Det er noen poenger der. Vaksinering kan nok komme i gang i 2021 (selv om det kan ta år før alle er vaksinert), men som nevnt i diskusjonen ovenfor trenger vi antivirale medikamenter i lang tid, ikke bare mot covid-19 men andre virussykdommer
(influensavirus er også et “enveloped virus” og “mice that are unable to respond to type I or II interferons due to a targeted disruption of the STAT1 gene are 100-fold more sensitive to lethal infection with influenza A/WSN/33 virus than are their wild-type counterparts”):
“Optimally, we’d have an oral antiviral drug you can give to more people earlier in the course of the illness,” Schooley said. Vaccines might not be 100% effective, “which is better than nothing, but we’re still going to have to rely on drugs and behavioral modifications for a long time to come.”
Selv om bemcentinib blir en gullgruve i kreftbehandling, vil positive resultater mot covid-19 bli en skikkelig bonus.