Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Russland/Ukraina debatt 7

Raffinerien ligger bare 10 km fra hverandre. Vet vi at begge er truffet, og at det ikke bare er forvirring om hvilket som er truffet? Jeg ser at noen skriver at AVT5 og AVT4 i Kuibyshev er truffet. Kan det være snakk om to tårn på ett raffineri?


4 mennesker utførte dette angrepet, 4!!!

Dette er vel et typisk muslimsk selvmordsangrep, og ikke et ‘Falsk Flagg’ tilfelle
Det har vært flere slike . Denne gangen tok de ikke gisler , men prøvde å komme seg unna
Etterretningssystemet og sikkerheten i Russland er ikke så god som en kan få inntrykk av
At det er tsjetjenere/IS er mest nærliggende å tro, men Russland har mange fiender

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Tja. Det kan like gjerne være prioriteringene. De har tross alt ikke uendelig med ressurser, så noe må glippe når de blir satt til å overvåke hver eneste gamle dame med en blomsterbukett.

Reaksjonstiden for sikkerhetsstyrkene på en time virker tilsynelatende absurd, men det kan også skyldes prioriteringer. De kan være bundet til det myndigheten regner som viktige mål (dem selv), og ikke være frie til å rykke ut straks de varsles.

Om etteretningen ikke henger med, så er i alle fall propagandaapparatet til Russland i forkant. Nå har de angivelig tatt alle terroristene, mens de var på vei til Ukraina i bil.


Ser ut som de ble advart i forveien


Utfra det jeg leser i dag, så er det bare ett som er truffet, dessverre. Godt jobbet å treffe disse, 1000+ km fra Ukraina.

Ww2 fly hadde vel egentlig vært perfekt til å ta ut disse? De kan fly i 6-700 km/t vs droner som flyr i <200 km/t.

På den andre siden, det Ukraina jobber med å lage jet drevne, som får fart på rundt 400 km/t.

Ser også at en av de som ble skutt ned i dag, iflg h i Sutton er en forenklet utgave av noe som ble laget tidligere. Mao billigere og lettere å lage i stort antall. Laget av tre og flyr lavt og sakte vil si at det neppe er spesielt synlig på radar. Neppe så mye varme fra motoren heller.


Vilt hvor raske dere er til å skrike «false flag» når dette enkelt kan forklares med islamsk ekstremisme.


Skulle tro att dette i ryzzland tolkas som at det er vesten som ligger bakom. Hvordan ellers kunde man ellers varsle på forhånd? spør ryzzen.

Hvordan forklarer man ellers den latterlig trege reaksjonen fra russiske spesialstyrker?

Klassisk Russisk ubrukelighet slik vi har sett gang på gang?


Uansett grunn så blir resultatet det samme
Dette var ikke damer med blomster, men terrorister med automatvåpen :wink:

Hvilken kilde sier at det tok 1time?

Hendelsen ble rapportert direkte i sosiale medier.

Ser at forskjellige kilder teller litt forskjellig. Alle klager dog over lang responstid.

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De hevdet vel også at de sto bak bl.a utøya-angrepet?

Kom gjerne med kilde på denne. Tror det der bare var en konspirajonsteori som ble spredd.

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Anton Gerashchenko har samlet en del observasjoner som samlet sett er vanskelige å forklare. Mange av punktene har tidlgere blitt nevnt av andre som indikasjoner på at myndighetene hadde noe med dette å gjøre.

Some inconsistencies between official reports and eyewitness accounts of the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall.

:black_large_square: Millions of video surveillance cameras are installed in Moscow. At the same time, terrorists, armed to the teeth, are easily moving around the city in cars with fake license plates.

:black_large_square: Crocus has a contract with the Okhrana Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the National Guard. But the video from the lobby and other rooms where terrorists are shooting people shows no resistance from the guards. There are no guards among the dead or wounded either.

:black_large_square: Survivors report that the guards did not check bags and clothes before entering Crocus, and the metal detectors were turned off.

Even without taking into account warnings about possible terrorist attacks from foreign embassies, the Russian authorities are already constantly reporting about increased vigilance.

:black_large_square: Terrorists leave a “lead” in the form of a car in which they arrived and about which everything is already known.

:black_large_square: It is reported that the very same white Renault with terrorists was detained in the Bryansk region on the way to the Ukrainian border.

Why didn’t the attackers change the car the whole country was looking for? Even if they were on their way to Ukraine, why through Bryansk, where the border zone is maximally fortified and protected?

:black_large_square: It is claimed that the building was set on fire using gasoline from canisters.

Was it really enough for a fire of this magnitude in a building built to all fire safety requirements?

:black_large_square: Why are there no signs of automatic fire extinguishing systems working? They were checked so thoroughly after the tragedy in Kemerovo’s Zimnyaya Vishnya shopping mall.

:black_large_square: Spetsnaz drove for over an hour, even though the OMON military base is 8 minutes from Crocus.

The firefighters did not put out the fire before Spetsnaz arrived. Spetsnaz waited until they finished putting out the fire to start the assault.

As if someone was interested in more casualties or the escape of terrorists.

At the moment, it is reported that the number of victims of the terrorist attack in Crocus has reached 143 people.



Nettopp. Operasjonen er ikke en gang dårlig.


Spetsnaz pumped a chemical agent into the building’s ventilation system and began the rescue operation.
That gas contained carfentanil, an opioid 100 times more powerful than fentanyl.
Bodies were piled one on top of another outside the theater entrance, with no attempt to separate the living from the dead, Satter writes.
“Alexander Karpov, a well-known songwriter, died after spending seven hours alive in a bus packed with corpses. In another case, thirty hostages were put in a twelve-seat military microbus, some on the floor.
Because Russian officials refused to reveal what was in the gas they’d released, medical professionals didn’t know how to treat the hundreds of victims. They spent several hours testing antidotes before finding that naloxone, a drug used to treat opioid overdoses, could help counter the effects of the gas. By then, more lives had been lost, and the survivors’ health had worsened. Those who lived through the experience continued to suffer from problems that no one knew how to treat, because the gas that’d caused them was still a mystery.
Doctor Andrei Seltsovsky, Moscow’s health committee chairman, announced that all but one of the hostages killed in the raid had died from the effects of the unknown gas rather than from gunshot wounds. Several Russian special forces operatives were also poisoned by the gas during the operation


Day three
A chaotic battle broke out as the special forces fought to enter the school. The forces included the assault groups of the FSB and the associated troops of the Russian Army and the Russian Interior Ministry, supported by a number of T-72 tanks from Russia’s 58th Army (commandeered by Tikhonov from the military on 2 September), BTR-80 wheeled armoured personnel carriers and armed helicopters, including at least one Mi-24 attack helicopter.[80] Many local civilians also joined the battle, having brought their own weapons, and at least one of the armed volunteers is known to have been killed. Alleged crime figure Aslan Gagiyev claimed to be among them. At the same time, regular conscripted soldiers reportedly fled the scene as the fighting began. Civilian witnesses claimed that the local police also panicked, sometimes firing in the wrong direction.[81][82]

At least three, but as many as nine, powerful Shmel rockets were fired at the school from the special forces’ positions. The use of the Shmel rockets, classified in Russia as flamethrowers and in the West as thermobaric weapons,was initially denied.
… Scores of hostages were moved by the militants from the burning sports hall into other parts of the school, in particular the cafeteria, where they were forced to stand at windows as
human shields. Many of them were shot by troops outside, according to the survivors. One fire truck crew arrived after two hours on their own initiative, but with only 200 liters.
During the battle, a group of some 13 militants broke through the military cordon and took refuge nearby. Several of them were believed to have entered a local two-story building, which was destroyed by tanks and flamethrowers around 21:00, according to the Ossetian committee’s findings (Kesayev Report).[91] Another group of militants appeared to head back over the railway, chased by helicopters into the town



Usikker kilde.

Hej Norge

Sidste nyt fra Denys :100:
Et sjældent indslag hvor Denys tager fløjlshandskerne af og siger sandheden :wink:

Og dagens Pollental: :+1:
Bynke 5
Birk 35
Ruskiieeees 1050 :partying_face:

Slava Ukraini :ukraine:



Er ikke første gangen man lener seg på anonyme kilder for å spre negative nyheter rundt USA og Ukraina.

Igor Sushko on X: “As readers have pointed out, Ukraine rejected the allegations via ‘anonymous sources’ which Financial Times published about the US pressure on Ukraine not to strike any more oil refineries. https://t.co/ItCOZ0J2Mp” / X (twitter.com)

thee nasty rougarou in the machine on X: “@igorsushko @general_ben Mykhailo Podolyak, adviser to the office of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, said the government has not received calls from the United States asking Ukraine to halt attacks on Russian energy infrastructure. https://t.co/Srw86XWxp4” / X (twitter.com)

Igor Sushko on X: “In direct disagreement with alleged claims that the US pressured Ukraine to cease the highly effective attacks on Russian oil refineries because it would result in an “increased price on oil,” @general_ben asserts these attacks should continue. :fist: https://t.co/40JSKSTSBt” / X (twitter.com)