Dette belønnes 1,9% stigning på en ordre som tilsvarer 8% av markedsverdien til selskapet
Norne Securities oppgraderte fra hold til kjøp i dag med tp 38
Og nå er aksjekursen lavere enn før de fikk ordren. Merkelig utvikling.
Kursen går opp og kursen går ned. Det interessante er om de klarer å nå omsetningsmålet for 2025 som betyr en dobling av omsetning ift. 2020.
StrongPoint ASA: Mandatory notification of trade
The Board shall use 20% of their gross remuneration to acquire shares in the
company until they own shares equal in value to one year’s gross board
remuneration. The shares are allocated from StrongPoint ASAs own holdings.Morthen Johannessen, chairman of the board of StrongPoint ASA, today acquired
868 shares through the shareholder program for the board. The price for the
shares is NOK 31.1023, which is the volume weighted average for the past three
working days. New holding is 50,154 shares, 0.1 % of the outstanding shares.Peter Wirén, member of the board of StrongPoint ASA, today acquired 1,085 shares
through the shareholder program for the board. The price for the shares is NOK
31.1023, which is the volume weighted average for the past three working days.
New holding is 24,300 shares, 0.1 % of the outstanding shares.Klaus de Vibe, member of the board of StrongPoint ASA, today acquired 434 shares
through the shareholder program for the board. The price for the shares is NOK
31.1023, which is the volume weighted average for the past three working days.
New holding is 88,737 shares, 0.2 % of the outstanding shares.Camilla AC Tepfers, member of the board of StrongPoint ASA, today acquired 434
shares through the shareholder program for the board. The price for the shares
is NOK 31.1023, which is the volume weighted average for the past three working
days. New holding is 10,077 shares, 0.0 % of the outstanding shares.Ingeborg Molden Hegstad, member of the board of StrongPoint ASA, today acquired
434 shares through the shareholder program for the board. The price for the
shares is NOK 31.1023, which is the volume weighted average for the past three
working days. New holding is 11,011 shares, 0.0 % of the outstanding shares.StrongPoint ASA has today sold 3,255 shares. The shares were sold to the members
as a part of the board shareholder program. The price for the shares is NOK
31.1023, which is the volume weighted average for the past three working days.
New holding is 15,886 shares, 0.0 % of the outstanding shares.
StrongPoint ASA: Mandatory notification of trade
6.5.2021 15:01:48 CEST | StrongPoint | Mandatory notification of trade primary
insidersGisle Elvebakken, SVP Norway, has today acquired 3,150 shares to an average
price of NOK 31.70. New holding is 26,032 shares, 0.1 % of the outstanding
shares.Knut Olav Nyhus Olsen, SVP People & Organisation, has today acquired 7,000
shares to an average price of NOK 31.7005. New holding is 10,839 shares, 0.0 %
of the outstanding shares.This is a part of the share program for the executive management, where the
executive gets 20 % discount when buying shares in the company. The shares were
purchased through Oslo Børs.Morthen Johannessen, Chairman of the Board of StrongPoint ASA, has today
acquired 15,000 shares through his fully owned company Motri AS to an average
price of NOK 31.00. New holding is 65,154 shares, 0.1 % of the outstanding
Flaggemelding Strongpoint ASA
Holmen Spesialfond har i dag, 06.05.2021, solgt 140 000 aksjer i Strongpoint ASA. Holmen Spesialfond eier etter salget 2 100 000 aksjer i Strongpoint ASA, som utgjør en eierandel på 4,73 % av totalt utstedte aksjer i selskapet.
StrongPoint ASA: Bygger’n orders Pricer Electronic Shelf Labels from StrongPoint
20.5.2021 13:00:01 CEST | StrongPoint | Inside information
(Oslo, May 20, 2021) StrongPoint has today signed a new agreement with Bygger’n,
to supply and install Pricer Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) to between 50 and 90
Bygger’n stores. Rollout will start immediately and will be completed in 2021.“We are proud to have won this competitive tender and provide solutions to a
customer who really understands our world-class retail technology and will put
it to good use in their digital ecosystem. StrongPoint continues to prove that
it is the partner of choice for leading retailers like Bygger’n looking to
invest in technology to drive efficiency and create smarter stores,” said Jacob
Tveraabak, CEO of StrongPoint ASA.“The agreement with StrongPoint is an important step in our digitalisation
program which is designed to give Bygger’n customers the best experience in the
market place. Competitive and accurate pricing has never been more important in
light of recent volatility. Throughout the RFP process the StrongPoint team
proved their customer-centric approach, technical expertise, and genuine
interest in working with us. We look forward to the expedient roll-out of this
project,” said Arne Reinertsen, CEO of E.A. Smith AS.
Pricer’s Norwegian partner StrongPoint AS has today signed a new agreement with a Norwegian specialty chain to supply and install Pricer Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) in 50 to 90 of the chain’s stores.
Rollout will start immediately and will be completed in 2021.
Pricer estimates the value to approximately 320.000 SEK per store.
“Pricer and StrongPoint have for many years established a strong position together within Norwegian grocery retail. It is gratifying to see how the success of StrongPoint’s work is spreading into other industry verticals”, says Helena Holmgren, President and CEO at Pricer.
StrongPoint ASA: Coop Norge orders 140 MNOK of Pricer Electronic Shelf Labels from StrongPoint
(Oslo, May 31, 2021) StrongPoint has today signed a new agreement with Coop
Norge, to supply and install Pricer Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL).The agreement means that StrongPoint will be the only provider supplying ESL to
Coop Norge from January 2021 until December 2022. The estimated value of the
agreement is NOK 140 million, excluding the cost of installation and future
technical support.“We are proud to continue to provide retail technology value to our
long-standing customer Coop Norway. This was a competitive tender and our
winning bid is a testament to our proven track record of providing world-class
solutions, outstanding customer service and innovation in the retail technology
space,” said Jacob Tveraabak, CEO of StrongPoint ASA.
StrongPoint increases its focus on grocery retail and divests Labels business
(Rælingen, Norway, June 28, 2021) StrongPoint ASA (“StrongPoint”, OSE: STRO) has
today entered into a definite agreement to divest its labels business (as per
segment reporting) (“Labels business”) to Volati Tryck Holding AB (“Volati”), a
Swedish industrial group. The transaction includes the Swedish company
StrongPoint Labels AB and the Norwegian Labels operations which is currently a
part of StrongPoint AS and will be divested into a new entity that will be
delivered to Volati.The sale of the business is another step towards achieving StrongPoint’s 2025
growth strategy to focus on retail technology. The completion of the transaction
is subject to some closing activities and is expected to occur in two steps
during Q3 2021.“Through this strategic sale we continue to streamline our portfolio and double
down on focusing on retail technology. This follows from our recent divestment
of StrongPoint’s Cash Security business in December 2020 and brings us a step
closer in achieving our strategic ambitions and 2025 targets,” said Jacob
Tveraabak, CEO of StrongPoint.“We are pleased to have the opportunity to acquire StrongPoint’s Labels
business, which is one of the label industry’s best companies. The acquisition
fits in well with Volati’s labels business unit Ettiketto’s growth strategy and
strengthens us as a comprehensive supplier of label solutions,” said Nicklas
Margård, Head of Business Area Industry.“The Labels business has done a tremendous job in producing consistently high
year-on-year profit levels and that we had so much interest in the business is a
testament to their outstanding financial performance and reputation for customer
service. Under the Volati umbrella we believe the Labels business has better
opportunities to thrive in a fast-expanding company that is taking a bigger
position in the labels industry,” added Tveraabak.The Norwegian Labels business is currently in the process of being de-merged
from StrongPoint AS. The de-merger is expected to be completed in August 2021
and the de-merged entity to be named StrongPoint Labels AS.The completion of the sale of StrongPoint Labels AB will take place on or about
July 1, 2021.The completion of the sale of the StrongPoint Labels AS will take
place around September 1st, 2021 when the demerger has been finalized. Upon the
delivery of both StrongPoint Labels AB and StrongPoint Labels AS has been
finalised during Q3, the sale of the Labels business will generate an accounting
net gain of approximately 165 MNOK.The purchase price is final and agreed on the basis of the Labels accounts per
May 31st, 2021 for the Swedish operations and the end of August (estimated) for
the Norwegian business. The Labels business segment will no longer be part of
StrongPoint’s financial reporting and will be reported as discontinued operation
from and including the second quarter 2021.The Labels business has 75 employees located in Sweden and Norway and had a
revenue of 185 MNOK in 2020 and EBITDA of 30 MNOK (25 MNOK excluding IFRS 16
Noen meninger rundt Q2 rapporten i dag?
Markedet likte den tydeligvis ikke. Nedskrivninger i Spania er nok grunnen til dagens fall. CEO ganske klar på at dette er et engangstilfelle, velger å stole på han. Jeg sitter fat and happy med mine, dette er en skjult skatt!
Sterkt med artikkel og tweet fra MS!!
Ser ut som disse 70k ble tatt offbook i dag
Wow vakkert!!
StrongPoint ASA: Mandatory notification of trade
3.9.2021 11:55:42 CEST | StrongPoint | Mandatory notification of trade primary
insidersMorthen Johannessen, Chairman of the Board of StrongPoint ASA, has today
acquired 15,000 shares through his fully owned company Motri AS to an average
price of NOK 31.9085. New holding is 81,044 shares, 0.2 % of the outstanding
shares.The shares were purchased through Oslo Børs.
StrongPoint Order Picking agreement with leading grocery chain in Spain
22.9.2021 12:57:59 CEST | StrongPoint | Non-regulatory press releases
(Oslo, 22 September 2021), StrongPoint has signed an agreement with a leading
grocery retailer in Spain to supply its Order Picking solution across the
retailers’ national network of grocery stores where they offer e-groceries.The decision was made after a competitive bid involving several potential
suppliers. The grocery retailer was seeking to upgrade its order fulfillment
solutions to improve customer experience and the speed of delivery.Implementation is expected to start in Q4 2021 and continue in Q1 2022 as the
solution is rolled out across more stores.“We are proud that another grocery retailer recognizes the efficiency savings of
our world-class Order Picking solution. The e-grocery market has grown
enormously, and grocery retailers have an opportunity to leverage their stores
to capture and grow online market share. Technology is the key to making that
happen at speed and at scale,” said Jacob Tveraabak, CEO of StrongPoint.
StrongPoint receives order for 250 CashGuard units from Bullion IT
22.9.2021 16:45:16 CEST | StrongPoint | Inside information
(Rælingen, Norway, September 22th, 2021): Bullion IT, StrongPoint’s partner in
South Africa, has ordered 250 CashGuard units from StrongPoint.Bullion IT has today placed an order for 250 CashGuard units from StrongPoint to
be delivered as of Q1 2022. The end customer is one of the largest banks in
South Africa. The solution, similar to previous deliveries to Buillion IT,
includes the purpose-built integration between ‘Retail Suite’ software and a
bank’s back-end system to provide improved cash prediction, delivery and pickup.“Bullion IT continues to be one of our most established CashGuard partners and
we are happy to see that StrongPoint’s cash management solution continues to fit
the local market needs. Automated cash management, together with advanced cash
forecasting, substantially reduces the cost of cash payments and improves
security for staff, customers and cash-in-transit.” says Jacob Tveraabak, CEO of