Denne streamen kan anbefales!
Absolutt, knall presentasjon. Anbefaling til alle, for et selskap og for et potensial
Det kommer vel opptak senere. Misset det med noen minutter.
Jeg fikk heller ikke sjans å se direkte og håper presentasjonen blir lagt ut i ettertid. Uansett fint å se at kursen har reagert positivt etterpå
Hello there Janus
Here you go - free of charge. Can save you tons of Julebords in years to come.
“patients are behaving totally different”. (23.11.2023 Carlos de Sousa).
Start to cover today. Dont bu stupid. It’s not smart.
My best regards and good luck.
120 NOK nå!
kom det en robot inn og pøste ut aksjer på 119,8?
119,2 før auksjonen. Den endte på 119,8. Sterkt.
Da er opptaket ute: velg stream nummer to, spol til 6:02:04
Oj! Skikkelig galla i Stockholm i dag?!
Dette var seriøst skikkelig bra. Aldri sett han så overbevisende
Fan, prøver å spille av på både via mobil og pc men avspilling starter ikke…
Ordna seg nå, tok bare noen minutter
Ja, gode spørsmål også, synd intervjueren bare rakk å stille halvparten.
Carlos svarer på spm om hvorfor INITIUM har blitt utsatt flere ganger:
“The INITIUM study is supposed to read the data when 70 patients progress, or die. We were expecting those 70 events to have happened in the first half of 2023. It didn’t happen. Which is of course very good for patients. Then, we changed guiding to the second half of 2023, and then again, we didn’t have the 70 patients progressing or dying. We changed to the first half of 2024, and what we have observed is that basically [we believe?] patients are now in a kind of a flat line, the patients that responded [to treatment] are now not progressing (vifter flatt med hendene). So we looked at some of the forecasting, and it could take months, even years for us to get to 70 events. Then of course, we want to bring this to patients, so what we did, we talked with advisors, we talked with investigators, and then we submitted a protocol amendment to the authorities to the countries where we are running the study, they were all in agreement. So this means that in mid january we will start analysing the data, and that will be available in march / april. This is very important, because by mid april the last patient has passed 18 months follow-up period [dette har vel strengt tatt skjedd ved cut-off-datoen, wvh anm.], and the first patient will have been in the study for 42 months. So it is quite an extended period, and the median observation time is 24 months. This gives us confidence that the results – whatever they are –are already there, and [are] not dependent on the last endpoints to happen (during this period of time). So, I think it’s going to be a very exciting time, because clearly clearly something is happening in that study because the study population is faring very differently from the historical data of ipi / nivo, which are the combination we are using UV1 with.”
Uthevningene er mine egne.
Alle vet at flatline betyr hjertestopp og død.
Altså, han mener jo “flat line”, men han sier vitterlig “flatline”. Men jeg skal redigere det for klarhet
Edit: Da gir plutselig også den etterfølgende “the patients that responded are now not progressing” også mer mening. Da leser jeg at pasienten får respons først, men etter at de har flatlina, så blir de ikke bedre (progress) igjen
Edit2: Dette var et forsøk på en morsomhet. Kanskje ikke veldig tydelig. Kanskje ikke veldig morsomt heller, men skrevet er skrevet. Riktig tolkning er:
"Pasientene som responderte [på behandling] får ikke progresjon i sykdommen (og de befinner seg dermed på den flate(re) linja i KM plottet som oppstår etter en viss tid).
Så blir de ikke verre igjen.
En respons er ikke en event. En som er en del av en flat linje på et KM plot har ikke progresjon. Ikke fra utgangspunktets svulststørrelse og heller ikke fra et evt. responsnivå.
Det var et forsøk på en vits (derav ) fra min side, som igjen var et svar til Excessions kommentar på “flatline”. Har redigert litt nå for ytterligere klarhet.
Binder (vannscooterpiloten med smoking og korte sokker(!)): “What could be the underlying reasons for the patients behaving so differently? [not progressing]”
de Sousa: “Of course we need to wait for the data. There are different [possible] reasons. Some people say that maybe it is because the patients are healthier than before [in historical studies]. What we have seen is that in real life studies show that since these patients were diagnosed and treated during covid period you see that these patients are worse. But of course it is a possibility that these patients are very different. But this study is running at 40 sites in the US and in Europe, so it is very difficult to have just one uniform population where everyone is healthier and behaves totally different. So, you know, we need to wait. There are different possibilities, but we hope that … the probability is that UV1 is really having an impact. And in other studies we have had data points; in the phase I study also in melanoma we have communicated that from the third to the fourth year following up these patients there were no reported deaths. So we see a similar type of behaviour. And of course also the data we have now in the very difficult cancer that is mesothelioma. So we have to wait, but we are increasingly optimistic”
Noen tar også “increasingly” bladet fra munnen om den mest sannsynlige forklaringen vil jeg si