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(Potensiell Klient for Thor)
Fra Thor Medical - LinkedIn :
«Last month, we had the pleasure of welcoming an inspection team of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Direktoratet for strålevern og atomsikkerhet (DSA) to our pilot plant at Herøya
Our pilot facilities’ development and operations at Herøya Industripark AS are built on the essential pillars of health, safety, and security for our employees, suppliers, and partners. We welcome external, independent inspections as a key part of Thor Medical’s ongoing commitment to meet the highest health and safety standards.
The inspection was performed by representatives from IAEA #IAEAsafeguards and DSA, as their national counterpart. The team conducted:
An inspection of the whole facility
Inspection of all the nuclear material, verified by measurements
Independent sampling to verify compliance with regulations for materials with potential dual use
The team of inspectors shared their report with us this week, complimenting the high standards of our operations and not indicating any deviations from guidelines as well as local or international laws and regulations.
“We are very proud to see that the final report reflects our commitment to operational integrity and high industry standards on the journey to help transform cancer care”, says Jasper C. Kurth, CEO of Thor Medical.»
Kan vel ikke være tvil om at denne rapporten har blitt tatt godt i mot. Høy omsetning hver dag og definitivt den meldingen som pharmaselselskapene setter pris på. Det går fort mot 29. nov og mye kan skje innen den tid. Burde ikke være tiden for å selge seg ned/ut. Kjøperne kommer hele tiden nedenfra og tar et byks av gangen