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Babyrage`s Strategi Guide

Entrymetoden ved BO er kjøp ved brudd opp på åpning rangen, som kan være etter 1, 5 eller 30 minutter. SL settes på LOD.
Men så handler han de mest eksplosive av alle aksjer

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Kanskje derfor jeg ble litt forvirret. For på noen av videoene snakker han om at man egentlig kun trenger daily chart. Men ved brudd på daily, kan man fort være utenfor eller ganske nærme SL grensen for å kunne ta en posisjon.

Men ser potensialet her ved å eventuelt kombinere det med Weis Waves i de mindre konsollideringene etter rally.

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Kan jo ikkje vere so mange trades som er innanfor dei kriterane som blir lista i den videoen? Om han skal greie under 1,5% risk, er det jo ingen margin på å treffe med inngang/spread. Kan vel berre vere mogleg på aksjar med stort volum?

Edit: trudde først det var 1% av posisjon, ikkje av heile kontoen. Men uansett ikkje mykje å gå på. Kan huske å sett scenario som passar, men langt mellom kvar gang. Uansett, godt forklart om breakouttrades, so skal begynne å sjå etter liknande setups og prøve dei ut

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Det er ein grunn til at han handler i USA. Mange mange flere aksjer

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I’ve achieved some success over the years in the market, and have gotten to know and learned from people whom I belive to have found and perfected a system that fits my personality. It’s made them millions of dollars.

As I belive we, ourselves, are our best teachers. I decided it was time to pay it forward. It’s not for everyone. It’s simply a strategy, but with a magnificent track record based on a few known Market Wizards.

I’ve come to realize that most investors today struggle with keeping it simple. A great system should be simple and effective. But that comes with a price, it’s boring. It’s repetitive.

In today’s world, many investors suffer from instant gratification. They need the latest tech, indicator, strategy… and they’re willing to pay thousands of dollars for it. The sweet spot? Deferred gratification. Simplicity. Repetition. Compounding.

Repetition in the market pays dividends. So, as I’ve gathered this knowledge over the years and implemented if myself with decent results. Why not pay if forward? Share it. It’s simple, understandable, and highly effective for anyone willing to work for it.

I’ve compiled it to a few general bullet points that I feel are viable for any strategy. It’s nothing new and it’s been mentioned before by many different investors from different backgrounds, because it works.

So here goes.

Time in market is risk. Spend as little time in the market as possible. Now that’s not synergistic with daytrading. It simply mean that a 100% net return over 6 months is less risky, than 100% net return over 12 months.

Timing. No matter if you focus on technical criterias or fundamental criterias, there’s always an aspect of timing that needs to be respected. There are good times to be invested, and there are bad times to be invested.

Cut your losses. Doesn’t matter what net return you’ve achieved, a big drawdown will destroy your capital. All major drawdowns begin as small drawdowns. You need capital. Losses should be single percentage digits.

Focus your positions solely on your criterias. There’s two possible reasons for why you are failing. Either your criterias are not sound, or the market sentiment is bad, decide which is true and take actions accordingly.

Focus on the setups and/or criterias you know and understand. Never deviate from strategy.

Price leads, always. It’s been true for the past two hundred years, and is still true. Price don’t care about you or your feelings. Price > fundamentals. However, price is the direct effect of the markets reaction toward fundamentals, use it.

Leaders throughout history all move in the same ladder-like uptrend. They all share common technical traits. Study them. Develop a strategy. Implement. Nothing has changed since the early 1900’s.

Never force trades. Successfull momentum trading is dependent on the developed quality of waiting. You need to develop sit-out power, and never chase a trade, let them come to you.

High turnover should be expected, as more money should flow into stocks with better looking setups. Don’t be afraid to move on. Better to re-buy if you are stopped out on your initial stop if the stock moves back up.

Hit-rate means nothing. If you manage risk and keep your losses small, you can still be profitable with a 20-30% hit-rate. Care less about statistics and more about your entry and sell criteria.

Capital distribution. Every year a single digit percentage of stocks yield almost all of the net return. Your job is to identify the fastest moving stocks, and buy at the right time.

The ultimate goal is the highest possible net return as quickly as possible with the lowest possible risk. Hence; Time Value = Percent / Duration.

With the rise of paid descriptions, and the latest gurus trying to scam you of money… this knowledge is free. Learn by doing. Pay it forward. Give your peers the chance to learn from people whom made the mistakes you’re about to do a thousand times.

Good luck and whatever strategy you chose, I hope you’re successful.


Tar en pause fra tekinvestor frem til neste år. Godt nytt og takk for i år.


Takk for deling, håper resten av 2021 blir bra!:slight_smile:

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Dette er jo en smart greie. Da sitter man gjerne ikke i markedet når det kræsjer. Vet at det er flere her som bruker det prinsippet.


Ble jo greit dette, kun to posisjoner frem til idag. Short OMX og Hamlet Pharma.

Året begynte som nær forventet tøft. Har dog snudd lang idag for en kort periode. Økt opp min hamlet posisjon på riktig. Nå yolo resten av 2022.



Vi kan gå i resesjon, krig, renteøkninger og inflasjonskris under et og samme år. Vær short eller ha penger under madrassen, you can thank me later.


Things you see in a bear market.

12R Aksjer som gått > 100%.





Solgt en god del shorts, selger gull senere idag. Økt long Hamlet pharma. Kassa 20%.

Russisk indeks ned -50% idag. Fuck krig.


Har regnet med et bear market rally, men dette må være det største bluff rallyt i vår tid.

Forbered deres 200% shorts.


Shorts & Biotech eneste posisjoner siden 2021. Markedet gjør akkurat hva den skal.


Oil & energi



Håper året deres er stabilt, fortsatt net short.

Inflationstakt 9-10%. Regner med boliglån renter opp mot 4-6% neste år. Vi burde også se et generellt høy rente nivå kommende 10-15 år mot 4%. Tøffere tider. Obligasjonsmarkedet er skewed, og boligprisene fortsetter falle. Ønsker casha 1-2 leiligheter 2023-2024.

I løpet av 2-3 år bør det være en ypperlig mulighet for en fantastisk framtidig avkastning.

Lykke til :palm_tree:


Aaalll aboard the titanic