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Den jämfördes som en lookalike med Qfuel är min uppfattning. In på merkur ASAP pga ESG hype.

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Qfuel er konkret. Suksess kan i best case bety verdensherredømme. Agilyx på sin side er bare traust. Utlisensiering minsker både nedsiden og oppsiden betraktelig. Usexy og ditto vanskelig å hausse.


hva trur folk om denne vidre?

Jeg tok en posisjon i dag. QFuel og denne går når det er mye snakk om plastgjennvinning i media. Jeg ønsker å være eksponert mot segmentet så jeg har tatt en post i både QFuel og denne. Tror begge kommer på sikt.

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Den forestående overgangen i samfunnet til mindre bruk av «feil» plast kan bli heftig for mange selskaper, spesielt hvis EU opprettholder sin foreløpig ganske aggressive politikk for å få ting til å skje.

Vil anbefale deg å sjekke ut Bioextrax (BIOEX), da de også kan være et godt bet innenfor en del av samme bransjen.

50% opp siste uken. Snakker vi julekule?

Det kan du si. Sitter på noen nå. Undrer på hvor høyt det går. Qfuel var oppe i 72 da jeg solgte

The United States has a plastic problem. Of all of the plastic produced since 1950, 91% have never been

1 After being tossed into trash cans or wishfully into recycling bins, most plastic ends up in landfills or
incinerators, here and overseas.

2 The reality is that the amount of plastic produced in the United States cannot
be reasonably recycled. In addition, many of the types of plastic that are produced cannot be recycled into
useful new products.

3As a result of increased public awareness of plastic pollution, the plastic and fossil fuel industries are facing
increasing market constraints and widespread consumer backlash. These industries have faced increased
pushback from consumers who are choosing reusable alternatives, China and other Asian countries rejecting
plastic waste exports, and governments instituting bans on single-use plastic. But rather than taking
responsibility for their plastic waste, these industries are pushing forward plans to produce additional billions of
tons of plastic that reach beyond the planet’s ecological capacity and put the health of communities and
workers at risk.
While the petrochemical industry has flooded the world with even more plastic, it has also maintained that the
answer to the plastic pollution problem is not making less of it, but rather investing in downstream techno-fixes.
One in particular has risen to buzzword status in the plastic scene: “chemical recycling.” It is a term often used
by the petrochemical industry that conflates plastic-to-plastic and plastic-to-fuel technologies as a form of
recycling. In this report, we use the term “chemical recycling” to refer to the technology behind both plastic-to-
plastic (PTP) and plastic-to-fuel (PTF) operations, although only the former truly qualify as recycling operations
and we reject the use of the term for plants that mainly produce plastic-to-fuel.
A recent review of scientific and technological evidence called “Chemical Recycling: Status, Sustainability, and
Environmental Impacts” shows the chemical recycling industry is riddled with technical, economic, and
environmental problems.

4 The key findings are:
 “Chemical recycling” releases toxic chemicals into the environment.
 “Chemical recycling” has a large carbon footprint.
 “Chemical recycling” has not yet been proven to work at scale.
 “Chemical recycling” cannot compete in the market.
 “Chemical recycling” does not fit in a circular economy.

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Noen med aksjonærlister og evt med endringer den siste tiden?

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Noen som kan noe om den her? Stiger jevnt og trutt for tiden. Hvor høyt kan den gå?

Dem er gode til å hause aksjer,bare se hva prisen ble satt på Quantafuel nå er den ikke bryderie å se på en gang,bare tragisk

Pris bok 52 vs qfuel 0.7 og pryme 0.6.

Det er ingenting som kan forklare en så stor forskjell.

Er det fornuftig å sammenligne pris/bok på et selskap som har en asset-light businessmodell med selskaper som har en “asset-heavy” businessmodell?


Nesten 3 milliarder i MCAP for nesten bare papirer med andre ord.

Flaggemelding :

Mirabella Financial Services LLP
d) the number of shares encompassed by the notification,

this is an initial position which has crossed the 5% threshold.


Lagt til ticker på emnet.