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Subsea 7 (SUBC) 🛢

Starter en tråd om SUBSEA 7 S.A. (SUBC.OL) siden en del har den i favoritt-listen eller i porteføljen sin :slight_smile:

Subsea 7 S.A.

operates as a seabed-to-surface engineering, construction, and services contractor to the offshore energy industry worldwide. It provides subsea field development products and services, including project management, design and engineering, procurement, fabrication, survey, installation, and commissioning of production facilities on the seabed and the tie-back of its facilities to fixed or floating platforms or to the shore.

The company also offers engineering, procurement, construction, and installation of subsea umbilicals, risers, and flowlines; life of field services, such as inspection, repair, maintenance, integrity management, and remote intervention of subsea infrastructure; conventional services comprising fabrication, installation, extension, and refurbishment of fixed and floating platforms and associated pipelines; hook-up services; and refurbishment of fixed and floating platforms in shallow water. In addition, it operates heavy lifting vessels and oil and gas structures; and installs offshore wind farm foundations, as well as engages in the decommissioning of redundant offshore structures.

Further, the company provides remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and tooling services to support exploration and production activities. It has a fleet of 35 vessels; 2 vessels under construction; and 166 ROVs.

Subsea 7 S.A.

was incorporated in 1993 and is based in Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

La oss starte diskusjonen! @karsten @NoBrain @Johan07 @Sierra @Fluehue @ebreie @10YearTarget @TMMM @Red @Khaldr @glosebok @Retslor @Hocki @pdx

Aasulv Tveitereid er bull

Noen andre som har denne aksjen?

Subsea 7 S.A. announces Board responsibilities

Luxembourg - 22 May 2018 - Subsea 7 S.A. (Oslo Børs: SUBC, ADR: SUBCY, the
Company) today announced an update to Board responsibilities following the
changes to Board membership approved at the AGM held on 17 April 2017.

Allen Stevens has been appointed Senior Independent Director and will serve as
Chairman of the Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee. David Mullen will
serve as a member of the Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee. Niels
Kirk will serve as a member of the Compensation Committee. All other
responsibilities are unchanged.

Biographies for each of the Directors and full details of the membership of each
committee can be found in the Corporate Governance section of the Company’s
website: www.subsea7.com

Subsea 7 S.A. is a leading global contractor in seabed-to-surface engineering,
construction and services to the offshore energy industry. We provide technical
solutions to enable the delivery of complex projects in all water depths and
challenging environments.
Subsea 7 is listed on the Oslo Bors (SUBC), ISIN LU0075646355.

Contact for investment community enquiries:
Isabel Green
Investor Relations Director
Tel +44 20 8210 5568

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=451870

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Kjøpte en bulk på 118,10 i dag. Tror det dekkes en mindre, ukeslang short i olje i går og i dag og at olja vil stige. Leste oljeshorten ble satt i forrige uke, samt litt om kriteriene. Ser vi på ukesvolumet i olje siste dager, har fallet komt på lavt volum. Vi har også noen pigger oppover i dag i olje + støtte for subc i 100d snitt.

Subsea 7 awarded contract offshore UK

Luxembourg - 3 August 2018 - Subsea 7 S.A. (Oslo Børs: SUBC, ADR: SUBCY) today
announced the award of a sizeable(1) contract by Nexen as part of the Buzzard
Phase 2 Project, located approximately 55 kilometres off the north-east coast of

Subsea 7’s contract scope includes project management, engineering, procurement,
construction and installation of a 5km Pipeline Bundle along with associated
well and platform tie-ins, and provision of a heavy lift vessel for transport
and installation of a new topside module.

Project management and detailed engineering has commenced at Subsea 7’s office
in Aberdeen. The Pipeline Bundle will be fabricated at Subsea 7’s Wester site
near Wick, with technical support from Subsea 7’s specialist Pipeline Group in
Glasgow. Project management and engineering for the heavy lift work scope will
be conducted from Seaway Heavy Lifting’s office in Zoetermeer in the

The offshore activities will mainly take place in 2020.

Jonathan Tame, Subsea 7 Vice President UK & Canada, said: “Subsea 7 has a long
established reputation of close collaboration with clients and supply chain
partners to seek out innovative and value-adding ways of working. This award
represents the ideal opportunity to demonstrate this and to continue our long
history of successful project delivery to Nexen.”

(1) Subsea 7 defines a sizeable contract as being between USD 50 million and USD
150 million.

Subsea 7 S.A. is a leading global contractor in seabed-to-surface engineering,
construction and services to the offshore energy industry. We provide technical
solutions to enable the delivery of complex projects in all water depths and
challenging environments.
Subsea 7 is listed on the Oslo Bors (SUBC), ISIN LU0075646355.

Contact for investment community enquiries:
Isabel Green
Investor Relations Director
Tel +44 (0)20 8210 5568

Contact for media enquiries:
Michelle Wainwright
Communications Manager, UK & Canada
Tel +44 1224 526570
Mobile +44 (0)7876778370

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=456501

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Veldig “out of favour” og begynner å nærme seg gunstige nivåer hvor man kan starte å bygge en posisjon.

I olje syklusen ser man typisk at seismikk beveger seg først, for deretter rigg -> offshore entreprenørene. Seismikk har definitivt rørt på seg, som tyder på at olje selskapene kjøper seismikk data for å finne steder å bore og deretter utvinne olje til havs (E&P). Det er også vesentlig billigere å pumpe oljen opp i Nordsjøen enn f. eks skifer i USA, som ikke tjener penger på $60-70. Jeg tror vi kommer til å se en syklus der olje service tar en større del av profitten enn de gjør P.T. Akkurat for øyeblikket så er cash break-even f. eks på Johan Sverdrup omlag $12 per fat for fase 1.

Det betyr egentlig at de rene olje selskapene stikker av med en relativt stor del av fortjenesten, mens veldig lite går til olje og service selskapene. En av årsakene til dette er at det har blitt investert rekordlite på norsk sokkel de siste årene, og det har vært for mye tilbud av olje og service tjenester. (Overkapasitet).

P/B: 0.72
P/E: 23 - Dagens ratenivå er svakt, men skulle dette stramme seg til noe som det over tid vil gjøre med oljepris over $60+ så bør offshore markedet bli strammere. De som vil nyte godt av dette er rigg selskapene (Ensco, Rowan, BDRILL, NODL) og offshore entreprenørene SUBC, Technip FMC og Schlumberger.

OSX Har omtrent ikke beveget seg siden 2015:

1 Like

Hvordan vurderer du S7 opp mot AKSO og Kværner?

Jeg har ikke sett noe særlig på AKSO, men kan ta noen nøkkeltall:

P/E: 29 - Blir fort høy P/E når de har kontrakter som såvidt genererer positiv cashflow.
P/B: 2.04 - Lurer på om bokførte verdier er riktige, eller om verdien er lavt bokført.

Vil egentlig si at om man tror at oljeservice får et løft så vil aktører som AKSO, SUBC, Seismikk og Rigg få et løft.

Jeg er veldig usikker pĂĄ nĂĄr det kommer til supply, det ser fortsatt ut som at det er et for stort tilbud av skip.

Har du tro på et løft?

Tror jeg at Trøim tror at det vil komme et løft? Ja. Trøim har 30 års erfaring fra oljebransjen, kan han dette bedre enn meg og de fleste andre? Det tror jeg. Både JF og Trøim virker veldig optimistiske og har gjort store grep i denne nedturen.

Med oljepris over $65 så vil det utvilsomt også komme et løft i oljeservice (OSX). Det er vanskelig å vite når. Årsaken til at det ikke har materialisert seg i OSX enda, er fordi oljeselskapene enda ikke har begynt å investere etter oljekrisen i 14/15’. De siste årene har det faktisk aldri vært investert så lite i nye felt. Akkurat nå har de rene oljeselskapene nesten aldri hatt høyere fri kontantstrøm. Dette kommer de til å benytte til å investere i nye felt. At rene oljeselskaper skal stikke av med hele gevinsten med relativt høy oljepris kan ikke vedvare. (Supply and Demand vil styre dette).

Subsea 7 S.A. announces details of incentive schemes and share related awards

Luxembourg - September 19, 2018 - Subsea 7 S.A. (Oslo Børs: SUBC) (the
“Company”) in accordance with the Oslo Børs rules, today announces the details
of awards under its 2018 Long-Term Incentive Plan (the “Plan”) approved by the
Board on September 18, 2018.

The Company will make awards over 1,250,000 performance shares, subject to the
Plan’s performance conditions on 19 September 2018.

The following Primary Insiders were awarded performance shares under the Plan
and subsequently hold the following shares and options over shares:

Jean Cahuzac
Chief Executive Officer
Performance Shares Awarded: 60,000
Total Performance Shares(Âą): 271,025
Total Owned Shares: 108,816
Total Options: Nil

Ricardo Rosa
Chief Financial Officer
Performance Shares Awarded: 38,000
Total Performance Shares(Âą): 160,531
Total Owned Shares: 9,374
Total Options: Nil

John Evans
Chief Operating Officer
Performance Shares Awarded: 46,000
Total Performance Shares(Âą): 198,993
Total Owned Shares: 40,947
Total Options: Nil

Stuart Fitzgerald
EVP - Strategy & Commercial
Performance Shares Awarded: 30,000
Total Performance Shares(Âą): 92,655
Total Owned Shares: 3,030
Total Options: Nil

Nathalie Louys
General Counsel
Performance Shares Awarded: 24,000
Total Performance Shares(Âą): 98,638
Total Owned Shares: 7,766
Total Options: Nil

Keith Tipson
EVP - Human Resources
Performance Shares Awarded: 24,000
Total Performance Shares(Âą): 102,788
Total Owned Shares: 28,767
Total Options: Nil

ÂąTotal performance shares held include the awards made in 2018 and represent the
maximum award due to vest assuming all performance conditions are met.

This message is submitted on behalf of the Company and Subsea 7 S.A., as well as
the named Primary Ins

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=459728

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Subsea 7 S.A. Notification of major holdings

Luxembourg - 21 September 2018 - Subsea 7 S.A. (Oslo Børs: SUBC, ADR: SUBCY)
(the Company) announces that, on 21 September 2018, BlackRock Inc. informed the
Company that on 20 September 2018, following market disposals, the percentage of
voting rights in the Company (attached to shares or through financial
instruments) held by BlackRock Inc. crossed below the 5% threshold provided for
by Luxembourg’s Transparency Law of 11 January 2008 on transparency requirements
for issuers of securities.
A copy of the notification received from BlackRock Inc. is available on the
Subsea 7 website www.subsea7.com.

Subsea 7 S.A. is a leading global contractor in seabed-to-surface engineering,
construction and services to the offshore energy industry. We provide technical
solutions to enable the delivery of complex projects in all water depths and
challenging environments.
Subsea 7 is listed on the Oslo Bors (SUBC), ISIN LU0075646355.

Isabel Green
Investor Relations Director
Subsea 7 S.A.
Tel +44 (0)20 8210 5568

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=459973

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Subsea 7 S.A. Notification of major holdings

Luxembourg - 24 September 2018 - Subsea 7 S.A. (Oslo Børs: SUBC, ADR: SUBCY)
(the Company) announces that, on 24 September 2018, BlackRock Inc. informed the
Company that by virtue of an acquisition of voting rights on 21 September 2018
the total number of voting rights in the Company (attached to shares or through
financial instruments) held by BlackRock Inc. reached 5.15% of the voting rights
in the Company, thereby crossing above the 5% threshold provided for by
Luxembourg’s Transparency Law of 11 January 2008 on transparency requirements
for issuers of securities.
8,617,901 voting rights in the Company held by BlackRock Inc. were attached to
shares, 3,850,697 were attached to financial instruments according to article
13(1)(a) of the Transparency Law and 4,392,664 were attached to financial
instruments with similar economic effect according to article 13(1)(b) of the
Transparency Law.
A copy of the notification received from BlackRock Inc. is available on the
Subsea 7 website www.subsea7.com.

Subsea 7 S.A. is a leading global contractor in seabed-to-surface engineering,
construction and services to the offshore energy industry. We provide technical
solutions to enable the delivery of complex projects in all water depths and
challenging environments. Subsea 7 is listed on the Oslo Bors (SUBC), ISIN

Isabel Green
Investor Relations Director
Subsea 7 S.A.
Tel +44 (0)20 8210 5568

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=460065

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Subsea 7 S.A. Treasury Shares

Luxembourg - 01 October 2018 - Subsea 7 S.A. (Oslo Børs: SUBC, ADR: SUBCY) (the
Company) announces that on 01 October 2018, the Company transferred 746,164
shares from treasury to satisfy employee share awards under the Company’s
Long-term Incentive Plan.
Following the above transfer, the number of common shares held in treasury is
745,187 representing 0.23% of the Company’s issued common shares. Total shares
in issue, including treasury shares, are unchanged at 327,367,111.

Subsea 7 S.A. is a leading global contractor in seabed-to-surface engineering,
construction and services to the offshore energy industry. We provide technical
solutions to enable the delivery of complex projects in all water depths and
challenging environments. Subsea 7 is listed on the Oslo Bors (SUBC), ISIN

Isabel Green
Investor Relations Director
Subsea 7 S.A.
Tel +44 (0)20 8210 5568

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=460496

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Subsea 7 awarded integrated contract offshore US Gulf of Mexico

Luxembourg - 2 October 2018 - Subsea 7 today announced the award of a
sizeable(1) contract by Fieldwood Energy to Subsea Integration Alliance(2), a
global partnership between Subsea 7 and OneSubsea, a Schlumberger company. The
award is for the deepwater Katmai field development in the US Gulf of Mexico’s
Green Canyon 40.

This supplier-led integrated subsea development solution, combines OneSubsea’s
subsea production systems (SPS) and Subsea 7’s subsea umbilicals, riser and
flowline systems (SURF) expertise.

The Subsea 7 scope includes project management, engineering, procurement,
construction and installation of 40 km of pipe-in-pipe production flowline (12"
outer pipe and 8" inner pipe), together with subsea structures, tie-ins to the
Tarantula Platform and pre-commissioning expertise. The OneSubsea scope
includes provision of three trees (with options for two additional trees),
connectors, valves, topside controls, flying leads and umbilical termination

Co-located teams from both organisations will support project management and
engineering in Houston, Texas. Offshore installation activities are scheduled
for 2019.

Craig Broussard, Subsea 7 Vice President for the Gulf of Mexico, said: "We are
excited to partner with Fieldwood on this material new development in the
deepwater Gulf of Mexico, and we look forward to working with Fieldwood’s
talented technical team on this project. This is the first step in what we hope
will become a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship.

“This award also builds on the reputation of the Subsea Integration Alliance to
offer clients quality focused project execution, with optimised production and
improved cost efficiency. By bringing together Subsea 7 and OneSubsea
complementary technology and expertise, we are able to provide our clients with
greater certainty of return on investment and enhanced asset profit potential.”


  1. Contract term: Subsea 7 defines a sizeable contract as being between USD 50
    million and USD 150 million.
  2. Subsea Integration Alliance is a worldwide non-incorporated partnership
    between OneSubsea, Schlumberger, and Subsea 7 developed to jointly design,
    develop, and deliver integrated subsea development solutions through the
    combination of subsurface expertise, subsea production systems (SPS), subsea
    processing systems, subsea umbilicals, risers and flowlines systems (SURF), and
    life of field services. Its goal is delivering complementary technology and
    expertise that help customers extend field life and lower production costs,
    ensuring greater certainty of recovery and return on the investment.

Subsea 7 S.A. is a leading global contractor in seabed-to-surface engineering,
construction and services to the offshore energy industry. We provide technical
solutions to enable the delivery of complex projects in all water depths and
challenging environments. Subsea 7 is listed on the Oslo Bors (SUBC), ISIN

Contact for investment community enquiries:
Isabel Green
Investor Relations Director
Tel +44 (0)20 8210 5568

Contact for media enquiries:
Michelle Wainwright
Communications Manager, Gulf of Mexico
Tel +44 1224 526570 Mobile +44 (0)7876778370

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=460507

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Subsea 7 S.A. Mandatory notification of share trades

Luxembourg - 03 October 2018 - Subsea 7 S.A. (Oslo Børs: SUBC, ADR: SUBCY, ISIN
LU0075646355) announces mandatory notification of the following share
transactions by primary insiders:

Name of Primary Insider
Jean Cahuzac
Position in Subsea 7 SA
Chief Executive Officer
Date of Transaction
Type of Transaction
Vesting (award) of performance shares
Type of Security traded
Subsea 7 S.A. Shares (SUBC)
Number of shares transacted
Price at transaction date
NOK 120.721001

Name of Primary Insider
Jean Cahuzac
Position in Subsea 7 SA
Chief Executive Officer
Date of Transaction
Type of Transaction
Sale of Shares to satisfy tax charge on vesting of performance shares
Type of Security traded
Subsea 7 S.A. Shares (SUBC)
Number of shares transacted
Price at transaction date
NOK 120.721001

Number of Shares owned by Primary Insider

  • Owned Shares: 128,778
  • Performance Shares: 215,373
  • Restricted Shares: Nil
    Number of options available to Primary Insider
  • Options: Nil

Name of Primary Insider
John Evans
Position in Subsea 7 SA
Chief Operating Officer
Date of Transaction
Type of Transaction
Vesting (award) of performance shares
Type of Security traded
Subsea 7 S.A. Shares (SUBC)
Number of shares transacted
Price at transaction date
NOK 120.721001

Name of Primary Insider
John Evans
Position in Subsea 7 SA
Chief Operating Officer
Date of Transaction
Type of Transaction
Sale of Shares to satisfy tax charge on vesting of performance shares
Type of Security traded
Subsea 7 S.A. Shares (SUBC)
Number of shares transacted
Price at transaction date
NOK 120.721001

Number of Shares owned by Primary Insider

  • Owned Shares: 55,029
  • Performance Shares: 158,929
  • Restricted Shares: Nil
    Number of options available to Primary Insider
  • Options: Nil

Name of Primary Insider
Keith Tipson
Position in Subsea 7 SA
Executive Vice President Human Resource
Date of Transaction
Type of Transaction
Vesting (award) of performance shares
Type of Security traded
Subsea 7 S.A. Shares (SUBC)
Number of shares transacted
Price at transaction date
NOK 120.721001

Name of Primary Insider
Keith Tipson
Position in Subsea 7 SA
Executive Vice President Human Resource
Date of Transaction
Type of Transaction
Sale of Shares to satisfy tax charge on vesting of performance shares
Type of Security traded
Subsea 7 S.A. Shares (SUBC)
Number of shares transacted
Price at transaction date
NOK 120.721001

Number of Shares owned by Primary Insider

  • Owned Shares: 36,040
  • Performance Shares: 81,442
  • Restricted Shares: Nil
    Number of options available to Primary Insider
  • Options: Nil

Name of Primary Insider
Nathalie Louys
Position in Subsea 7 SA
General Counsel
Date of Transaction
Type of Transaction
Vesting (award) of performance shares
Type of Security traded
Subsea 7 S.A. Shares (SUBC)
Number of shares transacted
Price at transaction date
NOK 120.721001

Name of Primary Insider
Nathalie Louys
Position in Subsea 7 SA
General Counsel
Date of Transaction
Type of Transaction
Sale of Shares to satisfy tax charge on vesting of performance shares
Type of Security traded
Subsea 7 S.A. Shares (SUBC)
Number of shares transacted
Price at transaction date
NOK 120.721001

Number of Shares owned by Primary Insider

  • Owned Shares: 14,802
  • Performance Shares: 79,514
  • Restricted Shares: Nil
    Number of options available to Primary Insider
  • Options: Nil

Name of Primary Insider
Stuart Fitzgerald
Position in Subsea 7 SA
Executive Vice President - Strategy & Commercial
Date of Transaction
Type of Transaction
Vesting (award) of performance shares
Type of Security traded
Subsea 7 S.A. Shares (SUBC)
Number of shares transacted
Price at transaction date
NOK 120.721001

Number of Shares owned by Primary Insider

  • Owned Shares: 7,945
  • Performance Shares: 78,976
  • Restricted Shares: Nil
    Number of options available to Primary Insider
  • Options: Nil

Name of Primary Insider
Ricardo Rosa
Position in Subsea 7 SA
Chief Financial Officer
Date of Transaction
Type of Transaction
Vesting (award) of performance shares
Type of Security traded
Subsea 7 S.A. Shares (SUBC)
Number of shares transacted
Price at transaction date
NOK 120.721001

Name of Primary Insider
Ricardo Rosa
Position in Subsea 7 SA
Chief Financial Officer
Date of Transaction
Type of Transaction
Sale of Shares to satisfy tax charge on vesting of performance shares
Type of Security traded
Subsea 7 S.A. Shares (SUBC)
Number of shares transacted
Price at transaction date
NOK 120.721001

Number of Shares owned by Primary Insider

  • Owned Shares: 20,910
  • Performance Shares: 128,263
  • Restricted Shares: Nil
    Number of options available to Primary Insider
  • Options: Nil

Contact for investment community enquiries:
Isabel Green
Investor Relations Director
Tel +44 (0)20 8210 5568

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=460582

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Subsea 7 S.A. issues correction to mandatory notification of shares traded

Luxembourg - 03 October 2018 - Subsea 7 S.A. (Oslo Børs: SUBC, ADR: SUBCY, ISIN
LU0075646355) announces the following corrections to the mandatory notification
of share transactions by primary insiders that was issued at 0800 CET on 03
October 2018.

  1. The number of shares owned by Primary Insiders following the vesting
    transaction are:

Jean Cahuzac: 128,804
John Evans: 55,046
Keith Tipson: 36,050
Nathalie Louys: 14,571
Stuart Fitzgerald: 7,945
Ricardo Rosa: 20,925

  1. Number of vesting performance shares awarded to Stuart Fitzgerald that were
    transacted: 4,915

A complete updated notification of shares traded can be found on our website at

Subsea 7 S.A. is a leading global contractor in seabed-to-surface engineering,
construction and services to the offshore energy industry. We provide technical
solutions to enable the delivery of complex projects in all water depths and
challenging environments.
Subsea 7 is listed on the Oslo Bors (SUBC), ISIN LU0075646355.

Contact for investment community enquiries:
Isabel Green
Investor Relations Director
Tel +44 (0)20 8210 5568

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=460648

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Subsea 7 S.A. Conference Call Notification Third Quarter 2018 Results

Luxembourg - 08 October 2018 - Subsea 7 S.A. (Oslo Børs: SUBC, ADR: SUBCY) will
publish its third quarter results for the period ended 30 September 2018 on 8
November 2018 at 07:00 UK time.

A conference call and simultaneous webcast for the investment community will be
held on 8 November 2018 at 12:00 noon UK time.

From 07:00 UK time the results announcement and the presentation to be reviewed
on the conference call and webcast will be available on the Subsea 7 website:

Conference Call Information
Lines will open 15 minutes prior to conference call.
Date: 8 November 2018
Time: 12:00 UK Time
Conference dial in numbers:
UK 0333 300 0804
USA 631 9131 422
Norway 2 350 0243
International dial in: +44 333 300 0804
Conference ID: 82909616#

Alternatively a live webcast and a playback facility will be available on the
Subsea 7 website.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=460866

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Subsea 7 awarded contract offshore Ghana

Luxembourg - 10 October 2018 - Subsea 7 S.A. (the Group) (Oslo Børs: SUBC, ADR:
SUBCY) today announced the award of a contract by Tullow Ghana Limited on the
Jubilee field, offshore Ghana, in water depths of up to 1000 meters. The
engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) contract is
awarded under a consortium comprising Subsea 7 Volta Contractors and NOV Oil &
Gas Services Ghana Ltd. This award is a sizeable(1) contract for Subsea 7.

Subsea 7’s scope of work includes the installation of the Buoy Turret Loading
(BTL) system from APL, a group within NOV Completion & Production Solutions,
with associated suction piles and EPCI activities including two offloading lines
for the BTL and the additional hang-off platform and skid for the FPSO. A
significant part of the fabrication will be completed locally, in Ghana, and the
offshore installation will take place in 2020.

Gilles Lafaye, Subsea 7’s Vice President Africa Region, said: “This award
reflects our early engagement in design and engineering and the consortium’s
experience in comparable projects within the region. This project builds upon
our presence in the Ghanaian market and our long-term relationship with Tullow.”

(1) Subsea 7 defines a sizeable contract as being between USD 50 million and
USD 150 million.

Subsea 7 S.A. is a leading global contractor in seabed-to-surface engineering,
construction and services to the offshore energy industry. We provide technical
solutions to enable the delivery of complex projects in all water depths and
challenging environments.
Subsea 7 is listed on the Oslo Bors (SUBC), ISIN LU0075646355.

Contact for investment community enquiries:
Isabel Green
Investor Relations Director
Tel +44 20 8210 5568

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=460958

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Subsea 7 S.A. Notification of major holdings

Luxembourg - 15 October 2018 - Subsea 7 S.A. (Oslo Børs: SUBC, ADR: SUBCY) (the
Company) announces that, on 12 October 2018, BlackRock Inc. informed the Company
that on 11 October 2018, following market disposals, the percentage of voting
rights in the Company (attached to shares or through financial instruments) held
by BlackRock Inc. crossed below the 5% threshold provided for by Luxembourg’s
Transparency Law of 11 January 2008 on transparency requirements for issuers of
A copy of the notification received from BlackRock Inc. is available on the
Subsea 7 website www.subsea7.com.

Subsea 7 S.A. is a leading global contractor in seabed-to-surface engineering,
construction and services to the offshore energy industry. We provide technical
solutions to enable the delivery of complex projects in all water depths and
challenging environments.
Subsea 7 is listed on the Oslo Bors (SUBC), ISIN LU0075646355.

Isabel Green
Investor Relations Director
Subsea 7 S.A.
Tel +44 (0)20 8210 5568

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=461259

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