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…tangles and plaques have ben found in the brains of people who, during life, exhibited no signs at all of suffering from Alzheimer’s. (Recall that we have seen analogous findings of cancer cells in the breasts of women who have had no clinical malignancy, or in the prostates of men dying in healthy old age.) A most telling example came in the recently concluded study of nuns and Alzheimer’s disease. “Sister Mary, the gold standard for the Nun Study, was a remarkable woman who had high cognitive test scores before her death at age 101 years of age. What is more remarkable is that she maintained this high status despite having abundant neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques, the classic lesions of Alzheimer’s disease.” An international scientific consensus is steadily gaining ground that points to Alzheimer’s as one of the diseases on the spectrum of autoimmune conditions, along with multiple sclerosis, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis and many others. Again, these are the diseases in which the body’s immune system turns against the self. In autoimmune diseases there is a blurring between what is self and non-self - foreign matter to be attacked. “Autoimmune aggression” is how Russian researchers recently characterized the pathological process in Alzheimer’s. Canadian researchers have found a higher incidence of other autoimmune diseases in the families of Alzheimer’s patients, suggesting a common predisposition. The inflammation of brain tissue in Alzheimer’s - called inflamm-aging by a group of Italian scientists - has been successfully slowed by the same anti-inflammatory drugs employed in the treatment of arthritis. Spanish investigators have found immune-system components , including specialized immune cells and chemicals, in the brain tissue of affected patients. Scientists have identified unique anti-brain antibodies manufactured by the confused immune system. According to Austrian researchers, “There is little doubt that the immune system plays a role in the neurodegenerative process in Alzheimer’s disease.” The autoimmune diseases all entail imbalances in the body’s physiological stress-regulation system, in particular the hormonal cascade set off by the hypothalamus. This surge of hormones culminates in the release of cortisol and adrenalin by the adrenal glands. Many studies have shown dysregulated stress responses in Alzheimer’s, including abnormal production of hypothalamic and pituitary hormones and cortisol. In human beings with Alzheimer’s and in animal studies of dementia, there is excessive production of cortisol, which is parallelled by the degree of damage to the hippocampus. Dr. Cai Song is an internationally known researcher at the University of British Columbia and co-author of a recent textbook, Fundamentals of Psychoneuroimmunology. “I am convinced that Alzheimer’s is an autoimmune disease,” says Dr. Song. “It is probably triggered by chronic stress acting on an aging immune system.” Gabor Maté; When the Body Says No, The Cost of Hidden Stress, pp 162-163.


Takeda Ventures har investert MNOK 56 i en rettet emisjon i det unoterte norske selskapet Zelluna! Etterlengtet med litt positive nyheter.


PCIB stiger raskt på høyt volum.
Noen som vet hvorfor?


Vet ikke hvorfor, men antar det kan sammenlignes med nanov sin oppgang igår. Ingen nyheter hos noen av de.

Veldig kult og all honnør til Zelluna for å få en kompetent investor inn. Trengs mer av slikt i norsk biotek.


Basert på hva jeg sist hørte om valueringen av Zelluna representerer dette kanskje en ~10% stake? Vet du noe om det?

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Er på ferie, har ikke tallene men det var 1,05 mill aksjer til samme kurs som siste emisjon på 54,60 eller noe sånt.

Ok. Har ikke helt oversikten selv men gjetter på rett under 10% av selskapet.

Aksjekapitalen. Er så vidt jeg kan se 472300kr nå med et pålydende 0,05kr og Takeda kjøper 1.025.641 aksjer, men jeg tror kanskje at det er en emisjon mot tidligere aksjonærer som ennå ikke er registrert i www.breeg.no.

Dere som har mere enn en liten telefon og søke med finner sikkert ut av dette men jeg tror det er mye mindre enn 10%

Anders Tuv fra Radforsk sitter i styret og de har aksjer. Kan sikkert få info derfra.

Og betyr det at markedcap ligger rundt 700 mill??

Står intet om dette hos Zelluna?




85% nedgang for isofol idag. Langt fra de fleste lykkes i biotek:

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Uff nei. Finnes vel andre forum for slik

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Nok et godkjent produkt oppkjøpt, burde være litt bull / spennende for de som har markedsføringstillatelser (caltx, pho, azt?)


Regner med biotek indeksene raller litt overthere i dag. Er en grei sum med 40mrd nok for et produkt som ikke er kommet veldig godt i gang med salget ennå.

Så da starter vel de store å skule på hverandre og prøve å finne de gode kjøpene. (og da drypper det forhåpentligvis på oss små og)

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Hyggelig å tenke på at minst 11 prosent av aksjene var short. Tap på over 2 milliarder for pakket.


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