Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Solstad Farstad (SOFF) 3

Claimet forfaller vel 31.3 så der må det da komme en løsning/utsettelse eller noe før den tid uansett?

Til de som syns dagens Soff er komplisert- dette er Solstad etter deler av fusjonene i 2017 :slight_smile:

Haugesund, 09 November 2023: Reach Subsea , the trusted data and subsea service provider for ocean-based industries, has signed an attractive three or five-year charter contract and additional options with Agalas for a modern IMR/Survey vessel with low emission, smart lifting arrangement and a state of the art equipment package that can be adapted to several market segments, with delivery early 2026.

“The market for subsea vessels is expected to remain tight for the foreseeable future, and with the innovative Agalas low-emission vessel, we will to an even larger degree be able to leverage the global market and continue our profitable growth. The vessel is well suited for solving complex tasks within the rapidly growing renewables energy sector, oil & gas as well as emerging ultra deep-water seabed surveys for the seabed mineral industry. The vessel equipped with a 150-ton AHC knuckle boom crane and a spacious deck area of approximately 900 square meters makes it well-suited for conducting IMR and construction work." said Jostein Alendal, CEO of Reach Subsea.

Sier endel om hva de tenker om subsea de neste 5+ årene


Petrobras released the preliminary results for the AHTS tender that closed last night, disclosing the rates and vessels bid in by vessel operators.
For Group A, B, and C, the requirements are the same with different types of vessels with ROV and a Bollard Pull between 180-230t; however, the commencement dates differs from Feb/24 (Group A) to Feb/25 (Group C).
Several vessels are bid in to different groups. There were no international flagged vessels bid into Group A and B. Solstad Offshore was the lowest bidder with the Normand Sagris at USD 88kpd, followed by DOFG with the Skandi Amazonas at USD 91kpd in the category for bp>230t.
In comparison, DOFG was awarded several term contracts last summer for AHTS + ROV work for large AHTS vessels with rates between USD 65-70kpd, implying a 35% increase in bid levels.

For bp>180t, DOFG was the sole bidder with the Skandi Rio in Group A and B at USD 71kpd.
For Group C, the lowest bid for bp>230t (BR or REB flagged) was USD 85kpd and the highest USD 160kpd. Several international vessels were bid in the same category with rates between USD 97-160kpd, with DOFG bidding the lowest.
For Group D and lower, commencement date is between Mar/24 and Apr/25, of which ROV is not a requirement; however, it requires a large bollard pull for Group D.
For Group D, DOFG was the sole bidder with Skandi Amazonas (same vessel bid in Group A, B, and C) at USD 75kpd, implying an additional cost for ROV services of USD ~16kpd.

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Foreløpige resultater? Altså ingen har fått kontrakter?

35% økning er vel ok. Høyere enn inflasjon, men man har vel litt å ta igjen.

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Ikke tildelt nei, 35% opp fra ifjor-går man et år og to til bakover er nok økningen betydelig mer

Solid fra dofg, kan dra sektoren imorgen

Rally i morgen?

Bør dra hrle sektoren ja

Omsettingen river ikke skinnet av pølsen for å si det sånn.

DNB Markets spår langvarig oljeservicefest | Finansavisen

Kikket litt på Solstads csver (både newco og remainco) i lønsjen mtp hvem vi kan vente meldinger på i den nærmeste fremtid:

Australis- har lenge vært uten kontrakt men har sett ut som den har jobbet utenfor Taiwan (havvind), har nå satt kursen mot Singapore hvor Solstad har base. Det kan bet mye eller lite, jeg håper på den accomodation-jobben i Brasil som den var laveste tilbyder på

Clipper- Opsjon 5 år fra Q1-23 så her kan det både komme meldinge rom ny kontrakt, utøvelse opsjon eller ingenting…

Energy- Kontrakt til Q2-24 så kan nærme seg noe her (2007 bygget med 250t hovedkran, attraktiv størrelse)

Fortress- ukjent kontraktsstaus siden den ble meldt som en del av en samlemelding, men den jobbe rpå havvind utenfor Frankrike prdd sammen med bla Siem Barracuda

Installer (JV-eid) er ute av kontrakt men jobber på havvind for sameier SBM, antar det er en markedsregulert leie i den avtalen da og dette meldes nok ikke

Sentinel- kontrakt Q4-23 opsjon ut 2024 så her kan det komme melding om noe (forlengelse eller ny kontrakt) Sentinel er en av Soffs flotteste båter, 2015-bygget med 350(!) t hovedkrab og plass til 130 personer med dekk på 1800kvm og ROVs . Håper på ny kontrakt her men blir vel opsjon…

Tonjer- ute av kontrakt, ligger til kai i Haugesund en måned cirka. HAr en stor modul fra MAgseis påmontert for seismikkarbeid. Tror mest den får ny (bedre) kontrakt men MAgseis er jo en del av TGS (og PGS) nå fremover så det kan endre seg. Da vil den nok få tilbakemontert kran (hadde 100t krane før) noe som vil koste endel MEN ssom nok gir bedre rater neste årene igrunn…

Dere kan følge dette selv på min side:


Brazilian state-controlled company Petrobras has received a total of 125 commercial proposals in four separate tenders aimed at contracting a wide range of offshore support vessels to assist in upstream activities in the country.

These included 13 bids for shallow diving support vessels (SDSV), 66 for anchor-handling tug supply vessels (AHTS), 31 for platform supply vessels (PSV) and 15 for oil spill response vessels (OSRV) that may result in multimillion-dollar contracts, according to sources.

Four companies presented offers in the SDSV competition, with Sistac Sistemas defeating rivals in Lot A with the Sistac Vitoria vessel for a dayrate of $87,150, while Bram Offshore was in front in Lot B with the Santos Scout vessel for a dayrate of $61,550.

Oceanica Engenharia emerged as the winner in both lots C and D with the Oceanicasub XII and the Oceanicasub V vessels, respectively, for dayrates of $128,750 and $87,220.

Petrobras is seeking SDSVs that can support operations in up to 50 metres of water and are equipped with remotely operated vehicle capabilities to work in depths of 3000 metres. The operator is offering three and four-year charters.

Solstad Offshore, DOF, Bram Offshore, Augusta Offshore and Finarge were among the low bidders in the AHTS tender, which featured multiple categories.

Solstad came out ahead with the Normand Sagaris vessel for a dayrate of $87,865, the Normand Sigma vessel at $74,980, the Normand Turquesa vessel at $48,880 and the Normand Topazio vessel at $44,500.

DOF could secure contracts with the Skandi Rio vessel for a dayrate of $71,225 and the Skandi Amazonas vessel at $74,115.

Bram Offshore led the way with the Bram Atlas vessel for a dayrate of $87,220, Augusta with the ASSO 31 vessel at $49,350 and Finarge with the AH Liguria vessel at $42,655.

There was also strong competition for up to 20 PSVs that Petrobras intends to contract for periods of four years.

Bram is in the lead to potentially secure more charters with the Bram Buck vessel for a dayrate of $38,520 and the Robert Adams and Corcovado vessels at $42,520 each.

Also well positioned are Bravante with the Bravante I vessel for a dayrate of $42,630, Wilson Sons with the Saveiros Pelicano vessel at $32,500 and Posidonia with the Posidonia Leopard vessel at $40,450.

The OSRV tender saw Galaxia Maritima finishing on top in Lot A with the GN1015 vessel for a dayrate of $28,170, while Asgaard Bourbon conquered Lot B with the Asgaard Sophia vessel for a dayrate of $26,135.
Interessant at Solstad har bydd inn en ahts fra Nordsjøen i tillegg til de tre som er i brasil

Hentet fra XI


Mye bra- det meste direkte overførbart til Soff.



Da er det endelig litt action igjen.

Og Soff kursen er høyere enn AMSC…

Den der Acergy-raten lover GODT for de store subseaskipene!!!

Noe sted på nettet man kan jevnlig sjekke svar på Petrobas-utlysningene, jf. tidligere “melding” opprinnelig lagt ut på XI? Her kan det komme kurshopp…

Ja men damned if jeg husker hvor…petro-et eller annet legger ut info, og så kan man følhe upstream som ofte har noe men de er dyre når man er ferdig med velkomsperioden