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Questerre Energy Corporation (QEC)

CALGARY, Alberta, June 06, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Questerre Energy Corporation (“Questerre” or the “Company”) (OSE:QEC) (TSX:QEC) reported today on the draft hydrocarbon regulations published by the Government of Quebec.

The Government of Quebec announced new regulations with a 45-day consultation period. If implemented, these regulations would have the effect of banning hydraulic fracturing and any meaningful exploitation of natural gas in Quebec. The press release is available at: http://www.fil-information.gouv.qc.ca/Pages/Article.aspx?aiguillage=ajd&type=1&idArticle=2606062523&lang=en.

Michael Binnion, President and Chief Executive Officer of Questerre, commented, “Questerre condemns the decision today by the Government of Quebec to capitulate to a vocal minority that are seeking to both block the progress on our global environment and the growth of Quebec’s economy. This decision is motivated solely by short-term politics around the upcoming election.”

He added, “This decision makes no sense from the point of view of the proven science of modern natural gas development, the economy or the will of the majority of Quebecers.”

This announcement is contrary to the science validated by the most comprehensive environmental study of oil and gas development in Canada conducted by the Government of Quebec over four years. It included over 134 independent studies by Quebec scientists. These studies showed there is no link between hydraulic fracturing of natural gas wells and drinking water. Modern natural gas development has been shown by scientific study and by millions of wells to be safe for the environment.

Mr. Binnion further added, “The decision is contrary to the objectives of the Government’s own energy policy adopted after more than a year of public consultation. Local natural gas production will reduce global emissions while providing significant economic benefits including well-paying jobs in Quebec. This is an opportunity for many small towns who want development and to share in the economic benefits.”

The Quebec Oil and Gas Association released today a poll showing 60% of Quebecers support local natural gas development and a pilot project while only 22% of Quebecers are opposed. Mr. Binnion noted, “We have been told for years we need social acceptability. When a strong majority of Quebecers support modern natural gas development that is cheaper, cleaner, more reliable, and better for the economy, we can’t be too far away.” A copy of the poll is available at: https://www.ipsos.com/fr-ca/news-polls/la-production-de-gaz-naturel-au-quebec.

He further noted, “The Quebec government is out of step with the rest of the world on natural gas development. A new generation of natural gas exploitation would see 100% recycled water, biodegradable additives and zero emission from production. Quebec could choose to be the world leader in this new generation of clean gas.”

The Company will be providing detailed feedback to the Government during the consultation process.


Ble jo fullt sirkus dette hær:
Greenpeace kritiserer regeringen for at bane vejen for olie- og gasudvikling i Quebec

Olje og gass industrien kritiserer Quebec regjeringen for å være helt ute av synk sammenlignet med resten av verden.

Ting kan vel endre seg om fornuften seirer i løpet av 45 dager med høring.

  • Simard called on the Liberal government not to pass any new regulations before the Oct. 1 provincial election, "to allow Quebecers to speak out on this important issue

og husk at Svært Lite av Quebek/St. Lawrence lavlandet er priset inn i dagens aksjekurs , med gode regs. for Qec ikveld hadde vi vært langt over 10kr imorgen

Qec sitter oxo på øvrige lisenser og områder. Borrer for tiden nye brønner med Kicking horse i Kakwa North.

Repsol saken kan jo oxo ta en ny vending nå…
Såååå Mange faktorer hær nå som gjør at de neste dagers kjøp/salg blir svært vanskelig.

og husk denne kom altså 06.03.2018
Altså før Respol saken og nå dette Nye utkastet til carbon act. bill106

Oljemygg til topps på Oslo Børs etter produksjonsavtale i USA
06.03.2018 · Anders Park Framstad
Oljemyggen Questerre Energy Corporation er blant dagens vinnere på Oslo Børs med en oppgang på 7,76 prosent til 5,765 kroner per aksje.
Oppgangen finner sted etter at selskapet har annonsert at det har inngått avtale med en erfaren operatør om utviklingen av Kakwa-feltet i Alberta i USA.
Planen er nå å bore den første brønnen i neste kvartal, gitt at det er ledig riggkapasitet.
I dagens utgave av Finansavisen uttaler analytiker Teodor Sveen Nilsen i Sparebank 1 Markets seg positivt om at selskapet ser ut til å kunne øke veksten uten å måtte gjøre større investeringer.
Nilsen har en kjøpsanbefaling og kursmål 11 kroner på aksjen.

1 Like

Questerre condemns short term election politics in Quebec

Calgary, Alberta – Questerre Energy Corporation (“Questerre” or the “Company”)
(TSX,OSE:QEC) reported today on the draft hydrocarbon regulations published by
the Government of Quebec.

The Government of Quebec announced new regulations with a 45-day consultation
period. If implemented, these regulations would have the effect of banning
hydraulic fracturing and any meaningful exploitation of natural gas in Quebec.

Michael Binnion, President and Chief Executive Officer of Questerre, commented,
“Questerre condemns the decision today by the Government of Quebec to capitulate
to a vocal minority that are seeking to both block the progress on our global
environment and the growth of Quebec’s economy. This decision is motivated
solely by short-term politics around the upcoming election.”

He added, “This decision makes no sense from the point of view of the proven
science of modern natural gas development, the economy or the will of the
majority of Quebecers.”

This announcement is contrary to the science validated by the most comprehensive
environmental study of oil and gas development in Canada conducted by the
Government of Quebec over four years. It included over 134 independent studies
by Quebec scientists. These studies showed there is no link between hydraulic
fracturing of natural gas wells and drinking water. Modern natural gas
development has been shown by scientific study and by millions of wells to be
safe for the environment.

Mr. Binnion further added, “The decision is contrary to the objectives of the
Government’s own energy policy adopted after more than a year of public
consultation. Local natural gas production will reduce global emissions while
providing significant economic benefits including well-paying jobs in Quebec.
This is an opportunity for many small towns who want development and to share in
the economic benefits.”

The Quebec Oil and Gas Association released today a poll showing 60% of
Quebecers support local natural gas development and a pilot project while only
22% of Quebecers are opposed. Mr. Binnion noted, “We have been told for years we
need social acceptability. When a strong majority of Quebecers support modern
natural gas development that is cheaper, cleaner, more reliable, and better for
the economy, we can’t be too far away.”

He further noted, “The Quebec government is out of step with the rest of the
world on natural gas development. A new generation of natural gas exploitation
would see 100% recycled water, biodegradable additives and zero emission from
production. Quebec could choose to be the world leader in this new generation of
clean gas.”

The Company will be providing detailed feedback to the Government during the
consultation process.
Questerre Energy Corporation is leveraging its expertise gained through early
exposure to shale and other non-conventional reservoirs. The Company has base
production and reserves in the tight oil Bakken/Torquay of southeast
Saskatchewan. It is bringing on production from its lands in the heart of the
high-liquids Montney shale fairway. It is pursuing oil shale projects with the
aim of commercially developing these significant resources.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=453098

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Report of voting results from AGM

Attached are the results from the Annual General Meeting conducted on June 6,

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=453099

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Brace for impact


Tror det passer fint med en “this is fine” meme her nå?


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Lykke til, karer.


4,30 i førhandelen. Det er jo spinnvilt!

De har vel verdier i kakwa og read leaf blant annet som forsvarer en kurs på over 4 vel, samt muligheter i Jordan? Ser det ligger ute salg under 4 nå. Da er det vel nesten like greit å bli sittende å se hva som skjer.

ja er nok det! dette var da voldsomt :nauseated_face:

1 Like

Det ble litt annerledes dag enn jeg så for meg for et døgn siden gitt. Men det valget i høst, er det for lokale politikere eller gjelder det også de løkene som har har gjort helomvending på reguleringene også. Slik at det kan være håp å få inn noe fornuft.

Bare fra 150 i pluss til 200 i minus, itj nå problem sjø …

Galemathias!!! minner meg om den dagen APCL ble grust 70-80%

Blood on the tracks. Halvert over natta. Auuuu…

Kjip dag for dere, men er vel noe mangen av oss har opplevd gjennom tiden, håper ikke altfor mangen var all in

Dagens fra Arctic:

Questerre (Buy, NOK 10): Draft regulations from Quebec authorities increase uncertainty. QEC reported this morning that the current authorities in Quebec have published draft regulations that prohibits fracking. These draft regulations are not recognised as law, but will be subject to comments, revisions and/or reversal during a 45 days consultation period, before a final decision could be made. If implemented, Questerre’s Utica shale assets will be worthless. However, QEC has communicated that this is unlikely given the fact the polls have shown that only 22% of Quebec’s population support the ban on fracking, while 60% don’t. QEC believes these draft regulations are part of a political positioning before the Quebec election first of October, rather than a direct and constructive political action. In any case, this is negative for the stock as it increases the uncertainty related to the Utica shale development.

Innstrammingsforslag sender Questerre rett ned

en time siden · Eirik Amb Nysveen

Kort tid etter åpning er Questerre-aksjen ned 45 prosent, til 4,20 kroner per aksje.

Aksjen startet uken på 5,765 kroner per aksje, la i løpet av tre dager på seg 35 prosent etter at selskapet meldte om en avklaring rundt ressursene i Utica-formasjonen i St. Lawrence Lowlands i Quebec.

Nå er altså all oppgang fra tidligere denne uken barbert bort - og mer til.

Totalt er det omsatt Questerre-aksjer for 29 millioner kroner, og aksjen er mest omsatt.

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