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Photocure smĂ„prat (PHO) 🔩 1

Ny site idag:
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 330 Brookline Ave., Rabb 440, Boston, MA 02215

145 totalt
Hadde vÊrt fint med en hÄndfull til kjenner jeg, for Ä snu sentimentet :slight_smile:


Dette er ikke hvemsomhelst!

Fra hjemmesiden:

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) is part of Beth Israel Lahey Health, a new health care system that brings together academic medical centers and teaching hospitals, community and specialty hospitals, more than 4,000 physicians and 35,000 employees in a shared mission to expand access to great care and advance the science and practice of medicine through groundbreaking research and education.

BIDMC is a world-class teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School and is located in the heart of Boston.




Lahey hĂžrtes kjent ut, denne tweeten er fra april 2019:


Noen som har sjekka tradegate. Ser den omsettes der og. Hvordan fungerer det?

Ja, sannelig. Har ikke vÊrt omsatt der tidligere nÄr jeg har sÞkt, riktignok flere mnd siden, men dog

Helt tilfeldig at jeg sÞkte opp pho der igÄr. SÄ i utgangspunktet etter noe annet :face_with_monocle:


interessant artikkel(fra idag) om bÄde blÄlys og Ashish Kamat i disse mÞrke tider: https://www.streetwisereports.com/article/2020/01/14/disruptive-technology-poised-to-deliver-significant-advancement-in-bladder-cancer-detection.html

“Most important, what Imagin is working toward is final FDA approval and commercialization, not in and of itself insurmountable. Keep in mind that the i/Blue Imaging System is simply adding its superior optical technology and far greater efficiency/utility to blue-light endoscope techniques that the F.D.A. has already approved.”


De nevner jo bare Cysview (antar jeg, siden cysview er godkjent) helt i forbifarten:

The “remedy” to this point has been the use of a “blue” light in conjunction with fluorescing imaging agents. The agents are absorbed by the cancerous cells in the bladder. When exposed to blue light, they fluoresce, improving the surgeons’ ability to detect flat cancers and visualize the margin for removal.

The challenge and shortcoming here, though, is that a urologist/surgeon has to switch back and forth between the white and blue images to figure out what is going on. The white light image shows the full landscape of the bladder but doesn’t highlight the cancer. The blue light shows the cancer but doesn’t show exactly where it is, so the surgeon loses orientation. In addition, the current technology gives the surgeons only one image at a time on the monitor, so they have to switch back and forth between the two and compare them from memory to remove the cancer.

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The blue light shows the cancer but doesn’t show exactly where it is, so the surgeon loses orientation.

Feil. Det er derfor de switcher mellom hvitt og blÄtt lys, Hvit lys for orientering. BlÄtt lys for konturene og fullstendig fjerning.

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Det er vel snakk om et scoop med hvitt og blÄtt lys samtidig i realtid slik at man slipper Ä svitsje. Scopet skal vel brukes med cysview.ihvertfall det eneste som er godkjent per idag. det er slik jeg forstod det.



fra ca 25:20


Jeg sĂ„ pĂ„ dette fĂžrste gang for et par Ă„r siden nĂ„r det ble kjent. Jeg tolket det dithen at scopet bruker hvitt lys + cysview sin blĂ„-frekvens samtidig og sĂ„ sendes bildet gjennom en datamaskin som filtrer frekvenser for blĂ„lys og cysview-rosa og viser disse som et eget bilde, slik at man fĂ„r ett “hvitt-lys” bilde og et “blĂ„lys” bilde ved siden av hverandre og dermed slipper Ă„ svitsje.
Hvordan bildekvaliteten er aner jeg ikke. kanskje mÄ man ha en mye stÞrre skjerm siden man mÄ vise 2 bilder ved siden av hverandre.

De mÄ uansett fÄ dette godkjent av FDA som en drug-device kombinasjon sammen med Cysview.
En mulig konkurrent til Karl Storz.

Tror selskapet er lite og har stram Ăžkonomi.


Skulle kanskje tro at det gikk an/var bedre Ä legge bildene oppÄ hverandre dersom det gÄr gjennom en datamaskin?

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Her snakker vi virkelig om frustrerte aksjonÊrer. Og de lurer pÄ nÄr de egentlig skal begynne Ä snakke med Photocure . Virker som en mellomting mellom langt frem og useriÞst.

Hva er du tenker er useriĂžst?

Bare ett inntrykk jeg fikk fra Q&A sekvensen. basert pÄ det ville ikke jeg kjÞpt aksjer, men KS bÞr vel ha et halvt Þye pÄ hva de driver med.

For mange PHO aksjonÊrer var Cevira avtalen en kjÊrkommen nyhet og det er den fortsatt. For fÞrste gang leste jeg nÄ hva Norne skrev i deres oppdatering i desember angÄende Cevira sÄ fÄr det vÊre opp til hver enkelt Ä vurdere innholdet.

Cevira deal is great; long-term value could be much higher than NOK 11/sh

The deal with Asieris for the out-licensing of Cevira was one of the best news for Photocure in a long time. Prior to that we had zero value in our model for the asset. Currently, we include this deal with a value of NOK 240m or NOK 11/sh. At the same time, we acknowledge that we are using a risk-weighted (probability adjusted) model in our valuation, plus a substantial discount rate of 15% (our NPV@10% discount rate would yield NOK 15/sh valuation of Cevira deal). We would like to highlight that as time goes by and Cevira moves forward as a product, valuation will increase, but at this point, lots of risk remain and we are cautious in our evaluations.



With significantly improved tumor detection, we’re able to provide treatment earlier and achieve improved outcomes," said Dr. Rogers. “BLC with Cysview is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for surgery and for follow-up cystoscopies as well, so it can be used for ongoing surveillance.”


DnB endrer belÄningsgraden pÄ PhotoCure, opp fra 50% til 60%. :slightly_smiling_face:

I det minste sÄ signaliserer det en vurdering av at aksjen ses pÄ som mindre risiko enn tidligere.

Endringen gjelder fra 30.januar 2020.