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Xplora Technologies AS: Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2021


Unterföhring, June 24, 2021. SevenAccelerator acquires further shares amounting to a low, single-digit million sum in the Norwegian growth stage start-up Xplora Technologies AS in the course of a media investment and expands its cooperation with Europe’s leading manufacturer of smartwatches and operator of the O2O platform Xplora Goplay. The company sells innovative smartwatches for children and serves a steadily growing market segment. Being part of SevenVentures, SevenAccelerator belongs to the segment Commerce & Ventures of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE.

Entering in 2019 via an initial media deal and acquiring shares in the company following Xplora’s IPO on the Euronext Growth stock exchange in Oslo last year, ProSiebenSat.1’s investment arm is increasing its stake through a follow-on media investment and extending its cooperation with Xplora Technologies AS. The valuation of the start-up, which established itself very early in a global growth sector, is now around EUR 150 million.

Maximilian Jochim, Managing Director SevenVentures GmbH: “Xplora’s success story shows once again that we are the ideal partner when it comes to creating the necessary reach and brand awareness at the crucial moment when ambitious B2C growth companies want to scale their business model. We are delighted to continue our strong collaboration with a start-up that also takes social responsibility in its corporate actions.”

Xplora sells its products through branches in Germany, Norway, the United Kingdom, Spain and the United States, as well as through partners, resellers and distributors in other markets. The company was founded in 2016 with the aim of allowing children a safe entry into digital life and a better balance between screen time and physical activity. Significant innovations such as the launch of the world’s first eSIM product for children gave the start-up long-term competitive advantages.

With Xplora Goplay, the Norwegian brand has its own patented gaming platform that motivates children to take as many steps as possible per day via rewards in the form of coins. They can redeem these for products, services or badges, donate them to charitable organisations or give them to friends. As the market leader in the segment of innovative digital watches, Xplora thus not only appeals to a continuously growing target group, but also dedicates its products to socially relevant goals such as promoting the health of children. Numerous well-known partners such as Warner Brothers and Disney have recognised the potential of the platform and signed partnerships with Xplora. They contribute content to Xplora Goplay that encourages children in a playful way to go out and get more exercise.

Sten Kirkbak, Founder and CEO Xplora Technologies: “As innovation leader in smartwatches, we connect people with their loved ones and let children experience how their daily activities can positively change the world. This value proposition, which we deliver particularly through our unique service platform and the high-quality content of our partners, puts us ahead of our competitors. The key was to be able to grow quickly and sustainably at the very beginning of the rising demand for smartwatches. SevenAccelerator provided us with customized solutions with the right approach to our target groups on ProSiebenSat.1’s various channels and platforms.”

With this investment, SevenAccelerator underlines its expertise in sustainably developing consumer-oriented start-ups by means of individually tailored investments in the form of media performance and massively increasing their brand awareness via ProSiebenSat.1’s high-reach TV and digital channels. The investment unit places special emphasis on partnership-based support for the start-ups and close cooperation with their management.

With the new segment Commerce & Ventures, ProSiebenSat.1 has a wide range of investment forms at its disposal – from seed and venture financing to media-for-revenue or -equity deals to majority investments. Using the SevenAccelerator as a catalyst, the media company can identify economic trends early on and actively develop its portfolio across the Group.

Hvor er dette hentet fra?

Pressemelding gikk ut fra Prosiebensat.1/SevenVentures igår (24/6), men ikke sett noe fra Xplora…

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Selv om det skjer mye i selskapet om dagen så er volumet såpass lavt, med ingen børsmeldinger så om det er noen som ønsker å ha cash på hånd, omrokkere investeringene sine osv, så skjer slikt som har skjedd den siste tiden. Skal veldig lite til for større bevegelser den ene eller andre veien.

  1. Juni var vel sist med høyere volum. Så dette var en korreksjon på relativt høyt volum. Har vært flere korreksjoner i enkeltaksjer i dag, også i helt andre bransjer. Noen av disse har kommet litt ut av d blå uten nyheter.

Xplora Technologies AS: Trading update Q2 21 – Strong smartwatch and mobile subscriber growth

Oslo, 8 July 2021

Xplora Technologies (‘Xplora’) is today announcing a trading update for Q2 21.

For Q2 21 Xplora will report sales of 79k smartwatches. This represents a y/y growth of 180% from the 28k smartwatches sold in Q2 20, and 28% growth from Q1 21.

In Q1 21 Xplora reported a 155% y/y growth in smartwatch sales with 62k units sold. For H1 21 Xplora has sold 141k smartwatches, up 168% from the 52k smartwatches sold in H1 20.

Xplora exited Q2 21 with 94k mobile subscribers in the Nordic markets. This represents a y/y growth of 79% from 53k subscribers in Q2 20, and up 18% sequentially from 80k subscribers in Q1 21.

Xplora is scheduled to release its full Q2 21 report on 31 August 2021.

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140 000 ish solgt i H1. Skal selge 360 000 klokker siste halvår ifølge egen guiding.

Jaggu at ikke noen aktører leste de tallene i går…

vel, d kan jo være at innside info hadde noe å gjøre med korreksjonen i går. Men kan like gjerne være at kahoot knekken fikk flere til å revurdere sine risikoposisjoner litt.
EDIT: spørs om man tenker salget er godt eller dårlig. Krangler litt med meg selv. Er vel minimum ift guidingen, men ikke så verst gitt kursen kanskje.

Hentet fra xi:
SB1 om Xplora: Earlier today, XPLRA issued a trading update for 1Q21, which showed that for 2Q21, the company will report sales of 79m smartwatches, which represent a YoY growth of 180%. Two interesting notes, 1) this represent an acceleration of the growth in 1Q21 that came in at 156% and 2) the QoQ growth correspond to 30%, which is above the QoQ (2Q20 vs. 1Q20) growth last year of 20%. Moreover, 3) last year, 1H accounted for 24% of total smartwatch sales for the year, and assuming same seasonality this year, XPLRA is on track to reach 550-600 units rather than the current guidance of 500k units (we model with 500k units currently). Finally, XPLRA exited 2Q21 with 94k mobile subscribers, which is up from the 80k as of 1Q21 and 83k the company had as of April – obviously demonstrating a very strong operational momentum (we model with 125k and the company now tracks towards 130k with same QoQ growth for the rest of the year). Please see our latest research report attached, prepare for what is going to be a very solid 2Q21 and Buy the share.


Jeg har ikke tatt seasonality inn i min antakelse om litt svake tall :slight_smile:

Merk at ingen snakket om QoQ forrige kvartal når man hadde negativt trendbrudd. Da var d kun YoY som gjaldt :wink:


Det er litt friskt av SB1 å regne inn samme sessonvariasjon som tidligere. Spørsmålet er om man klarer å ta unna disse sterke sessongvariasjonene på samme måte når volumet begynner å bli såpass stort. Å posisjonere seg for et slikt rush innebærer en ikke ubetydelig markedsrisiko.

Men totalt så ser d ikke så verst ut dette!


Jeg ble sjokkert over dagens tall. Det er en helt sinnsyk vekst de leverer nå selv om volumene er ganske høye. Q2 runner 100 millioner inntekt.

Klokkesalget er bra, snart 1000 klokker per dag.

Men jeg er enda mer imponert over nye Xplora mobile abonnenter. Veksten der er vill til tross for at de satte opp prisen tidligere i år


Gir ikke mening det du sier her. Q4 er årets desidert største kvartal med julen i fokus. Sammenlikner ikke Q1 som er årets svakeste mot årets beste. Q1 og Q2 er relativt like i seasonality for Xplora, så det gir godt sammenlikningsgrunnlag

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Usikker på hva du reagerer på og hva som ikke gir mening for deg. Jeg har aldri vært i tvil om at Q4 er sterkere enn Q1. Limte inn et stolpediagram i mitt forrige innlegg nå, som viser volumet kvartal for kvartal.

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Det var første gang med signifikant kvartalsvis nedgang. Merk at det samme skjedde ikke fra Q4 2019 til Q1 2020. Derfor kalte jeg det et trendbrudd. Ikke at det er så viktig, men d er artig å legge merke til hvor selektive en del er i valg av sammenligning. Og det var poenget mitt.

Legg også merke til at sessongvariasjonene var mye sterkere ifjor enn i 2019. Så står ved at det er friskt av SB1 å regne inn akkurat 2020 variasjonene i sin guiding. Og det er flere grunner til at det er optimistisk, jeg skal ikke gjenta meg selv.

Risk/reward ser helt grei ut nå.