Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Desert Control Group - Småprat 1

En lengre artikkel om en bok om Net Zero City. Slik jeg forstår det er DSRT nevnt i boka, men litt usikker på akkurat det?

Noen utdrag fra artikkelen:

“The book has captured the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, who has been championing sustainability for over a decade by including examples from Dubai UAE and Expo 2020 Dubai as one of the Global Best Practices.”


  • Net zero Agricultural Innovation – The UAE’s leadership on Food Energy Water Nexus is one of the key project case studies mentioned in the book. Those focused on the Net Zero journey will take particular interest in start-up firms that address industries as varied as agriculture, waste management, advanced materials, energy production, and recycling. The Norwegian firm Desert Control has patented a product called “Liquid NanoClay (LNC),” In its initial commercial trials in the UAE, Desert Control’s product was found to produce 20 percent more watermelons and 60 percent more pearl millet compared with traditional means, while using just half the water. Liquid Natural Clay (LNC) can turn desert sand into fertile soil in less than 7 hours. A process which previously has taken between seven and 12 years." This is a good best practice example of how cities can transition towards net zero through their actions.

Blir Israel et av de neste landene som tar i bruk LNC?

Noen utdrag fra en artikkel om samarbeidet mellom UAE og Israel:

Under the terms of the five-year MoU, the ministries have agreed to collaborate on developing and sharing knowledge, best practices, and technology to increase the quantity and quality of agricultural produce and enhance the sustainability of crop and livestock production. They also aim to boost bilateral trade in agricultural and animal products in accordance and align their animal health and food safety procedures.

Mariam Almheiri said, “Due to their arid desert environment, the UAE and Israel face similar challenges in developing sustainable, climate-resilient agricultural sectors and strengthening food security. Our new partnership aims to initiate a dynamic exchange of experience and expertise in these areas to help us achieve our common goals. Israel is a leader in technology innovation, and we especially look forward to a productive cooperation in technology transfer.”

For his part, Oded Forer said, “Israeli agriculture has always been groundbreaking and innovative throughout the years. This new collaboration between our two countries in the field of agriculture will lead to better and faster solutions for some of our common challenges in the region, such as food security and climate change. We look forward to a fruitful partnership and developing new capabilities together.”


Ingen ting om DSRT her, men hvilken rolle spiller UAE i å sikre hele regionens matsikkerhet?

The panel highlighted the role of Gulf states, particularly the UAE, to secure the entire region’s food security. Food insecurity in the MENA is a growing challenge, as in 2020, the MENA’s share of the world’s acutely food insecure people was 20 per cent, disproportionately high compared to its 6 per cent share of the population.

Climate change was highlighted as the biggest and foremost challenge affecting local agriculture, with half of the MENA population already living under water-stressed conditions. Meanwhile, agriculture productivity rates are not keeping up with population increase, except for Egypt, where productivity gains are above the world average.


Selskapet er pr. Idag verdsatt til drøye kr. 900 mill basert på dagens kurs.
Kr. 170 mill på bok.
Etablert i UEA og USA.
Dette MÅ være den mest potensielt eksplosive aksjen på børsen.
En nyhet her, så går det til himmels.
God helg, snakkes….


Kan føye til denne fra xtrainvestor :relieved:

God helg!


Kan være denne er delt før, men hyggelig lesing.

Can you tell us more about the cooperation with the United Nations

Ole: Yes, basically we are looking to when we reach scalability with our production to be a part of the so called great green wall initiative, it’s on a high-level ambition to rehabilitate. (hyperlink Great Green Wall — The Great Green Wall)

The green wall project is 8000 kilometers from Senegal to Djibouti it’s about creating a 100 million hectares ecosystem restoration which will offset 250 million tons of carbon a year and create more than 10 million green job in rural areas in Africa.

We were planning before covid to launch a pilot in Senegal study but unfortunately Covid has put slow to this. However, once it’s feasible to operate there again with vaccines we will reengage with the UN team to look at countries where we will cooperate with the local government and the United Nations for a feasibility study. The Great Green Wall has already attracted 17 billion dollars of funding and is making progress.

ESGFIRE: What do you view as main possibilities and risks for Desert Control in the coming years?
Ole: The main possibilities are in the middle east and for us at this stage, and we focus on developing a scalability platform, generate revenue, and expand across the region and enter USA with agriculture as our primary segment supported by landscaping .

The larger opportunities come to play with forestry’s and planting of trees with the shift of the Biden administration in USA. There are supportive programs when it comes to what we do for both agriculture and climate actions. These are programs we can tie into, and they could accelerate our expansion in the US; once we have a solid foundation, we can start attacking the rest of the 110 countries exposed to desertification around the world.

The main risks as I see it is how quickly can we scale up if there are tightened Covid-19 restrictions again?
What will be the financial impact on our customers if we have issues with Covid-19?

However, there will, regardless of Covid-19 still be a big need for local food security driving the need for our product.


Legger ut denne igjen… holder fortsatt vann.

ESGFIRE: Do you have any competitors in this field? What does competition look like?

Ole: I think the biggest competitor is the one I call ignorance and lack of knowledge.
The issues that our products address, topics such as desertification, are happening out of sight for most people. Soil degradation is happening under our feet, and the vital top soli is getting thinner from underneath. Some people become aware by seeing documentaries like «Kiss the Ground» on Netflix.
There are substitute products that could be used as complementary with Desert Control’s products such as biochar, polymer’s, peat moss and other things. The main difference from us is that while we are liquid, they are solid. We could potentially help liquify some of these products to decrease their intrusiveness or use them in combination with our solution.
There are of course other things that compete with us occupying a piece of customers wallets. However, if you look at the global market, the costs of desertification for the global economy is 490 million USD per year. We definitely need competitors because this is a huge market, and we must turn it around to safeguard the future for people and planet.

ESG: Do you have any plans to get a secondary listing perhaps on Nasdaq in the US in the future?

Ole: No plans, but it is possible. The nature of our business is global.
We are currently listed on the Euronext Growth index of the Oslo Stock Exchange in Europe where we are born.

It made sense to have access to capital from our closest market. However, if you look at our global expansion it may at some point make sense to consider other markets to be listed on.
We do already frequently get requests from investors who want to be part of our journey and who say it would be easier if the company was listed on other markets.

ESGFIRE: Patent protection, how comprehensive and how long is your product protected for?

Ole: Our patent is solid it covers the process and the actual binding between clay and sand particles in the soils. I’m not a big believer in building castles and walls and protecting things with patents, we need to focus on being the best at what we do. Our main patent was filed 2007 and approved, so naturally it will last 20 years (2027). We are working on potential additional patents. We have main patents and then we create patents around it. Even before Desert Control was established in 2017 it took 12 years to make it work in a way that it does not bring any harm to nature. Our product is not like software, when you deal with nature you need a full calendar year and then 4-5 natural cycles over time to get it right. It’s a lengthy process for any potential competitor. Further we believe our know-how and understanding about how to formulate our product optimally for each targeted soli type and the unique preferences of different plants and crops will be a good way of adding value for customers and staying ahead of competition at the same time.

If we play our cards right and execute on our official strategy we will maintain our competitive advantage for the unforeseeable future because it’s about how you build a competitive platform before competitors arrive. Our goal is to have a product and knowledge base as a constantly learning and evolving platform. That way, anyone who tries to copy us they will simply copy yesterday’s news.

Our goal is to have a product that’s so scalable and automated that it does not require training because then you cannot scale. Our goal is to create a model that can scale comparably to Starbucks, McDonalds etc. with a mobile soil health kitchen. The mobile soil platform will be the core. The algorithms for soil treatments will be the core IP treatments and will be in the digital cloud and not in the unit.


@jens59 du kan kanskje fortelle hvorfor det er bilde av Ole på tiden 3:12, på denne portugisiske videoen?

Videoen har en visning og det er vel meg det da…

Så dette er nok en kuriosistet, men ble nysgjerrig :laughing:

Ifølge teksten som medfølger så er dette kun at DC introduseres som en ny teknologi for å få bukt med ørkenspredningen:

“Ny teknologiutvikling for oppstartsselskaper, som en Desert Control, som kommer på Noruega, og tilbyr forskjellige rotasjoner”

Frequently faktisk :blush:

Det er kanskje her de har litt utfordringer for å vokse fort?

Er det noen som vet ca hvor mye operatørene egentlig må gjøre under produksjon?

Hva de trenger av fysisk arbeidskraft vet jeg ikke, men har forstått det slik at lokal arbeidskraft skal leies inn. Det kan jo stemme om resten skal være skybasert i fremtiden.

Desert Control is well funded for future development and growth. The nature of the business allows flexibility for investments and cost to be aligned with customer demand and revenue. There are of course risks to all business ventures. For example, if Covid-19 suddenly causes a 4th wave with lockdowns we may suffer delays. However, the flexibility of our business model allows us to be prudent and aggressive at the same time. We are not taking on unnecessary burn rate before passing key milestone as an example.

Hva tenker man om dette? Burde det ikke være av svært høy prioritet å fokusere på patenter?

Hvis du leser i innlegg rett ovenfor holder de på med nye patenter slik at nye konkurrenter alltid ligger etter med sin teknologi.

Er det dette du mener?

If we play our cards right and execute on our official strategy we will maintain our competitive advantage for the unforeseeable future because it’s about how you build a competitive platform before competitors arrive. Our goal is to have a product and knowledge base as a constantly learning and evolving platform. That way, anyone who tries to copy us they will simply copy yesterday’s news.

We are working on potential additional patents. We have main patents and then we create patents around it. Even before Desert Control was established in 2017 it took 12 years to make it work in a way that it does not bring any harm to nature. Our product is not like software, when you deal with nature you need a full calendar year and then 4-5 natural cycles over time to get it right. It’s a lengthy process for any potential competitor

Evidence of innovation and creativity in your business

A patent is important because it provides you with an exclusive right that can:

  • increase your competitive advantage and help you earn money from your invention
  • help you achieve a greater share of the market
  • help to prevent conflicts
  • be used as evidence in a conflict
  • gives you a sound basis for entering into sales and licensing agreements with others.
  • make your business more attractive to partners and investors


Les litt her for å forstå hvorfor god patentbeskyttelse er essensielt. Spesielt at de er så tydelige på at dette ikke er noe de er opptatt av…

Ingen som bør nekte for at det er viktig, men stort sett handler det om bransjer med begrenset antall kunder og et svært spesifikt produkt. LNC må spesialtilpasses lokale omgivelser for å fungere optimalt. Altså know-how. I tillegg er etterspørselen nær sagt uendelig.

På ett eller annet tidspunkt langt opp og fram kan man se for seg at manglende patentbeskyttelse vil kunne fungere som en begrensning for Desert Control, men sett i et globalt miljøperspektiv vil det nesten være å foretrekke. Utfordringene er for store til at de kan eller bør håndteres av ett selskap alene.


Ja, det er jo egentlig fint at de får sysselsatt lokal arbeidskraft. Og etter hvert tror jeg nok de vil få til en bra og automatisert løsning, men det kan jo ta litt tid å utvikle dette. Vet ikke helt hvor mange som jobber ved R&D avdelingen de opprettet…?
Per nå krever det jo mye manuell operasjon og dermed en del opplæring for å håndtere clusterene.

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Nå har de patent på LNC i 5 år til, og slik jeg forstår det jobbes det med nye patenter. OKS sier også som du nevner anng konkurenter, at de ikke kan klare dette alene og ønsker andre velkommen inn. DCG er dog de enste som har et flytende produkt. Han nevner også at deres teknologi kanskje kan hjelpe inn mot “faste” produkter. Altså samarbeid med andre “konkurenter”. En vinn vinn for alle globalt.

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