Jeg bet meg merke i følgende
Funcom Are Listening Well
As mentioned earlier, problems were rising and rising fast in week one. Besides an exploit to the Exchange which was out of their hands, there were other issues. Players felt the value of the Patron was poor. Dungeon loot was disheartening at best, and no one wanted to drop money using a untrustworthy payment vendor. Overall quality of life was also rocky, especially for the new free player.
Within a week, all feedback was acknowledged by Funcom and done so in a public setting on stream. Even better, the changes rolled out the following Wednesday, fixing most if not all of the major concerns. Patrons now get a ton of value, free players finally get to trade, and PayPal has been added for secure payments.
The one key takeaway from this is that when the developer acknowledges, listens and fixes in a short amount of time, they win over the customers.
Tror det oppsumerer alt rundt SWL og hvorfor det lykkes.