Liker at de skipene er så små at de bruker kran til å løfte dem. Bittelitt billigere å drifte dem enn de skipene de bruker i dag.
Herlig! Fint driv nå.
Lilleputtvolum kjører aksjen opp 10%. Typisk påskerally?
Økt sikkerhet, lavere utslipp, kostnadsbesparende både for kunde/selskap og ikke minst økte marginer, omsetning og inntekter…!!
Dette blir superbra; men de trenger litt tid på å kontrollere at styringssystemene fungerer.
Foreløpig har de bare testet at den flyter (som jeg vet i hvert fall), og det er ikke det som er komplisert her. Når de har testet det og styrt en ROV fra land på Remoten; da ligger det til rette for å tenke på oppdrag og kanskje oppskalering.
Da bør kursen bevege seg videre også. Dvs, Reach er billig selv om den første Remoten synker idag, så kursen kan gjerne gå litt på progresjon og potensialet.
In addition to these two Constructor ROVs, we are currently in the final stages of developing two brand new electric work-class ROVs for Reach Subsea. The Zeerov will be the first electric ROV manufactured by Kystdesign, a project that has seen us working closely with Reach throughout its development. The result is an innovative design purpose-built for the Reach Remote Unmanned Surface Vessels (USVs). However, the technology may be adapted to other designs in the future, showcasing our flexibility and adaptability in meeting the needs of the industry.
Key features include
• Length: 23.9 meters
• Optimized for low energy consumption
• Designed with DP2 principles
• Electric Work Class ROV onboard
• Hull-mounted survey sensors
• Cyber Security management plan ← Kjipt om noen tar kontroll over dem
• Endurance of 30 days
• No personnel required offshore
• Multiple redundant communication carriers Får håpe det funker.
De trenger ett sted å lade ute på felt, så kan de kjøre i det uendelige.
The East Irish Sea is an area where wind farms are continuously being built. One of those is even planned to straddle the South Morecambe field. This has prioritised the need to acquire seismic data now before this cannot be done anymore. For that reason, a 3D seismic survey will commence next week, according to Callum. The main aim of the survey is to better image the sealing units of the fields, as well as better map any faults.
4D seismic is not planned once injection will commence in 2030, partly because of lack of access due to wind farm developments, partly because of costs – OBN is seen as too expensive – and finally because of imaging – no 4D response is expected. Instead, Spirit has teamed up with company Reach Subsea that specialises in micro-gravity analysis to monitor reservoir dynamics.
Heftige tall. Når Q1 er positiv vet man at det blir et ekstraordinært år
Kanskje er dette allerede den nye normen for Q1. Ordreboken på 1,3 er jo veldig bra.
Tror dette er siste året man kan kjøpe aksjen til under 7kr
Bittelitt større anbudsvolum også.
Perfekt timing å få USV-ene klare nå mao
Var faktisk ikke klar over at den første USV-en allerede var i bruk. Trodde de drev med akseptansetest nå, men det ble tydeligvis gjort på en jobb.
Our first USV, commissioned in April last
year, has already demonstrated its value,
successfully completing over 25,000 km of
high-precision hydrographic survey lines. This
was achieved using a remote operations center,
which allows for real-time control and data
processing, a testament to our cutting-edge
approach in a strategically important region.Building on this success, we have expanded
our fleet with the addition of a second Drix
USV. This new vessel has just passed its
System Acceptance trials and will soon join our
initial USV in a large-scale project to update
and enhance nautical charts and seafloor
mapping for a key governmental client.