ships such as Coast Guard cutters, NOAA research ships, and Navy unmanned surface vessels, survey ships, and towing and salvage vessels.”
Takk for deling. Dette virker meget interessant, har jo gått rykter om en analyse fra Arctic, sikkert til de beste kundene. Har selv akkumulert en god del aksjer til snitt ca 70,-. Det er rett over det de har i cash. Siste kontrakter er ikke priset inn i det hele tatt. Spennende fremtid, i hvert fall når vi ser basecase på 269,-
Aksjen begynner å få et løft, og hvis ikke Arctic er helt på bærtur så skulle det da bare mangle.
Jeg tolker søylene slik at det er søyle 2 som viser hva kursen burde vært i dag (113) bare utifra verdien på de to kontraktene på skoleskip, pluss de 3 opsjonene og kontantbeholdning, søyle 3 (143) verdien hvis de også får de 3 siste skoleskipene eller tilsvarende kontrakter i årene 2023-2025, mens de 3 siste søylene gir 3 ulike verdsettelser av “terminal” i tillegg (oppå verdiene i søyle 3), antar da at “terminal” er selve skipsverftet med tomter, bygninger, kraner, etc med tanke på et evt. salg.
Analyse eller ikke analyse, denne PR’n er jo konge kjøpte en liten lyttepost dagen etter melding for å se hvor langt den kunne gå. Vært svært skuffende med lite interesse, men ekstremt moro med idag.
Aksjen har vært og er underpriset. Det burde ligge en reprising i dette. Den ligger jo bare ca 20kr over nett cash value, med tunge ordre og en stor påkostet shipyard