Fikk omsider sett det Redeye-seminaret. Det er en god og rekordkjapp presentasjon av selskapet fra 2:45 , men det mest interessante syntes jeg var “diskusjonen” etterpå hvor CEO toucher innpå det temaet vi diskuterte for en uke siden, nemlig UV1 i en profylaktisk eller beskyttende setting, og at dette ikke er en enten eller greie, men en gradvis bevegelse mot tidligere behandling, og TET sin rolle i dette (fra 3:16):
de Sousa: “Can I make a comment? I think as my fellow panelists have also also mentioned that one of the movements that you see…. we biotechs have no other option at the moment than to go to the most advanced patients - that’s the regulatory requirement. But I think that the allusion [eller mener han allure?] of our type of approaches is to move earlier in the treatment paradigme. That is also what the checkpoint inhibitors are trying to do. I think in the more advanced patients they have reached their limit. They have an efficacy, but it is limited and limited duration of activity, so they are trying to go earlier, more in the adjuvant and neo-adjuvant [i betydning forebyggende behandling før og etter annen behandling]. So I think that is also at least as a vaccine to go earlier and earlier because that will be of additional benefit to these patients. And we hope that when we do that I belive we will see important results in terms of efficacy. And I think this is the future of some of these new approaches - to be able to start treating patients first line, but earlier in the disease. And I think that is where it is going to make a bigger difference. We want to do that . And for that you need off course a product that is safe. And that is a requirement that we all have highlighted. The less sick the patient, the better tolerability profile you need to have.”
Moderator: “Right so, without taking words out of your mouth. The Ultimovacs pipeline may move forward towards adjuvant treatment in the future?”
de Sousa “Absolutely! That is the idea. That is the idea as we progress. We need to to look at benefits in the adjuvant technology [i betydning vaksineforsterker]. That is our second technology. Where we expect to be much more tolerated, more convenient. So as we move earlier to less sick people we need to have the efficacy, but also have the safety profile that these patients tolerate. If they are very sick, they will take anything - they don’t care so much about the side effects, but when you start moving early, safety is going to be a very important component for any approach.”