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Photocure småprat (PHO) 🔦 2

Er der noen tegn / annet å se på selskaper generelt før øppkjøps-forsøk foreligger ?

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Innovation in Integrated Diagnosis & Treatment Solutions with Accelerated Commercialization

Asieris Pharmaceuticals has strategically developed its business in the genitourinary field, via a highly differentiated product portfolio covering bladder cancer diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. We effectively address the unmet clinical needs in this field with innovative and integrated diagnosis-treatment solutions for doctors and patients. These include APL-1706, the world’s only approved imaging agent indicated for the diagnosis and surgical treatment of bladder cancer; APL-1202, the only first-in-class orally administered reversible MetAP2 inhibitor for bladder cancers (NMIBC and MIBC); and APLD-2101, a versatile integrated single-use flexible cystoscope for diagnosing bladder diseases.

Asieris Pharmaceuticals is also making solid progress in commercialization by building an end-to-end team: from marketing, sales, commercial operations, market access, integrated operation of diagnosis and treatment, to sales efficiency. We have also launched related products in Hainan Province’s Bo’ao Lecheng National Pilot Zone of International Medical Tourism.

On 20 May 2021, Asieris Pharmaceuticals and Sinopharm Group signed a strategic collaboration agreement for launching innovative pharmaceutical and device products in Bo’ao Lecheng. As a result, selected Chinese patients had early access to APL-1706, which also subsequently received approval in March 2022 by the CDE to be included in the real-world clinical data pilot program.

Asieris Pharmaceuticals will continue to develop and implement other comprehensive integrated solutions for diagnosis and treatment to serve patients around the world.

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Man kan se etter børsmeldinger der selskap melder intensjon om oppkjøp.

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Franske retningslinjer anbefaler blålyscystoskopi.

French guidelines for the management of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer recommend that blue-light cystoscopy should be used in patients where the risk of missing residual tumor is highest.
Despite evidence for its cost-effectiveness, budgetary concerns have limited uptake in France. The aim of this analysis was to model the cost-consequences of adopting the recommendations in a French urology unit.

Consequently, the French guidelines make strong recommendations that BLC should be used:

  • For the initial diagnostic TURBT in all but the smallest unifocal tumors

  • For the second look cystoscopy when cytology and the absence of papillary lesions with WLC suggest the presence of CIS.

  • For treating recurrent NMIBC in:

  • All low-risk patients

  • Small Ta low grade tumors in intermediate-risk patients

  • Suspicion of CIS in high-risk patients.



Det er vel en kost-nytte analyse av det franske markedet? Ikke vedtatte retningslinjer fra det franske helsevesenet?

Det er vel en anbefaling fra de Franske myndighetene ja.

Bedre resultat og lavere kostnader totalt sett.
Det blir billigere i det lange løp å fjerne kreft svullene med BLC enn å risikere å få tilbakefall med bruk av WTL alene.

Det står:
The health economic impact of this strategy has been evaluated using a cost-utility analysis, from the perspective of the French healthcare system, and BLC was found to be dominant over WLC – meaning that its use results in better outcomes and lower costs ove all.


Greit å få med seg info om transparens ved slike ting:


Declaration of funding

The article received funding from Photocure GmbH.

Declaration of financial/other relationships

JB Medical Ltd is a market access consultancy and receives funding from the medical device and pharmaceutical industry to provide support and advice in gaining market access. JB Medical has received funding from Photocure for this project and similar projects across Europe.

Reviewer disclosures

A reviewer on this manuscript has disclosed that they are a consultant and on the advisory board for Photocure. The other peer reviewers on this manuscript have no other relevant financial relationships or otherwise to disclose.


Hej Norge

Doktorinho: tak for link

Dobbelt af gennemsnit omsætning fredag – og med børspause
Noget på gang :grimacing:

Previous Close 9.59
Open 9.57
Bid 10.33 x N/A
Ask 10.34 x N/A
Day’s Range 9.44 - 10.43
52 Week Range 9.37 - 18.36
Volume 13,806,867
Avg. Volume 6,688,309

Taget på Yahoo finance





Market open



Last update at Oct 30 at 11:29 GMT+8


Noe skjer…


Opp over 20% på tre dager på stigende volum er bullish. Brudd over 11,69 så er trenden brutt

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Hvor stor er markedsverdien i NOK nå etter siste oppgang for Asieris?

9.0117 milliarder NOK.

EDIT: Investing.com og Tradingview har ikke fått med seg dagens oppgang.
570 millioner aksjer utestående x kurs 11.11 = 6332 CNY, som utgjør 9.689 milliarder NOK.

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Tredje høyeste volumet på 1 dag i 2023, de to andre kom i starten av rallyet i januar.

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Tradingview sier markedsverdien er 5,888 milliarder. 5, 888 milliarder yuan er vel 8,382 milliarder NOK.

Hej Norge

Doktorinho – fin info :rofl:

Dagens omsætning er det 3 Dobbelte af normalt !!! :partying_face: 21 mill aktier omsat

Previous Close 10.33
Open 10.45
Bid 11.11 x N/A
Ask 11.12 x N/A
Day’s Range 10.32 - 11.27
52 Week Range 9.37 - 18.36

|Avg. Volume|6,688,309|

Noget på gang



Ingen store forventninger fra oppdatert analyse fra DNB, omsetning 110 mill i Q3, 20 nye scope og noen oppgraderinger. Fortsatt verdi på Cevira til NULL.

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Vektlegger Cevira til 0, og har allikevel et kursmål som tilsvarer 70% oppgang herfra. Reprising uunngåelig, hold på hatten.

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Vanskelig å ta dette på alvor når man ser hvilke kursmål de har hatt for andre biotech-selskap som har hatt medikamenter i fase 1 eller maks fase 2.


Overasket over at det ikke tas hardere i, men +70% tar man absolutt imot med glede. De fine med den analysen er jo at dette både er realistisk og oppnåelig innen rimelig tid, og at det fremdeles er oppside på toppen av dette.

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