Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Solstad Farstad (SOFF) 3

høres spennende ut… håper at det tar av :+1:

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Westshore har oppdatert raten på spot oppdraget til Drott.
80k GBP eller 1 mill

Date Vessel Charterer Scope of Work Comm. Rate
28/02/23 [NORMAND DROTT](javascript:void(0):wink: BP UK All duties Ocean Greatwhite (+WROV), 4 days + 10x1 day 02/03/23 GBP 80000

3 nye spot oppdrag tildelt nå på morgenen. Alle på 1 til 1,1 mill.
Bra trykk på AHTS ratene nå.


VELDIG bra trykk på ahts nå ja!

Maximus er ute i Nordsjøen og lufter seg, står ikke noe mer enn det på MT

Fugro kjøper 2 psver til ombygging, PX121 båter betaler visst ca 250mill pr.stk, dette er 10-20% over det analytikerne har som verdi på disse.


Tror det er nummeret for det tar av for SOFF. ‘Alt’ går veien makromessig. Fra pareto:

Today’s highlights: OSV: Eye-catching PSV sales, above implied values; DVD: Saipem awarded contract for Deep Value Driller at USD ~400’/day gross; VWS with 1.3 GW onshore orders and selected for 1.6GW offshore; Rebound in Chinese factory activity; Renewables: Major solar order placed by Lightsource BP. Also covered: Shipbuilding/jackups

OSV – Eye-catching PSV sales, above implied values • Topaz Energy and Topaz Endurance have been sold to Fugro which will convert them to geotechnical vessels at a price rumored to be around USD 24m a piece • The price is above Vessels Value at USD 18.5m, ~10-20% above charter-free broker quotes and above implied values which on our numbers is USD ~1819m in SOFF, SIOFF and STSU, noting the average age for the three names are slightly higher (~2-3 years for SOFF and SIOFF and ~5 yrs for STSU) • Both were 2015-built PX121 design, built in Batam at 4070dwt with 850 sqm deck and as such considered to be mid to large sized PSVs. Both have until recently worked for TotalEnergies offshore West Africa • We also note this serves as an interesting pricing point since Vroon has four vessels of this design which are known to be for sale as the fleet has been taken over by the lenders

DVD – Saipem awarded contract for Deep Value Driller at USD ~400’/day gross • Saipem has been awarded a USD 400m drilling contract by a JV consisting of Eni and Petroci for Deep Value Driller offshore the Ivory Coast • The contract commences in July 2023 and has a firm duration until mid-March 2026, with several shorter options that could extend the charter to April 2027 • Assuming the contract value comprises the firm charter, implied gross dayrate is USD ~400’/day • Saipem recently entered into a bareboat charter agreement with DVD for the rig (3+1 years) for USD 160m for the firm period • To our understanding, Saipem does not have a purchase option for the unit. DVD is currently priced at an implied value of USD ~215m for the rig

VWS – 1.3GW onshore orders and selected for 1.6GW offshore • Vestas announced a preferred supplier agreement for the up to 1.6GW Nordseecluster wind project in Germany, which is a JV between RWE (51%) and Northland Power (49%) • The order comprises 104 V235-15.0 MW turbines and a multi-year service agreement, and is subject to FID. The project is currently applying for permits and could see turbine installation starting 2026 (660MW first phase) and in 2028 (900MW second phase) • Onshore, It also announced 1.3GW of conditional onshore orders in Brazil which will be announced separately when firm

Energy markets – Rebound in Chinese factory activity • Brent is trading at USD 84/bbl, up USD 0.2/bbl since close in Oslo yesterday • Chinese factory output rose for the first time in seven months in February as measured by the Caixin/S&P Global PMI, which showed the fastest expansion since 2012 according to Reuters, reinforcing the oil demand outlook in China • Brazil has introduced a 9.2% tax on oil exports, which will last for four months until fuel tax exemptions given by the previous government are completely eliminated, according to government officials • Ahead of the EIA weekly US inventory report, cons. expects a build of 1.9 mb in crude stocks, while gasoline and distillate inventories are expected to decrease by 1 mb and 0.5 mb, respectively • European gas prices declined for the third month in a row in February, with front-month Dutch TTF currently trading at USD 15/mcf (USD ~84/boe). A mild winter, high LNG inflow, and domestic and industrial demand curbs have eased the pressure on inventories and prices


Vi ønsker også dette giga fondet fra USA velkommen.

Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. kjøpte seg inn for første gang mandag. Med så mye finansielle muskler (forvalter 33 000 millarder kroner, kan det virkelig stemme?!), hva er planen deres? Blir ikke overrasket om vi ser en ny IB.

Organized as a partnership, BBH has approximately 6,000 staff in 18 offices throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. Currently, the firm has 38 partners,[6] and acts as custodian and administrator for $3.3 trillion and $1.2 trillion in assets, respectively.[2][7]


Sjekka fintel. De eier virkelig så store verdier. Fant forøvrig ikke noe eierskap i TDW.

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Fra Subsea7 sin rapport:

“Availability of installation capacity for subsea and offshore fixed wind markets continues to tighten for 2024 and 2025, and we are now tendering projects for 2026 and beyond”
“…a rapid tightening of vessel availability and an improvement in new project margins”




Synes SOFF virker veldig robust og det ligger litt i luften at den vil opp og prøve på HOY (52 ish).

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Enig. Dog vurderer jeg det slik at det er sannsynlig at vi neste gang bryter igjennom HOY og skal videre. Jeg vil se 56-58, retracement og backtesting av HOY samt at det holder. Får vi followup på bruddet igjennom HOY kommer oppjusteringer på løpende bånd, aksjen blir vanskelig å ignorere og galskapen får materialisere seg. Ikke utenkelig at Pareto med sitt kursmål på 80 er inne på noe.


Enda mer optimistisk enn meg og er ikke uenig i ditt scenario / serviett-analyse. Jeg tror HOY står for fall innen rimelig kort tid.


Traff rett på an den ville gå opp mye hvertfall :flushed:

Bare å nyte turen


Det er omtrent ikke omsatt noe aksjer idag (kontra en volum intensiv dag i SOFF kontekst). De som vil ha volum nå må opp i pris.


Proppen går her nå, det er som du sier - få selgere og med dagens indikative brudd flere nok som er keen på å komme seg med på turen :slight_smile:

Med omsettingen som er nå er det ganske lett å presse prisen oppover…


Emisjon i eidesvik med omtrent 24 prosent rabatt. Kan være interessant å følge med på kursutviklingen i eidesvik i morgen. Kan gi en pekepinn på markedsresponsen…


Blir spennende å følge denne i morgen. Viktig pekepinn for bransjen/segmentet og indirekte prosessen Soff skal gjennom, kanskje

Ser Eidesvik Invest AS har garantert for 96 mill

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