Hvis kostnadseffektivitet per lagret CO2 er utelukkende så ja, men bommer de på sine «støttebehov» blir de kjapt utelatt selv om prosjektet i seg selv er sterkt så vi krysser for at budsjettet er godt nok balansert og at de muligens har en liten innsikt i konkurrentene sine budsjetter.
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Capsol Technologies’ first of two CapsolGo® demonstrations campaigns for cement producer SCHWENK has commenced operations at Akmenės cement plant in Lithuania.
With reference to the press release on August 13, 2024, Capsol Technologies’ CapsolGo® demonstration campaign for SCHWENK’s Akmenės cement plant in Lithuania has commenced operations.
“This carbon capture campaign marks a significant step in our journey towards decarbonization, enabling us to evaluate an innovative solution that contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future,” said Arturas Zaremba, CEO of Akmenės Cementas.
SCHWENK, one of Europe’s most innovative building materials producers, will test Capsol’s technology at two cement plants, with a combined carbon capture potential of up to 1.5 million tons of CO2 per year.
“This initiative provides SCHWENK with invaluable data on Capsol’s End-of-Pipe capture technology, reinforcing our commitment to reducing carbon emissions across all our cement plants and advancing our sustainability goals,” commented Reinhold Schneider, CEO of SCHWENK Northern Europe.
Following the demonstration campaign at the Akmenės plant, the CapsolGo® unit will be transferred to SCHWENK’s Brocēni cement plant in Latvia, where a Capsol feasibility study was conducted in 2024.
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Ja det var meg😔
Er det noen av alle disse FEED’ene som kan bli konkludert og videreført til fullskala ila 2025 med oppstart kanskje i 2026?
Pareto om nyheten: CAPSL – Awarded dual pre-FEED after competitive feasibility study
• Capsol Technologies has been awarded an Engineering Services Agreement for a pre-FEED study
at a cement plant in Europe. The plant has a CO2 capture potential of 600,000 tpa (tonnes of CO2 per annum)
• After having delivered a feasibility study to the cement plant earlier in 2024, Capsol have been selected as one of two technology providers that are advancing to pre-FEED for the project after out-competing three other carbon capture solutions that also delivered feasibility studies
• Depending on project scope, studies are typically adding EUR 50-500k/study to Capsol’s revenues. We assume that the paid work for pre-FEED studies amount to EUR 150-300k, equalling NOK 2.6m, which supports our NOK 5m revenue estimate for study work in Q1’25. Accordingly, we expect no estimate changes on the back of this news
• Should FID be taken, a 600,000 mtpa project translates to potential licensing revenues of EUR 6-9m for Capsol. Given the maturity of the project, it could be ripe for FID during 2026, noting that the carbon capture industry have long lead times and delayed decision-making processes is more the rule than the exception
• At current, Capsol Technologies are positioned to sign three license contracts, pending FID on the three following projects: (i) Stockholm Exergi project, (ii) unnamed project at a European utility, (iii) a Swiss WtE project at KVA Linth
• Our Buy rec. and TP of NOK 20 corresponds to EV/Sales 3.0x avg. 2027-30 (3.0 mtpa of license contracts sold per year on average) and the NPV of its 15 mtpa pipeline, with equal distribution over 2027-32, EUR 12.5/ton and 10% WACC
en liten anekdote på mandags morgen:
Aker Solutions og SLB Capturi er tildelt en kontrakt for karbonfangst- og lagringsløsninger ved Hafslund Celsios energigjenvinningsanlegg på Klemetsrud i Oslo.
Kontrakten defineres som en betydelig kontrakt som Aker Solutions regner til å være mellom 2,5 og fire milliarder kroner.
Kontrakten innebærer levering av karbonfangstanlegg, et flytendegjøringssystem, midlertidig lagring og lastefasilitet ved avfallsforbrenningsanlegget.
SLB Capturi er et felleseid selskap av SLB og Aker Carbon Capture. Prosjektet leveres basert på SLB Capturis modulariserte Just CatchT 400-enhet. Når det er i drift er det ventet at det vil fange 350.000 tonn CO2 årlig.
Exciting News: Stockholm Exergi Receives Support for Bio-CCS
Stockholm Exergi has been awarded support in the Swedish Energy Agency’s reverse auction for BECCS. The approved support amounts to just over 20 billion SEK and will be disbursed continuously over a maximum of 15 years, starting from the commencement of geological storage.
Da bør resten være plankekjøring.
Ja man skal jo aldri si aldri, men dette går nok veien for Capsol.
Ble litt trykk i aksjen etter at nyheten kom. Mange har nok ventet på denne.
Burde etter alle solemerker bli flaggskipet innen BECCS-teknologi. Det gir ikke bare økonomisk trygghet over en periode på 15 år, men også tid til å bygge alt av nødvendig infrastruktur og videre skape en meget robust modell for langsiktig karbonlagring. Ble enda mere bull her.