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Hvordan skal man angripe inhilatoren? Dette blir ren eyeballin.
Hva er LOA? Hvor stor markedsandel?
Pneumonia is a common illness affecting approximately 450 million people a year and occurring in all parts of the world.[12] It is a major cause of death among all age groups resulting in 4 million deaths (7% of the world’s total death) yearly.[12][13] Rates are greatest in children less than five, and adults older than 75 years.[12] It occurs about five times more frequently in the developing world than in the developed world.[12] Viral pneumonia accounts for about 200 million cases.[12] In the United States, as of 2009, pneumonia is the 8th leading cause of death.[[23]]
(Pneumonia - Wikipedia)
Skal man regne hjem et Best case scenario her, vil ingen ta deg seriøst.
F.eks 200 mill behandlinger pr år x 1000kr pr stk