Diskusjon Triggere PortefĂžljer AksjonĂŠrlister

CombiGene AB (COMBI)🇾đŸ‡Ș

VÊrt inne siden Desember 2017. Er min 3 stÞrste posisjon. HÄper virkelig at det kommer gjennomslag nÄ som vi styrer rett mot klinikk. Veldig gÞy Ä se at det begynner Ä rykke litt nÄ.


Combigene VD i godt selskap
The Future of Swedish & Danish Life Science
September 2nd 2021 | Medicon Village, Lund




Congrats to holders. Have been looking at this for a while but thought i had a bit more time


Halefekkinluja. Dette var deilig. USD 8.5M rett i kassa med en gang og USD 50m som ogsÄ inkluderer milestones pre-klinisk som det er ca 1 Är igjen av. Da er mye av pengebehovet fremover tatt bort og emi spÞkelset forsvinner veldig sÄ greit. SÄ kan en jo fascinere seg over at selskapet etter 100% oppgang kun fortsatt er verd rundt 250 mill sek. Ganske sÄ utrolig. KjÞpt litt mer i dag og kommer nok til Ä forsÞke Ä plukke jevnt og trutt her fremover. Legger hele meldinga nedenfor.

CombiGene and Spark Therapeutics enter exclusive, global licensing agreement for gene therapy candidate CG01

STOCKHOLM, October 12, 2021 — CombiGene AB (‘CombiGene’ or the ‘Company’) and Spark Therapeutics, a member of the Roche Group (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) and a fully integrated, commercial gene therapy company dedicated to challenging the inevitability of genetic disease, today announced the signing of an exclusive collaboration and licensing agreement for CombiGene’s CG01 project, a gene therapy which aims to treat drug resistant focal epilepsy.

The agreement provides Spark with the exclusive world-wide license to develop, manufacture and commercialize CG01. CombiGene will continue to execute certain aspects of the preclinical program in collaboration with Spark. Under the terms of agreement, CombiGene is eligible to receive up to $328.5 million excluding royalties, with $8.5 million upon signing, up to $50 million at preclinical and clinical milestones. CombiGene will also be reimbursed for certain authorized R&D expenses. Upon commercialization, CombiGene is eligible for tiered royalties ranging from the mid-single digits up to low double-digits based on net sales.

“This is a momentous day for CombiGene. Together with our partners and with the support of our shareholders and with an important contribution from the EU program Horizon 2020, we have worked long and hard to arrive at this deal with Spark, and I could not be more proud,” stated Jan Nilsson, chief executive officer, CombiGene. “Our epilepsy project CG01 has continued to show strength throughout the preclinical phase, and in Spark we have now found a perfect partner to take CG01 through the clinical phase to full commercialization. CombiGene and Spark have had a productive ongoing dialogue during the latter parts of CG01’s preclinical development, and the entire CombiGene team have come to know Spark as a visionary and patient-focused organization with the strength, know-how, and experience to exploit the full potential of CG01. We look forward to advancing this potentially transformative therapy together with Spark for the benefit of a patient group in need of better treatments.”

“Spark is constantly evaluating new opportunities to challenge the status quo when it comes to the treatment of diseases with unmet needs, and collaboration is a critical part of our strategy,” said Joseph La Barge, chief business officer, Spark Therapeutics. “We were impressed by CombiGene’s gene therapy platform and look forward to harnessing our collective expertise to tackle diseases that affect signaling in the central nervous system.”

“While many people with epilepsy respond well to current anti-seizure therapies, a significant portion are in need of new treatment options,” said Federico Mingozzi, Ph.D., chief scientific officer, Spark Therapeutics. “Through our new collaboration and licensing agreement with CombiGene, we will work together leveraging our vast knowledge and experience in gene therapy to address unmet needs for people living with drug-resistant focal epilepsy.”

About CG01
CG01 is a unique gene therapy candidate aimed at a large patient population to solve a global need in epilepsy treatment. Epilepsy is a major global medical problem with approximately 47,000 drug-resistant patients with focal epilepsy estimated to be added each year in the US, EU4, UK, Japan, and China. CG01 is in a late preclinical stage, and the production platform, jointly developed by CombiGene and its partners Cobra Biologics and Viralgen, satisfies all quality requirements and is scalable to meet all future needs, from limited volumes for preclinical and clinical trials to full commercial production.

About Spark Therapeutics
At Spark Therapeutics, a fully integrated, commercial company committed to discovering, developing and delivering gene therapies, we challenge the inevitability of genetic diseases, including blindness, hemophilia, lysosomal storage disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. We currently have four programs in clinical trials. At Spark, a member of the Roche Group, we see the path to a world where no life is limited by genetic disease. For more information, visit www.sparktx.com, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

About CombiGene AB
CombiGene’s vision is to offer patients affected by severe life-changing diseases opportunities for a better life through innovative gene therapies. CombiGene’s business concept is to develop effective gene therapies for serious diseases that today lack adequate treatment methods. Research assets are taken in from a network of external researchers and developed further up to clinical concept verification. Drug candidates for common diseases will be co-developed and commercialized through strategic partnerships, while CombiGene may drive the development and commercialization in-house for medicines aimed at limited patient populations.

The Company has signed an exclusive collaboration and licensing agreement for CombiGene’s CG01 project with Spark Therapeutics.

The company is public and listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market and the company’s Certified Advisor is FNCA Sweden AB, +46 (0)852 80 03 99, info@fnca.se.


Rettferdig kurs ser du for deg @laplagam ?

Analysguiden: Miljardavtal med Roche kring CG01

Avtal med Roche kring CG01 potentiellt vÀrt SEK 3 miljarder exklusive royalties

CombiGene meddelar idag att man ingÄtt ett exklusivt samarbets- och licensavtal med Spark Therapeutics, ett bolag i Roche-koncernen. Avtalet ger Spark Therapeutics exklusiv global licens att utveckla, tillverka och kommersialisera genterapin CG01 mot lÀkemedelsresistent fokal epilepsi. Spark Therapeutics Àr inriktat pÄ genterapier inom bl.a. blindhet, hemofili, lysosomala lagringsstörningar och neurodegenerativa sjukdomar. Bolaget har idag fyra program i kliniska prövningar.

Enligt avtalet Àr CombiGene berÀttigat att erhÄlla upp till USD 328,5 miljoner exklusive royalties, med USD 8,5 miljoner vid undertecknandet och upp till USD 50 miljoner vid prekliniska och kliniska milstolpar. CombiGene kommer ocksÄ att ersÀttas för överenskomna utvecklingskostnader och Àr vid kommersialisering berÀttigat till stegvis ökande royalties upp till lÄga tvÄsiffriga tal baserat pÄ nettoomsÀttning.

CG01 har visat goda resultat genom den prekliniska fasen och bolaget sĂ€ger sig i Spark Therapeutics ha hittat en mycket bra partner för att ta CG01 genom den kliniska fasen och vidare till full kommersialisering. CG01 Ă€r en genterapi som riktar sig till en stor patientpopulation dĂ„ ca 47 0000 lĂ€kemedelsresistenta patienter med fokal epilepsi tillkommer varje Ă„r i USA, Japan, Kina, samt de fem största EU-lĂ€nderna. Om 10–20% av dessa blev behandlade med genterapi skulle det innebĂ€ra 4 700–9 400 behandlingar per Ă„r.

CombiGene kommer under 2021 att ha ett tydligt fokus pÄ att genomföra de avslutande prekliniska studierna för genterapiprojektet CG01 mot lÀkemedelsresistent fokal epilepsi, som omfattar biodistributions- och sÀkerhetsstudier. Den första kliniska fas 1/2-studien i mÀnniska med CG01 som har blockbusterpotential berÀknas inledas 2022.

Vi kommer att se över vÄra estimat och vÄr riktkurs för CombiGene med anledning av detta avtal. VÄr senaste analys som publicerades den 7:e september finns tillgÀnglig pÄ följande lÀnk:


Synes det er veldig vanskelig Ä vurdere, men med MSUD 8.5 up front +kassabeholdning pÄ 82msek etter H1 2021, sÄ dekker det rimelige store deler av mcap. Avtalen gjelder ogsÄ kun for cg01, sÄ det er mye mer Ä gÄ pÄ her og. Har selv vurdert det som at selskapet bÞr vÊre omkring 1 mrd ved inngang til klinikken for cg01, og det er ikke akkurat svekket noe med denne avtalen.
Som @sponplate linker til sÄ er kursmÄl for aksjen fra analyseguiden pÄ 21 fÞr denne avtalen ble signert. Blir svÊrt spennende Ä se pÄ hva de lander pÄ nÄ nÄr de har fÄtt gjennomgÄtt dette og gjort en ny evaluering.


OgsĂ„ spennende uttalelser fra CBO i Spark her. Her snakker han om platformen til Combigene og “diseases” i flertall. Kan bli et veldig spennende samarbeid dette!


Til senere referanse:


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ser ut som denne ikke er ferdig idag. bryter ut igjen nÄ
glad jeg kastet meg med i dag morges


Da er vi to magga :handshake:


Gratulerer, Laplagam! Har fulgt med pÄ det du har skrevet tidligere i denne trÄden, men hadde ikke aksjer selv.

Ja, ganske lav mcap her fremdeles. Ikke akkurat priset inn en avtale med Roche ennÄ.

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Utrolig herlig. VÊrt inne siden 2017 sÄ godt Ä se det tar litt avgÄrde. PÄ mange mÄter sÄ er det nÄ det starter ettersom finansieringen har fÄtt seg en fin boost. Veldig spent pÄ hva mr. mcap sier nÄr de skal i gang i klinikken. Her blir det bare Ä vente Ä se.


Ble med pÄ denne nÄ etter omtale pÄ chatten :slight_smile: takk sÄ mye.
NÄ er marketcappen akkurat det samme i sek som avtalen er i Dollar :slight_smile: Kan vÊre noen som ikke egner Ä se forskjell pÄ valuta :slight_smile:
SÄ gÞy Ä fÄ blitt med, den kan jo gÄ til 30 i morra uten at marketcap blir avskrekkende :slight_smile: kun 340 mill nÄ


 en flott dag og for et volum, omsatt 17,35 mill aksjer (av totalt 19,8 mill aksjer). Sikkert mye trading, men en ikke ubetydelig del av aksjonÊrbasen mÄ i dag ha blitt byttet ut til dagsaktuelle kurser.

OgsÄ rart at det ikke er noen stÞrre institusjonelle eiere her? Kanskje det endrer seg nÄ?
Er det noen som har svenske Holdings-lister? Oppdatert og top 50?

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