Photocure: Hexvix® marketing authorization approval in Australia
Oslo, Norway, August 24, 2016: Photocure ASA (OSE: PHO), announces that its
partner and exclusive distributor, Juno Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd, have received
marketing authorization approval (MAA) for Hexvix in Australia. The market
potential in the territory is estimated to be similar to the potential in the
Nordics, where Photocure commercializes Hexvix with its own sales team. Hexvix
is Photocure’s flagship product used to aid in the diagnosis and management of
bladder cancer. Under the terms of the agreement, with the MAA approval in
Australia, Photocure will receive EUR 250,000 in milestone payments.
Q2 2016 inntekter fra Hexview/Nordic var på 10,6MNOK, de totale inntektene i Q2 2016 var på 35,5MNOK. Ikke noe “blockbuster” potensiale mao, men noe jeg tror er gode muligheter til solide inntekter. Ca 4,5MNOK i engangsutbetaling hadde vært nok til å få EBIT til å være positiv i Q2, mao er sannsynligheten for fine tall i Q3 helt klart til stede.