Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Desert Control Group - Småprat 1

16000 aksjer nå fram til klokka 1200. Nesten en glemt aksje nå.

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Vi får lene oss på nylige uttalte utsagn. Det er ikke om å levere, men det å kunne levere nok.
Og, arbeids flokken i UEA kan jo ikke bare sitte på r……
(Ja, jeg vet også at de lager et firma, og at det tar tid.)
Det har også vært merkelig stille fra OKS sin FB side også.
(Ja, jeg vet han har hatt Covid)
Han, pleier å legge ut ting ca hver 10 dag.
Men, tolker det som at det er stille før stormen?


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Det samme hørte jeg.
Men så er jo dette en prosess som er utenfor Deserts hender. Vi får se… Kanskje får vi fine påskeegg fra UAE i år

Kan det være noe her dere ser etter?

Norwegian AgTech Company Desert Control has developed a liquid natural clay that can turn desert into arable land and reduce water usage for agriculture, forests, and green landscapes. The company entered an agreement and launched a pilot project with Mawarid Holding Inv. and Barari Natural Resources in UAE. Based on positive interim results from the pilot, the parties extend the agreement with additional strategic initiatives. Further, the parties announce the intention to move forward to prepare a strategic partnership to accelerate deployment of Liquid Natural Clay (LNC) for large scale operations in the United Arab Emirates.

Desert Control and Mawarid Holding Inv. reports positive development of the pilot project for initiatives to strengthen food security while reducing water requirement for agriculture, forest and green landscapes. Based on the positive interim results and successful cooperation, the agreement is being extended to include more strategic crops and applications of LNC that can further expand business opportunities. Both parties’ express commitment to move forward towards a strategic partnership for accelerated deployment of LNC within the United Arab Emirates and the wider Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

“Mawarid and Barari create value at the forefront of innovations and sustainable practices that improve the environment while driving profitable growth,” says Mawarid Holding Investment CEO Ayman El Gayar. “In partnership with Desert Control, we can save water, reduce fertilizer usage, improve desert soils, fight desertification, and reduce costs for our operation as well as for our clients. The partnership we aim to build will have a tremendous environmental impact in the UAE and the wider MENA region."

Desert Control has a global market for its LNC, and the agreement with Mawarid targets an exclusive partnership for the United Arab Emirates as the foundation for further expansion across the MENA region.

“The foundation for any successful partnership is a united culture built on shared values with transparency that foster strong relationships and trust. Through these principles, we achieve excellent execution and solid value creation in our collaboration. Working together as partners during the initial pilot proves that we are successfully building this foundation between Mawarid and Desert Control, says CEO Ole Kristian Sivertsen.”


Nei…finner ikke noe mer enn vi allerede vet !!

Desert Control – Down 22 %.
Position size of portfolio : 8,8 %
The company gave an update on their big project in Abu Dhabi with Mawarid. The agreement was extended to include a bigger scope which could lead to larger revenues than initially was thought and is preparing for stage two. The company is gaining more and more news as fertilizer prices are exploding upwards and the need for alternative methods are being sourced globally.


Endte ned atter en dag, flotte greier og god helg :wink:

Heisan, og god kveld.
Sitter og spaner litt på nettet.
Fant, denne som er en mnd gammel.
Hvilket språk det er på aner jeg ikke, men den reklamerer for Desert Control, og Nano clay.


Jeg tror den er luftet her tidligere, lagt ned mye arbeid i den og beskriver vel ødeleggelsen som demninger gjorde for landbruket. Men få views, få subscribers - dessverre

Ser dog at DC for et par måneder begynte å delvis svare på kommentarer på YouTube igjen, men tilbakemeldingene spriker noe voldsomt

Uten at jeg husker godt nok fra den jeg leste i går til å legge inn link så uttale de for 2 måneder siden at de forventet stor vekst i USA. Men de kommenterte også på en video for 3 år siden at det var rett før de lisensierte ut produktet i store deler av verden, så vi må tydeligvis ta dette med en spiseskje sandy (desalinated) soil :wink:

Pastoren er aktiv i dag :heart:


Dette innlegget ble rapportert og er midlertidig skjult.

https://fb.watch/bJGzyEWk7q/ Se til slutt.


Jøss- ser jo ut til at de bruker LNC i storskala allerede i den videoen da

Vi får håpe det bekreftes via Desert, flott video!

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Hvis de bruker det i storskala må Selskapet melde det. Så det gjør de nok ikke. Men at Saudi Arabia kommer til å bli en viktig kunde innen rimelig tid det er jeg overbevist om.


Jeg tror selskapet melder ytterst lite, på godt og vondt

Taim vill sjåu

Hvis de hadde storskalaproduksjon i Saudi Arabia ville det selvsagt vært meldingspliktig.

Men at de kan ha eller har hatt piloter der som kan føre til kontrakter når JVet blir ferdig etablert, det bør være svært mulig!

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Vel, denne kom jo for litt siden. Og dette var Saudi Arabere.


Saudi Arabia har vært på befaring anng LNC i UAE den senere tid. Om videoen stemmer, noe den sannsynligvis gjør har det vært utprøvd i Saudi også vil jeg tro ja.

Litt mer god lektyre for de som liker det. Denne artikkelen er nokså ny hvor DCG er nevnt som et av ytterst få selskap!

God søndag.

What future agriculture for the Middle East ?

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The MENA zone - Middle East and North Africa - is facing major development challenges. Indeed, political and economic instabilities contribute to increase the poverty rate in the area and, as a result, food insecurity. In the region, the demand for food is constantly increasing, mainly for two reasons : high population growth and an increase in the income of the middle class. Therefore, better utilization of agricultural resources, using new « AgriTech » technologies, but also favorable policies, could transform and stimulate the agricultural sector in MENA.

Agriculture in MENA, what forecasts for the coming years ?

A report entitled « Agriculture in Mena - Growth, Trends, Covid-19 impact and Forecasts (2021-2026) », published in 2021 by Modor Intelligence based on data collected for the year 2020, presents an analysis of the current situation of the agricultural sector in the region. This study is based on the following elements : production volume of agricultural consumption and trade in the sector, including imports and exports, as well as future trends in prices of crops such as cereals, fruits and vegetables. The study forecasts that the MENA agricultural market will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.7 percent between 2021 and 2026.

The study highlights two main trends. The first is the region’s quest for food self-sufficiency, which would be a « stimulus » for regional production. The MENA region is food insecure, due to extreme weather conditions (aridity, heat, drought) that make agricultural production difficult and natural resources scarce, as well as to the undernourishment of the population due to poverty. The second significant fact for the sector is the growing dependence on imports to fill the domestic gap. Several projects are being implemented to reverse this trend.

Based on the premise that increasing food production would, in part, lead to food security, some states in the region have taken steps, such as Qatar, which, in cooperation with shopping malls and large retail outlets, has developed the « National Product » initiative, promoting « Made in Qatar ». Qatari farmers grow fruits and vegetables in greenhouses and add the official « National Product » label, highlighting local products. Another example is Morocco, which, according to a report, « The State of Food Insecurity in the World » published by the FAO in 2020, « has made significant progress in reducing hunger », thanks to maximizing the production of large agricultural areas and aid to small farms : cereal production had thus « increased from 777,120 metric tons in 2016 to 3,008 metric tons in 2018 ».

The technology at the service of agriculture in the Middle East

According to the FAO, by 2050, « annual cereal production will have to increase to 3 billion tons, compared to 2.1 billion tons produced today ». In the Middle East, 28% of the region’s total population of 296 million, 84 million people, depend exclusively on agriculture. While « agriculture accounts for only 13% of the region’s GDP », the agricultural sector could thus play « a strategically important role in promoting resilient food systems, keeping critical economic sectors alive, and providing the basis for many economies ». But how to transform the agricultural sector by making it more efficient ? Since the 2010s, the region has relied on new agricultural technologies - AgriTech - to solve problems related to fertile agricultural soils and water shortages.

The Middle East is now renowned for the number of innovative start-ups that have emerged. Designed « to increase and improve the performance of the agricultural sector, while using less energy and more sustainable methods », these technologies rely on data analysis, the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), among other things. Aware of the food emergency, the GCC countries, « at the forefront » of the « AgriTech movement », are investing heavily in public-private partnerships and collaborations. So far, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has made the largest investment, $100 million, as part of its « National Food Security Strategy ».

Through innovative and sustainable farming methods, AgriTech offers clear advantages such as « soil-less agriculture », which uses 90% less water than conventional fields. Called « vertical farms », these farms are being developed in high-rise buildings in cities, following the FAO’s recommendations for « urban agriculture ». The first in the Gulf, « Badia Farms », is located in the UAE. Other initiatives, in Jordan, the start-up « Tulua » creates and manages aquaponic systems, a method « aimed at generating higher yields without waste » and the UAE is developing a revolutionary new technology : to make infertile land fertile via « non-intrusive soil reclamation based on liquid natural clay (LNC), a nanoclay that transforms unproductive desert land into fertile soil ».

**Contact Rania Khedhir, Senior Consultant in charge of Agribusiness recruitments for [Morgan Philips Executive Search, Africa & Middle-East](https://www.morganphilips.com


Dette er også noe som selskapet har informert markedet fint lite om:

Growing Use of Sensors for Automation

…Sensors are the most prevalent form of AgTech being incorporated in the UAE’s agricultural sectors. Sensor-based accelerators, gyroscopes, and GPS monitors are increasingly being employed for greater yields in large-scale agricultural projects


Vi vet jo allerede at de (Desert Control) har etablert et eget teknologisenter
På Forus lab, sent i november 2021, i tillegg har de sporadisk hevdet å utvikle sensorer og AI teknologi som skal kunne optimalisere vanning med mer (overvåke jorder)

De sitter dermed nå på:

  • Flere ansatte enn noensinne
  • Høy produksjonskapasitet
  • Sannsynligvis verdensledende R&D og IPR
  • JV med Mawarid, samt nyetablerte i USA

I påvente av meldinger fra selskapet, annet enn at ørken sprer seg og en og annen tweet; Tror dere vi muligens kan oppleve at vi får melding om salg av AI produkter og sensorteknologi FØR det blir bulksalg av LNC?

Mawarid eier jo mye skog, ørken og jorder- JV’et er jo sikkert ikke begrenset til LNC, og det ville vel være logisk å hente ut mest mulig data før man eventuelt pøste på med LNC?

Selv i USA; samle inn data og deretter dokumentere faktiske besparelser ved teknologien?

Sier “eventuelt” fordi jeg skeptisk av natur og DC tross alt hittil har hatt svært lave inntekter fra dem. At teknologien kan redde enkelte land fra sult innen kort tid later ingen til å bry seg om (money talks)