Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Starbreeze (STAR-A/B)

Finns det några siffror på vad PD2 sålt under första året? Minns inte riktigt.

De enda siffrorna vi känner till är väl 1.58M efter första månaden och sedan 9M (?) efter crimefest? Rätta mig gärna om jag har fel.

Jag tänker mig att om PD2 lyckades sälja 1.58M under en månad, då är det nästan givet att ett spel baserat på ett så stort varumärke som TWD samt också det faktum att PD2 numera är känt hos folk kommer göra att de säljer minst 2M de första två månaderna.

Allt annat känns faktiskt ganska orimligt. Fantasisiffror? Tja kanske. Men det är någonstans där jag hamnar när man jämfört hur andra AAA titlar sålt vid release samt när man jämför med vad PD2 sålde. :smile:

Så, here is my guess. Har väldigt dålig koll på konsol så jag lägger mig väldigt försiktig där, det är på Steam det händer! :wink:

PC: 5M
PS4: 500k
Xbone: 700k


Over 9 M fra payday2 alene er ikke riktig, det er payday + payday2 som har solgt over 9M

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Starbreeze AB: Starbreeze announces intent to acquire game engine Valhalla for approx. 3.3 million shares

Starbreeze AB, a Swedish independent creator, publisher and distributor of high quality entertainment products, has agreed to acquire Valhalla, a next generation game engine under development with its related technology and tools. The acquisition is to be paid for with approx. 3.3 million shares (before the suggested A/B split and 1:2 issue of new A-shares) equivalent to approx. 73 MSEK at current share price and corresponding to approx. 2,25% of the share capital post acquisition. The acquisition is subject to approval by an EGM on June 12, 2015.

Valhalla represents the next generation with a true browser based AAA game engine. Valhalla’s graphic cloud engine will revolutionize the art pipeline by providing an integrated development environment for rapid and creative game development across multiple studios and teams. Valhalla supports not only 3D but is fully virtual reality (VR) ready, and proofed on several headsets currently on the market. Starbreeze intends to use the Valhalla engine in OVERKILL’s The Walking Dead and Storm, as well as in other future games and applications.

“By acquiring Valhalla we gain access to a powerful future proofed engine and production pipeline. This will gear us up to take on the challenges and opportunities in future game development. In essence, we leapfrog the build out of a new first class development environment several years and increase our commitment as a technology company,” says Starbreeze CEO Bo Andersson Klint.

Valhalla has been developed independently for four years by highly experienced and accomplished game and visualization technology experts. The leading Valhalla architects have joined Starbreeze to secure the transfer of technology and the continued development of the engine.

In PAYDAY 2, Starbreeze uses the game engine Diesel 2.0. The engine was originally developed by GRIN and first used in the 2001 premiered game Ballistics. Diesel 2.0 will be maintained for the continued development of PAYDAY 2, RAID: World War II and other products, whereas Valhalla will continue to enable sustained independence for next generation products, and take Starbreeze to a new level of high quality graphics and productivity.

Since one of the owners has been employed by Starbreeze since November 2014, the acquisition requires approval by 90 per cent of a general meeting, according to the Swedish Leo rules. Therefore, the Board calls an extra shareholder’s meeting on June 12, 2015. A notice will be published separately.

“Investing in a major technology leap like this is of outmost importance for our aggressive taking of market share. Acquiring technology, know-how and brands is in our expansion strategy and after a long collaboration we are convinced this will be a massive value add to the company long term.” said Michael Hjorth, Starbreeze Chairman.

For more information please contact:

Starbreeze Investor Relations Contact: Maeva Sponbergs, Investor Relations, Starbreeze AB. Tel: +46(0)8-209 208, email: ir@starbreeze.com

Brief information about Starbreeze:

Starbreeze is an independent creator, publisher and distributor of high quality entertainment products, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. At Starbreeze we create games by our own design and through licensed content, establishing franchises that can live and prosper outside the game itself. We live and die by gameplay.

Starbreeze is pioneering digital self-publishing, currently hosting one of the largest community groups on the digital distribution platform Steam. Starbreeze’s most recent products include PAYDAY 2, our adrenaline fuelled bank robbing co-op game and the critically acclaimed Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons.

Starbreeze AB is publicly traded on Nasdaq Stockholm First North Premier under the ticker STAR and the ISIN code: SE0005992831. Remium Nordic is the company Certified Adviser. Starbreeze brands include OVERKILL Software and the PAYDAY series.

For more information, please visit http://www.starbreeze.com.


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Browser based?? :slight_smile:

STAR slo til når kursen er høy som jeg trodde akkurat som de gjorde da de kjøpte Geminose.


Ja det er smart! Har ikke funnet mye informasjon om Valhalla, noen som vet noe mer om dette?

Forventeligt, og markedet æder det råt - hvilket egentlig også var forventeligt. :o)

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Spennende, men det er ikke uten risiko å gå over til en ny engine. Man kan fort komme i en situasjon der man bruker mye tid på enginen og mindre tid til innhold. Har Valhalla blitt brukt noe særlig før?

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Finner ingenting om dette på nettet. Så går utifra at det er en helt ny Engine som ikke har blitt brukt før?

Ikke helt hva jeg hadde forventet, dette gir jo ikke noe cash flow hvis ikke de skal lisensiere ut teknologien…

Jeg tror STAR har større oppkjøpsplaner enn dette her, men først må de få B-aksjene på plass.


Dette stemmer vel bra med at de ikke har kommet så langt i utviklingen av TWD forbi konsept-stadiet. Klarer de å gjøre seg ferdig med spillet, på en helt ny engine på under 19 måneder er spørsmålet jeg stiller meg selv.


Det finns väl inget som säger att de inte redan börjar jobba i motorn? Det tror jag absolut.
“Since one of the owners has been employed by Starbreeze since November 2014”

Nu handlar det om ett uppköp av tekniken så att de äger den själva, kanske de siktar på att ligga i framkant så att de senare kan licensiera ut den till andra utvecklare? :smile:


Gjør du ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Men for å være litt seriøs. Er det noen som har funnet noe mer info om denne motoren ?

“Genom att köpa Valhalla får vi access till en kraftfull, framtidssäkrad motor och produktionspipeline. Det kommer hjälpa oss att ta oss an utmaningar och möjligheter i den framtida spelutveckling”, säger vd Bo Andersson Klint som menar att utvecklingsmiljön i ett steg kliver flera år framåt.

Valhalla, som har en molnbaserade grafikmotor, stödjer inte bara 3D utan även “full virtual reality”, vilket enligt pressmeddelandet bevisats på flera befintliga headsets.


Helt enig med hva du sier her @spararn . Jeg har lurt litt på hva de hadde tenkt å gjøre med grafikkmotor, ettersom Payday 2 ikke akkurat har den beste grafikken på markedet.

Btw, angående spekulasjoner om Funcom og oppkjøp, så var vel det spikeren i kisten for den diskusjonen. De trenger ikke to like verktøy. Det gir forsåvidt også en pekepinn på hva en grafikkmotor kan være verdt.


Kan det være noe som ligner på denne?


Browser based: Betyr det at man skal spille TWD i en browser, eller betyr det bare at den også støtter browsers?

Cloud based: Betyr det at innholdet ligger i skyen, eller også grafikken?

Noen tech heads her? :slight_smile:

Edit: Slik beskrives PlayCanvas: 3D game engine/interactive 3D application engine alongside a proprietary cloud-hosted creation platform that allows for simultaneous editing from multiple computers via a browser-based interface.[2] It runs in modern browsers that support WebGL, including Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. The engine is capable of rigid-body physics simulation, handling three-dimensional audio and 3D animations."

Høyst sannsynlig betyr det bare at den også støtter browsers.
Tipper TWD blir for stort for browsers. En av svakhetene til browser games er vel blandt annet store begrennsninger i minneallokering.